Usage: remote <variable> <id>
Remoting a variable saves that variable to the player file for future access.
This is used heavily for quests to limit a player to only performing it once.
Here is a quick example from zone 14. The variable must first be set and then
saved to the players file via remote, like:
* setting the variable to 1 means completed.
set solved_example_quest_zone_14 1
remote solved_example_quest_zone_14
Then in future triggers it is checked if that variable already exists in the
player file. In this example, if it does the player is not allowed to continue.
<variable> should always be a unique name. I suggest always including zone #.
<id> can be any value or text you wish to use later.
Create a global variable belonging to a character or player whose id is
specified. The variable must first exist in the script that is running.
For more examples go through the trigedit hallway.
Examples: {cRTSTAT 1409-1411, 23612-23614{c0