Author Topic: Leaking mobs - and a request to the coders  (Read 14923 times)

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Offline Molly

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Leaking mobs - and a request to the coders
« on: June 22, 2008, 04:25:56 am »
Since you can mine into just about any zone, leaking mobs are getting to be a pain.
Sometimes a zone can be almost drained of mobs, which is irritating, especially if they are Questmobs.

!mob rooms in the zones won't stop it, since you can mine into several rooms, as long as they have certain words in the Room name.
!mob rooms in the zones won't stop it either, unless you set the entire Mine as !mob, and there are wandering mobs there too.
Flagging all existing mobs as stay_zone isn't practical, since there are over 20000 mobs and only around half of those are sentinel.

I've been thinking that the only realistic way to fix this, is that ALL mobs are made stay_zone as default in the code. Since there are snags with all mass changes, there would most likely be one here too, so input is welcome.

We would probably need a special flag for the few mobs that we really WANT to wander over several zones, but that would be a much easier fix for the Builders. Out of hand I can only think of a handful of teleporting mobs that might need the flag, plus all moving sea animals, since there are several sea zones that share the same population.
Perhaps an exception could be done in the code for mobs that swim and/or have gills?

Oh and by the way, we still have that bug with buildwalk, which adds to the problem.
Normally in redit you have -1 -1 for the mine-options, while using buildwalk it sets them to 0 0.
Which of course means that all zones created with buildwalk are basically mines.
Diandra reported that bug to all coders in March, and it still isn't fixed.

Can we have both these things fixed now, please?
« Last Edit: June 22, 2008, 04:47:18 am by Molly »

Offline Virisin

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Re: Leaking mobs - and a request to the coders
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2008, 02:52:55 pm »
It's cause the mine is dumb now...

1. It's dumb being able to mine from almost any room set as a certain type or with a keyword in the name... The mines should start in old west and not be able to enter from every fricking zone. Specially my house.

2. Mining eq is timered which is dumb, it's hard enough as it is to get a good set of mining eq without it all poofing on you.

3. Orcs are too strong.

Offline Natalya B.

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Re: Leaking mobs - and a request to the coders
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2008, 03:12:10 pm »
stay_zone doesnt stop it, at least it doesnt on BP.

Vampire clan mobs on BP for example - all are stay_zone.

Yet I caught them wandering about in other zones on BP.

had to seal the exits up with !mob.


Offline Natalya B.

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Re: Leaking mobs - and a request to the coders
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2008, 03:13:09 pm »
It's cause the mine is dumb now...

1. It's dumb being able to mine from almost any room set as a certain type or with a keyword in the name... The mines should start in old west and not be able to enter from every fricking zone. Specially my house.

2. Mining eq is timered which is dumb, it's hard enough as it is to get a good set of mining eq without it all poofing on you.

3. Orcs are too strong.

What he said. For once I totally agree with him. Well, maybe not so much about the orcs, but the timered equipment is stupid.

Offline erwin

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Re: Leaking mobs - and a request to the coders
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2008, 11:48:47 pm »
I'm okay with the orcs, for I realized that now they don't attack a level 50 player :). Of course, I'd need to use sleep / sweet dreams / push / grapple to kill them one at a time, else they'd overwhelm me.

That being said, I'm not sure whether it is easier now, or harder to do the mine quest, for when I mine, I see tunnel entrances made by me, Sebastian, Robert, and I have no idea if they have mined in the last 24 hours, or the tunnel entrances are just saved. (Ps, I mine about every 3-4 days, so I'm pretty sure all tunnel entrances made by me when I mine are old ones.)

I'm ok with mine equip being timered, it takes a short time to get a decent set of mining equip, as the timer should last for about 4 weeks, so yeah, all is cool with that.

Balrog is giving me problems though, a backstab can kill me when I'm at 5000 hp, even with sanctuary, and recently he seems to throw me into the abyss with grapple. I could walk back, but the exit to the orc caves closes behind me each time I enter it, and since usually I pretty much mine the whole zone before I enter the cave, there aren't any more spare rooms for me to mine into the Orc caves again. Not a problem though, since I'm going to bring a poison 4 weapon next time, and idle next to his room.

For mobs that stay in zone..yeah, that would be a good idea. Why not just make the entire mine have a flag like !mob, and only mobs (mine mobs) flagged with a special flag can walk about in it? :)


Offline erwin

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Re: Leaking mobs - and a request to the coders
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2008, 01:02:00 am »
Actually, on second thought, why not make the mines reset when the mud copyovers / crashes?

I somehow think that every room in the mine, left untouched for a day, would have a one way exit linking it to another room. Hence, all mobs that wander would follow that path, and end up congrengating in a room with no exits. I've found several such rooms in the mine with 20+ mobs in them, which kind of defeats the purpose for mining.

Offline erwin

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Re: Leaking mobs - and a request to the coders
« Reply #6 on: June 24, 2008, 04:38:49 am »
Or perhaps..the main reason why mobs wander into the mine could be because of something like this.

A journey in Punt...

On The Plains
[ Exits: n e s w ]
Tall grass surrounds you on all sides as you move along, the track becoming
increasingly more difficult to follow.  Lone and barren trees stand on the
horizon, tall and solitary giants.  A zebra rushes past, chased at speed by a
hungry lion, its mane long and wild, hunting its daily meal.  A light breeze
brushes past you, a nice refreshment from the hot jungle air. 
A rambling myrrh tree grows here, bearing wild, knotted branches.

5474H 73923M 25775V (100) Can Now RemortTNL>e
On The Plains
[ Exits: n e s w d ]
The grass is tall and yellowing, parched by the heat of the bright sun above. 
In the distance you can see a marula tree, standing proud, a tree of such
mystery and splendour.  Tall and graceful giraffes graze at the trees, whilst a
herd of wild zebra slowly wander through the grasses.  Despite the immense heat
in the air, a light breeze occasionally brushes past, cooling you off.
A rambling myrrh tree grows here, bearing wild, knotted branches.

5474H 73923M 25775V (100) Can Now RemortTNL>look down
A tunnel entrance made by Nanukimo.

You quickly scan the area and see:
A Tunnel Through Firm Earth
[ Exits: n e s w ]
The earth is hard-packed, so there is no need for any supports here. It's
pretty easy digging through the ground, except for the occasional tree root,
but not many of them have protruded this far. The light from your lamp makes
the tiny golden flecks in the wall gleam like diamonds. At least it shows that
there is gold in the ground, even if the amount isn't big enough to make it
worth while right here.

Another place, this time where mobs congrengate

A Quaint Hallway
[ Exits: n e s ]
This hallway is rather narrower than the Main Hall but by no stretch of the
imagination could it be called cramped.  The walls are panelled with dark kauri
wood and sparsely hung with paintings.  A long thin rug stretches the length of
the hallway.

5474H 73687M 25776V (100) Can Now RemortTNL>e
A Quaint Hallway
[ Exits: s w d ]
This hallway is rather narrower than the Main Hall but by no stretch of the
imagination could it be called cramped.  The walls are panelled with dark kauri
wood and sparsely hung with paintings.  A long thin rug stretches the length of
the hallway.

5474H 73687M 25776V (100) Can Now RemortTNL>look down
A tunnel entrance made by Xonk.
You see the maid, a male guest, a lady guest, a lady guest, a lady guest, a male guest, a male guest, the maid, the minder of the house, a lady guest and a male guest close by down.

5474H 73687M 25777V (100) Can Now RemortTNL>scan down
You quickly scan the area and see:
A Tunnel Through Firm Earth
[ Exits: None!]
The earth is hard-packed, so there is no need for any supports here. It's
pretty easy digging through the ground, except for the occasional tree root,
but not many of them have protruded this far. The light from your lamp makes
the tiny golden flecks in the wall gleam like diamonds. At least it shows that
there is gold in the ground, even if the amount isn't big enough to make it
worth while right here.
 A maid is waiting on the guests.
 A male guest is here looking cool.
 A lady guest is here admiring her surroundings.
 A lady guest is here admiring her surroundings.
 A lady guest is here admiring her surroundings.
 A male guest is here looking cool.
 A male guest is here looking cool.
 A maid is waiting on the guests.
 The minder of the house is quietly surveying the goings-on around him.
 A lady guest is here admiring her surroundings.
 A male guest is here looking cool.

« Last Edit: June 24, 2008, 11:54:14 am by erwin »

Offline Kvetch

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Re: Leaking mobs - and a request to the coders
« Reply #7 on: June 24, 2008, 06:12:10 am »
Hmm... and here I would've thought that everything reset on copyover/crashes, but I guess you've proved that's not the case, Erwin.  Keep up the good work.


Offline erwin

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Re: Leaking mobs - and a request to the coders
« Reply #8 on: June 24, 2008, 11:56:39 am »
:) Are you still sane, Kvetch?

Offline Virisin

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Re: Leaking mobs - and a request to the coders
« Reply #9 on: June 24, 2008, 02:58:28 pm »
Mines have their own reboot time.. Nothing to do with crashes or resets.

Offline Kvetch

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Re: Leaking mobs - and a request to the coders
« Reply #10 on: June 24, 2008, 07:19:40 pm »
I see.. and that time is what???  Months?  Years?  How long had Nanu been gone and there's still an entrance he's mined?

As for me being sane... NEVER!

Offline Prometheus

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Re: Leaking mobs - and a request to the coders
« Reply #11 on: June 26, 2008, 03:53:13 am »
To fix these issues will need to be Mordeaci / Thotter / Fizban.

I agree that mining rooms should go poof after a reboot / copyover / crash.
