Author Topic: New stuff, please explain  (Read 19478 times)

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Offline Kvetch

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New stuff, please explain
« on: July 21, 2015, 12:12:04 pm »
While I do like new stuff going in to the building, and I admit I have been mostly afk for a bit... can someone explain to me how to use option J under oedit?  I believe this is where "material" used to be - as that question does come up, but there is much more to it than that now and I don't know how to answer any of the questions.

J) Crafting

1) white                 2) black                 3) red                 
 4) yellow                5) blue                  6) green               
 7) orange                8) violet                9) emerald             
10) firecoloured         11) purple               
Enter Colour value :

I'm assuming you want to know the color of the item?  What if it's more than one color?  For example, I am working on a harpoon - the barbs of it should be a metal color, so I would choose silver/chrome/steel - not a choice.... so.. we'll go with black - perhaps they dyed it..

 1) horrible              2) crappy                3) average             
 4) decent                5) good                  6) excellent           
 7) magnificent         
Enter Quality value :

Quality of my item?  I'll assume since it's oedit.. erm... It was previously used so it's not magnificent, but it is still quite sharp so.. it's either good or excellent...

 1) glass                 2) iron                  3) gold                 
 4) silver                5) copper                6) zinc                 
 7) chromium              8) tungsten              9) carbon               
10) coal                 11) basalt               12) silica               
13) diamond              14) plastic              15) tin                 
16) leather              17) hair                 18) wool                 
19) wood                 20) magic-wood           21) bone                 
22) ceramic              23) mithril              24) obsidian             
25) steel                26) stone                27) glass               
28) organic              29) currency             30) paper               
31) cotton               32) linen                33) silk                 
34) burlap               35) nylon                36) platinum             
37) adamantite           38) onyx                 39) ivory               
40) brass                41) marble               42) bronze               
43) pewter               44) ruby                 45) sapphire             
46) emerald              47) gemstone             48) granite             
49) energy               50) hemp                 51) crystal             
52) earth               
Enter Material value :
Again, it is multiple materials - iron/wood/metal/rope (barbs/shaft/chain/rope handle), but I wanted to say it was made of iron, so I do so.

Enter Dyecount value :

Erm.. what?  this is where I"m starting to think this is *just* for the crafting stuff that's gone in as I can't even answer this.. but it won't let me out so.. 1...

1) oak                   2) maple                 3) elder               
 4) elm                   5) beech                 6) chestnut             
 7) ash                   8) aspen                 9) alder               
10) birch                11) plane                12) pine                 
13) sycamore             14) fir                  15) cypress             
16) larch                17) cedar                18) judas               
19) cinnamon             20) shadowfell           21) ironwood             
22) ebony                23) juniper              24) ginkgo               
25) yew                  26) carob                27) almond               
28) cherry               29) apple                30) pear                 
31) plum                 32) orange               33) willow               
34) dogwood              35) spindleberry         36) paloverde           
37) cotton               38) buffalo              39) mammoth             
40) elephant             41) krelloc              42) python               
43) sea snake            44) serpent              45) rattlesnake         
46) cobra                47) snake                48) crocodile           
49) firelizard           50) reptile              51) kid                 
52) lamb                 53) calf                 54) deer                 
55) stag                 56) buck                 57) hind                 
58) antelope             59) kangaroo             60) goat                 
61) sow                  62) swine                63) pig                 
64) elk                  65) mare                 66) colt                 
67) gelding              68) bronco               69) mustang             
70) stallion             71) pony                 72) mule                 
73) donkey               74) steer                75) bull                 
76) cow                  77) heifer               78) ox                   
79) oryx                 80) ram                  81) ewe                 
82) horse                83) sheep                84) cattle               
85) bear                 86) leopard              87) mink                 
88) panther              89) beaver               90) otter               
91) giraffe              92) cheetah              93) weasel               
94) bobcat               95) tiger                96) puma                 
97) coyote               98) chipmunk             99) marmot               
100) vole                 101) prairie dog          102) muskrat             
103) polecat              104) ferret               105) woodchuck           
106) mole                 107) racoon               108) skunk               
109) badger               110) wolverine            111) silverfox           
112) rat                  113) hare                 114) rodent               
115) marten               116) ermine               117) worg                 
118) lion                 119) cougar               120) wolf                 
121) rabbit               122) bunny                123) squirrel             
124) fox                 
Enter Origin value :

Ok.. this is definately just for crafting.. let me out!!!  123

So I ended up with:
Colour: black   Quality: magnificent
Material: iron   Dyecount: 1
Origin: squirrel   Stage: 1

Yeah.. no..quit, do not save...  Though I do like how it tells you everything at the end, I don't understand what I was doing at all.  Is there a new "how to craft items" page I've not seen that explains all this?  Is there anywhere somewhere I've not seen that explains all this?

And where did my material choice go?  Or do we only care about that when crafting now?  Most items *are* of multiple material, so maybe...

Offline Kvetch

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Re: New stuff, please explain
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2015, 12:15:22 pm »
And another while trying to add damage dice to my weapon...

Weapon length:

Do you want meters?  Feet?  Inches?  Short/medium/long???  What are my options and can someone tell me the "length" of a dagger, short sword, long sword, bastard sword, trident, harpoon - just to give me an idea to base it off from?

Offline rynald

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Re: New stuff, please explain
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2015, 04:03:35 pm »

With crafting you get the ability to make items from ingredients or intermediate products by performing skills. The stats of the final item depend on the object values quality, colour, dyecount, origin, stage and material. Crafted items deteriorate with use, but will be able to be repaired.

A short overview of the values:

Quality: this is the overall value determining how good the item is. It is made up of the other values, the skill of the crafter, the quality of the ingredients, and some luck.

Colour & dyecount: players will get the chance to dye some of the items which will change the stats. The number of dyes are counted because the colour will turn black after a certain number of tries. The object values are meant for scripts, if you want to make a normal item you can describe the colour(s) in the descs.

Material: it was moved to this menu because it wasn't used much in the past, and it will be used a lot with crafting. You can set the material and set the rest to none if you like (i see you've got an older version there, you can do this after a copyover).

Origin: the quality of an ingredient may depend on where it came from. A shield made from hardwood will be better than one made from fruitwood, while you wouldn't want a hardwood ship (or do you? i don't know, it's just an example). As it is now the origin of a tree log is put into it when a tree is lumberjacked, and also when an animal is skinned.

Stage: scripts use this to know where the object is in the development chain.

Weapon length

Short weapons are <= 60 cm, the rest are long weapons. The spells fire shield and thorn shield check for this, otherwise size doesn't matter. You can make it as realistic as you want.

Offline Kvetch

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Re: New stuff, please explain
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2015, 08:51:53 pm »
Well, I guess unless/until I put crafting stuff in my areas I won't ask about how to actually go about doing it from a builders perspective because none of it really makes any sense to me still because I don't know how it works from a builder's perspective.  I mean, it makes sense in a way, but I'd be hard pressed still to figure out how to create a potion of health using the crating system at this point in time as a builder.

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Re: New stuff, please explain
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2015, 04:15:57 pm »
It's not meant to be used at all in "ordinary" zones, just for crafting,. which is why it is in a separate menu. You can just ignore that menu.

Anyhow, the entire crafting system is under development, so a lot of things may still be changed along the way.