Incidentally, the guy named Osiris, who also posts in that thread, mentions his alter ego, Mistress Narcista. He once promoted his own Mud offering nude pictures of this alleged female self on the website. (Very few people knew that Mistress Narcista was actually male, and I believe the pics were of his RL wife). There was an outcry about it among the more prudish members of the Mud community, but most people thought it was a funny joke. I'm not sure how many new players he got from it however). 
It is the prerogative of old men to bring up old topics...
The gracious and lovely Molly remembers Osiris and Narcista.
Divine Anathema had hundreds of active players. Attempts to breed players in captivity, however amusing the exercise, proved futile. And so much ado and silliness ensued on TMC. Hybrid children characters, believe it or not, were almost always played by one parent or the other.
What is really impressive is that 4D is still cooking and Molly is still with it. My previously felt admiration and affection for both was obviously right on.