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Offline Molly

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Roleplay Event - Rewards and thanks
« on: May 06, 2008, 03:14:39 am »
So the Roleplay Event is over, for this time, and I hope you had fun.
I regret that most of the active sessions were run at odd times, which somewhat reduced everybody’s chances of participating in the roleplay with impersonated mobs. As it is only a few of the imms were able to take part, so we couldn’t cover all the timezones.
However, with the info posted in the logs, in the Police office and newspapers, everyone at least had a fair chance of guessing the identity of the poet.

Special thanks goes to the following people:
* Diandra, who carried a large part of the load on the imm side, both with the OLC work and running most of the sessions,
* Prometheus and Kvetch who helped with some of the sessions,
* Virisin, who was part of the original planning group, who wrote the notes for the corpses, and acted behind the curtains throughout the entire event,
* Erwin who relentlessly tracked down MadMax and brought him to justice,
* Kitolani, who was the first to guess the identity of the Poet, and bring incriminating evidence against Joanie,
* Lionheart, who initiated the CIIA group, which turned out to be so successful,
* Thotter, whose sessions made me laugh out loud,
* Palathas, whose slightly acid comments kept me amused throughout the event,
* Estidn, who brought an unexpected twist to the plot,
* Palathas, Hesara, Loran, Xeriuth, Jason, Amaimon, Ronib, Fiachra, Robert, Loran, who all participated in one or more logs.

There will be rewards for the participants, following the scale below:

- Bringing Madmax to justice: 1 gold, 60 Award points
- First to guess the identity of The Poet: 1 gold, 60 Award points
- Leadership, active participation in planning, active participation in event: 5 silver, 40 Award points
- Leadership and active participation in event: 2 silver, 40 Award points
- Active participation in event: 1 silver, 20 Award points
- Participation in single sessions, dependant on activity: 1-3 bronze, 5-10 Award points

Other imms might want to award more points for particularly good RP during their sessions, but I’ll leave that to their choice.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2008, 11:14:15 am by Molly »

Offline Molly

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Suggestions about the Identity of the Poet
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2008, 04:20:05 am »
Several players tried to guess the identity of the Poet and the motives for the crimes.

Kitolani was the first with a 100% correct guess. (This was due to the fact that she was the only one to follow up the lead on the banana pie, which pointed directly at Joanie).

Estidn, who was second to note me, was true to character in his guess, pointing his finger at the Sicilians. (J...)

Iwku took a more OOC approach, her guess is of course 100% correct, but not quite what we intended. :)

Kitolani obviously discussed her theories privately with Palathas, who added some thoughts of his own later.
Among other things he guessed correctly that Virisin wrote those notes.
He's wrong about Sonya and Nanukimo though.
For once Nanukimo is innocent and I am the evil mind behind this, not Sonya, muhaha

Erwin was lead astray for some time by our false trail with Ms. Smith, but provided a pretty plausible number of explanations and motives for her. He was totally correct that Isac and the Mayor, as well as Corbin and Mike were killed by the Poet and not MadMax; he just had the wrong identity of the real killer. (Joanie was the second woman on that photo).
Eventually, after getting MadMax to squeal, Erwin too presented the correct solution.

Below are the notes I got:

       From:  Kitolani
    Subject:  the poet
     Posted:  Fri May  2 21:01:01 2008
         To:  molly
Joanie is the poet. She's the one with the grudge against the Imms.

       From:  Kitolani
    Subject:  oh snap, motive
     Posted:  Fri May  2 21:12:41 2008
         To:  molly
Motive: Humanoid hatred. Referring to exhibitA, the leaflet, where it says '
Humanoid races have at the same time been continuously degenerating, due to
in-breeding, *kinky sexual habits*, and lack of physical and mental excersize, since
the androids do all the work for them.'
Obviously, by killing off all the trainers we will have nobody to teach us how to defend
ourselves toward the impending android revolution. *snicker*

       From:  Estidn
    Subject:  The poet is...
     Posted:  Sun May  4 01:44:13 2008
         To:  molly
I'm going to say it's Jason.

       From:  Iwku
    Subject:  RP Quest Answer
     Posted:  Sun May  4 03:10:31 2008
         To:  molly
The poet is Virisin.  The madmax killer is Molly.  The motive is to soften and introduce the much harder system of training.

       From:  Palathas
    Subject:  ThePoet and Madmax!
     Posted:  Sun May  4 05:34:46 2008
         To:  molly
So Kitolani thinks it's Joanie...

But I couldn't help notice a few peculiarities. There was a nice expensive lipstick with an S. Like S as in Sonya. Not Smith. Aardrak's factory might have made Joanie, but Sonya was the, some say evil, genius behind Joanie. Who knew an android collects keepsakes like lipsticks? And worse still, Joanie's real identity is almost certainly Nanukimo.

Who knew Nanukimo was sentimental, an android, buxom, has "mannerisms that would start people wondering what was wrong with [him]" (this was quite obvious, however), and wears skirts? I really should have looked at him more when he graced us with his presence at Recall.

If you doubt me, the pamphlets on an android takeover couldn't have been from anyone else! Maybe he should have recalled that Sonya could reset him/her if she wished...wayward robot.

Could Joanie have tricked Virisin into writing those notes then? There was a liberal use of the trademarked 'tool' (TM) that only Virisin would attempt. Given how careful ThePoet has been so far, it seems quite unlikely ThePoet would have written the notes. Too amateurish.

Virisin has to be MadMax then.

       From:  Erwin
    Subject:  First guess on the Poet's Identity
     Posted:  Sun May  4 22:32:31 2008
         To:  molly
Here is my first guess on the Poet's identity: Miss Smith.
I think it started like this...

Originally, Miss Smith had an affair with the Mayor, and from that affair, learnt
of his trials in the town hall. Mike was being forced to pay protection money to
a J, probably Jason, and hence had to start a debate asking for more money
from the guildmasters. The Mayor confided in Miss Smith, and she, taking things
into her own hands, decided to kill off the guildmasters. After all, if the Mayor
paid more money to the guildmasters, he would spend less money on her.

Selling off the trinkets which the Mayor gave her, she decided to hire a serial
killer from the USA, easily done because she runs a travel agency, and the
killer once came to her asking for a ticket to escape the authorities. Being a
practical person, the killer (Madmax) offered Miss Smith a bulk rate discount for
a certain number of people.

Thinking hard, Miss Smith added in a few more people to her (s)hitlist. She selected
-Dr Seuss (he refused to sleep with her)
-Jondalar (she was jealous of his wife)
-Tom Horn (he refused to sleep with her)
-Corbin Dallas (she wanted him but he didn't want her)

When Madmax arrived in 4 Dimensions, courtesy of Ms Smith, she happened to
complain about Bart's dog, which had been annoying her for the past few years.
Wanting to do Miss Smith a favour (after all, she had selected a bulk rate deal and
had supplied him with a ticket when he needed to escape the USA, he decided
to start off his killings by assassinating Bart's dog.)

So Madmax then started on his killing spree.

Meanwhile, the Mayor told Miss Smith that he was being blackmailed by the DA,
and that Isac was leaking out his withdrawals to the police. As Miss Smith did not
want her affair to be leaked out, she decided to have these two people eliminated.

Unfortunately, the bulk rate discount that Madmax offered would not extend to these
two people, so Miss Smith decided to kill them herself. Being two amourous
individuals, Miss Smith had no problem getting close to them, and then stabbing
them with knives found in the Donation Pit at recall.

At this time, security was stepped up, so Madmax could not get near Corbin and Mike,
the last two victims that he was contracted to kill, as the Sicilians were guarding
Corbin, and the players at Recall were guarding Mike. So Miss Smith helped Madmax,
after he promised more discounts, by sending trays of poisoned drinks to Corbin
and Mike. Madmax then finished up the job by killing them, and then made his

       From:  Erwin
    Subject:  Second guess on the Poet's Identity
     Posted:  Mon May  5 03:29:21 2008
         To:  molly
Joanie the android is the Poet, and her motive is that she disliked the imms.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2008, 11:16:56 am by Molly »

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Re: Roleplay Event - Rewards and thanks
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2008, 05:50:32 am »
I chickened out on trying roleplaying, but I wanted to say thanks and give my congrats on a job well done to all those who organized and participated in this mystery. 

You all have such a great sense of humour and imagination.  You created such a sense of intrigue and I couldn't wait until the next log was posted.  Although I didn't participate, reading the logs made me feel involved.  And Erwin, you are CIIA agent extrodinairre, unique, one-of-a-kind...a real name, appellation.

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Re: Roleplay Event - Rewards and thanks
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2008, 06:58:04 am »
I forgot to say, that what will stand out in my mind most about this global roleplay event is how the mobs came to life. I never saw them as anything more than mobs. It was so interesting to see them alive with a personality and a history and with needs (eg. their thoughts on how they feel about players always asking for heals, and picturing Mrs. Smith's sneaking over town to see the Mayor).  It has given me a whole new more in-depth perspective on playing the game.  Thanks.