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100 Cha limit and backstab damage

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Here are two suggestions for improvements:

1. Fighters and rogues have a chance to do backstab damage in every round. High level tiered mobs can do thousands of damage this way, often killing the player. I propose to limit this damage to 75% of the player's maxhit, so you have the chance to do something when you get hit the first time.

2. Cha is limited to 100 at the moment, while damroll is capped at 150. 100 cha is easier to get, especially because of divine mind. When you've hit 100, new quest equip isn't as useful anymore. The idea is to raise the limit to 150.

1. I'm all in favor of your suggestion on reducing the backstab/encircle damage. It makes no sense to me that through maximum armor and sanctuary, (which is supposed to reduce damage to the minimum for that type of hit), for nearly 8000 hit points of damage, it could be higher, but I've seen very near 8k several times. Even at 75 percent of the players max HP there is a probability of the first encircle killing them.

2. I'm in favor or increasing the limit on Charisma to the proposed 150 limit, I'm not sure it can be reached though. When I hear many casters talk about their Cha it seem many don't reach 80 even with divine mind and know of no one that makes it without using divine mind. I'm the first to admit that there is much I don't know.

The 75 percent limit can be discussed, but with this limit you at least have a chance to survive if you heal enough.

There are over 25 wear slots, i don't know if there is +5 cha equipment for all of them yet, but it should at least be possible to use all of it imo.

As it is easy for these high level mobs to do 25 percent of a players hit points in damage in one or two rounds, would a percentage of the players remaining hit points instead of their maximum hit points be unreasonably low? Ie: player has max hit points of 3600 hit once or twice for 900 damage, then encircled for 3600*.75=2700 produces dead, where as encircled for 2700*.85=2160 leaving them with about 400 hit points. Remembering that some of these mobs can get multiple hits on a player per round and are located in rooms where fleeing and retreating are both impossible. Grabbing a potion and quaffing it takes two rounds, (I think, haven't used it in awhile), and the heal spell has frequent failures.

Using a percentage of the current hp makes mobs hit less and less. When you're down to 10 hp you still won't die from a backstab which looks kinda silly. The same is true when taking a percentage from the maxhit, but then there's only a difference between players which is less obvious.

When you have wimpy set, can they still get hits in after a backstab?
75% is the upper limit though, it will be lower than that most of the time.


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