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Revision as of 15:50, 13 July 2017 by Loran (talk | contribs)

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1) Set the sex of the mob. (male, female or neutral)

2) Put the main name first in the name list. Example: girl small

3) No caps. No blank or period after the desc. Example: the girl

4) Must be a full sentence. Example: A small girl sits here.

5) Remember to type /c before typing in the new description, and to format

the desc by typing /f when you are finished with it.

6) Try to be logical when you choose level, and make it fit the zone level.

7) >350 is good, -350 - 350 is neutral, < 350 is evil align.

8-G) These stats are set automatically by the code with the level of the mob.

H) Defined by the mob race. Animals have no gold, Exotic gold must be set.

I-J) The position should be standing in most cases.

K) Choose an attack type suitable for the mob.

L-M) Check the board to se what the different Flags do.

R) Remember to set the race! It determines whether the mob has gold or not.

N) Add segments to a mob, mob segments move and die with the mob, can't be seen by mortals.

V) A mobs class defines how it attacks and the skills it knows.

T) The tier adds a dificulty modifier to the mob, the higher the tier the stronger it is.

O) The mob will use the given subskill appropriately when needed.

U) Charisma, the higher shopkeepers charisma is the more they sell items for.

S) Used only if the mob has a script.

Q To quit the editor type q and y.

Type medit save <zone#> or 'saveall' every time you quit redit.