MINE_BASICS TUNNEL TUNNELLING To start mining, you need to find a room with any of the following words in
the roomname: rock, sand, earth, stone, mine, soft, hard, cave.
You also need a miningtool: a shovel or a pickaxe - or both.
You can buy basic mining equipment in the Mining Shop at the already existing
Gold Mine in Old West Dimension. Later you'll find several sub-terranean
shops in the Mine itself.
Tunnelling is slow work at first and you have to wait out the TUNNEL command
to have effect.
Several people can tunnel from the same room, but NOT in the same direction.
Sand rooms need to be supported with pitprops, or they'll collapse. Explosives
can make mining faster, but are also risky to use. Watch out for traps and
aggro mobs in the tunnels!
See also: MINING for the other mine helpfiles.