Author Topic: I'll Be The Judge  (Read 31522 times)

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Offline Fizban

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Re: I'll Be The Judge
« Reply #15 on: August 04, 2008, 10:49:46 pm »
Sorry virisin, I don't think any of us care to win the "Whose heas is up Virisin's ass the most." award.

Offline Fizban

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Re: I'll Be The Judge
« Reply #16 on: August 04, 2008, 10:58:58 pm »
Your source of proof is the “Men’s News Daily”? Please.

Okay, I take the bait.

Here's a nice article on the ten most common myths about global Warming:

Key quotes:

"7. Global warming means more frequent, more severe storms.

Here again the alarmists cannot even turn to the wildly distorted and politicized “Summary for Policy Makers” of the UN’s IPCC to support this favorite chestnut of the press."

"5. Climate change is raising the sea levels.

Sea levels rise during interglacial periods such as that in which we (happily) find ourselves. Even the distorted United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reports refute the hysteria, finding no statistically significant change in the rate of increase over the past century of man’s greatest influence, despite green claims of massive melting already occurring. Small island nations seeking welfare and asylum for their citizens such as in socially generous New Zealand and Australia have no sea-level rise at all and in some cases see instead a drop. These societies’ real problem is typically that they have made a mess of their own situation. One archipelago nation is even spending lavishly to lobby the European Union for development money to build beachfront hotel resorts, at the same time it shrieks about a watery and imminent grave. So, which time are they lying?"

"4. The glaciers are melting!

As good fortune has it, frozen things do in fact melt or at least recede after cooling periods mercifully end. The glacial retreat we read about is selective, however. Glaciers are also advancing all over, including lonely glaciers nearby their more popular retreating neighbors. If retreating glaciers were proof of global warming, then advancing glaciers are evidence of global cooling. They cannot both be true, and in fact, neither is. Also, retreat often seems to be unrelated to warming. For example, the snow cap on Mount Kilimanjaro is receding -- despite decades of cooling in Kenya -- due to regional land use and atmospheric moisture."

"3. Climate was stable until man came along.

Swallowing this whopper requires burning every basic history and science text, just as “witches” were burned in retaliation for changing climates in ages (we had thought) long past. The “hockey stick” chart -- poster child for this concept -- has been disgraced and airbrushed from the UN’s alarmist repertoire."

"1. It’s hot in here!

In fact, “It’s the baseline, stupid.” Claiming that present temperatures are warm requires a starting point at, say, the 1970s, or around the Little Ice Age (approximately 1200 A.D to the end of the 19th Century), or thousands of years ago. Select many other baselines, for example, compared o the 1930s, or 1000 A.D. -- or 1998 -- and it is presently cool. Cooling does paint a far more frightening picture, given that another ice age would be truly catastrophic, while throughout history, warming periods have always ushered in prosperity. Maybe that’s why the greens tried “global cooling” first.

The claim that the 1990s were the hottest decade on record specifically targets the intellectually lazy and easily frightened, ignoring numerous obvious factors. “On record” obviously means a very short period, typically the past 100+ years, or since the end of the Little Ice Age. The National Academies of Science debunked this claim in 2006. Previously rural measuring stations register warmer temps after decades of “sprawl” (growth), cement being warmer than a pasture."

Offline Iwku

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Re: I'll Be The Judge
« Reply #17 on: August 05, 2008, 02:32:33 am »
There is no bait.

It surprises me that your reference seems even less credible than the first one posted. At least the other article tried to reference and interpreted the original source. Your reference is just a commentary – with an ad for a 40% off fall seat sale and blinking lights on an exclusive free report on Obama Exposed!

If the scientific community can’t agree, we are not going to agree here. But what does interest me is in the off chance you two are right (which you aren’t):  are we wasting money putting resources towards air care and wasting our breath opposing clear-cutting, etc. when the resources could be put towards other things, such as health care, education or employment. If there actually is no threat of global warming, we just carry on polluting? Is that the plan?

Offline Virisin

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Re: I'll Be The Judge
« Reply #18 on: August 05, 2008, 03:14:44 am »
I have lost all respect for you Fizban.

Go look at a climate chart showing the trends over the last shitload of years, and tell me we're supposed to be this fucking high already. Even if I was to play the fool and say that this is all just a cycle, we're thousands of years too soon for the next climate fuck.

I'm all for conspiracy theories, but thinking global warming is a moneymaking conspiracy for god knows who is just ridiculous.

Offline Fizban

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Re: I'll Be The Judge
« Reply #19 on: August 14, 2008, 12:33:29 pm »
I'm all for conspiracy theories, but thinking global warming is a moneymaking conspiracy for god knows who is just ridiculous.

Never stated that, I just don't think its affects are nearly as catastrophic as some people seem to.

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Re: I'll Be The Judge
« Reply #20 on: October 28, 2008, 02:07:10 am »
1) I am a beliver (I belive you are a dumb ass moron. still love you though)
2) Global worming sucks, it should stop.
3) Mariah Carey is the man as LionPuss said.
4) I would just like to say "suck it well".

You bitches better miss me or else. A holler goes out to all my fans out there. For my best friends Virisin, Exodus and DragonAss - suck it well. Love +++

Offline kitolani

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We'll all be judge
« Reply #21 on: October 28, 2008, 09:46:42 pm »
I'm all for conspiracy theories, but thinking global warming is a moneymaking conspiracy for god knows who is just ridiculous.
Kitolani say:
There is a TON of capital to being made in making people feel badly for 'killing the Earth'. It's no conspiracy, you can buy carbon points to ease your worried mind. Best idea since indulgences. No, not recycling. That'd be too logical.

Right now it certainly doesn't feel like global warming...more like an ice age on deck. It's ball chilling cold outside WAY before it is supposed to be. Vicious and bitter winds are coming in out of the south of all places and grappling with heavy north winds. Lots of precipitation. Homes are collapsing ,as are trees. I also expect any substantial freeze to kill prospects of our declining economy. Woo!
'Global Warming' is just a name for the phenomenon that is definately occuring. You have to give a system of destructive death by weather a name. Like El Nino. Or Virisin.  ::) It all means one thing, that some butterfly launched off of a flower one day and flapped its wings...right?