Heh, I'm all for promoting 4D as a Mud that doesn't take itself too seriously, since that is the way I like to regard it myself. I've always had a problem with players that take themselves too seriously. Luckily we don't get too many of those.
I'm also all for advertising in general, since I think 4D is a good enough Mud to deserve a lot more players than we currently have.
And by all means, if half-naked women is what it takes to get some attention, who am I to oppose it? At least not if it is done with some humour.
There was a thread recently on The Mud Connector, regarding male and female players, where one rather stupid poster claimed that female mudders are always fat and ugly. He got bashed a bit for that, (not just by me), but I remember countering his claim with our example of at least 5 lasting RL relations between couples who met in 4D. (I think it says something about the looks, if the attraction survives a RL meeting).
The thread is worth checking out. Apart from the trolling, it has some interesting views on the subject. (I don't know how to get links to TMC, because of the way they display the URL, but it's among the top threads of the Roleplayers Forum and the title is: RE: Male vs female newbies).
Incidentally, the guy named Osiris, who also posts in that thread, mentions his alter ego, Mistress Narcista. He once promoted his own Mud offering nude pictures of this alleged female self on the website. (Very few people knew that Mistress Narcista was actually male, and I believe the pics were of his RL wife). There was an outcry about it among the more prudish members of the Mud community, but most people thought it was a funny joke. I'm not sure how many new players he got from it however).