I think that perhaps to promote roleplaying, we should let those with the RP flag set their own walkin/walkout.
In what way does walk-in walk-out messages promote Roleplay?
It's just something that people want for the status of it, just like the collecting of flags.
People who really like to roleplay do it without any rewards or flags. The more I am thinking about it, the more I come to believe is that all those rewards we put up to promote RP are rather detrimental to it, because they give the wrong incentives.
In the end it's all up to the individual players. Some like to RP, others don't. Some are good at it, others aren't. If we try to force or coerce people to roleplay, who neither really want to do it or are any good at it, we'll just end up with very bad RP. It's better to just leave those that have no interest for RP alone, because the flags and rewards will not make them any better roleplayers.
The reason why some aspects and RP commands are restricted to players we know have an interest for it is, that we know from experience that they could - and would - be abused. By restricting them, we at least make reasonably sure that only people who are mature enough to handle the ability get it.
Look at the stupid things some people write in their titles. Do we really want to see equally stupid things in walk-in/out messages and pretitles?
Roleplay could be improved by quite simple things, like people using their titles in a sensible IC way, (for example Family names, instead of the latest thing you just read on the internet). It could also be improved by people just reading the two excellent articles we provide on our website under the link Roleplay in 4D.
http://4dimensions.org/node/RPArticlesRoleplay is not really that hard in 4D. You don't need to pose as a Superhero, Demi-God, King or Queen - in fact that is mostly a ground for really bad RP. All you need to do is to act like the character you are; a Timetraveller and adventurer, out to explore the worlds of different Time periods.
Roleplay is also mostly a question of respecting others and not use forceplay i.e. make emotes that force actions or feeling on your counterpart.
And speeking of forceplay, I actuelly thinkk it a bit odd that the two Clans who are supposed to be specifically for Roleplayers (Vampires and Saints), both have objects with forceplay messages.