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Offline Molly

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Golems - the Trainable pets
« on: August 08, 2008, 05:17:12 am »
The prototype GOLEMS are now functional and available for all
For about a week we have been playtesting the prototype to our newest feature - the trainable Golems, and I think it is time to post some general info about them. The Golems are very original creatures, since they exist in both Object and Mob form, and they are totally unique in comparison to other pets in the sense that they can be trained, and actually evolve in tier when used.

The Golem feature won't be fully implemented until the zone Fenizia is revamped and back in the game, since the Golems will be sold in Ferdinand Lilliputs shop, the Happy Golem  there.
But since the update of that zone may take some time yet, we've started testing the Golems separately, to iron out the bugs that always come with new features.

Special thanks to the Playtesters, and above all to Lionheart, who helped developing my original ideas, and who wrote all the Golem scripts. LH has put a lot of time and effort into this feature, and done a terrific job!

So far, only one Golem type is finished, the Bodyguard, but there will be 4 separate types eventually - Spy, Thief, Messenger and Bodyguard, each one with different abilities. More info about these details in my next post.

The Bodyguard type seems reasonably bug free by now, and any player is free to get one, and check out how they work.

Until Fenizia is back in, Ferdinand Lilliput has opened a temporary Golem shop in Rip in Time. The room you need to find is called On Top Of The Turrets, and Ferdinand's shop is north from that. At present he is selling the Golems at a very reduced price, since we are not sure that they are completely bug free, and you might lose them due to some bug. The current price is 5 TP.

Several players have asked about how to get TradePoints, which surprised me a bit, since that feature has been in the game for ages.
There is a Trader's Office connected to the Maproom, south of Recall, where you can get lost of info on this subject.
I'll give you some tips here too however.
- The easiest way of getting TP is probably to farm the 8 fields north of OldeYorke, and sell the products to vatious Shopkeepes. (Look at the product for info about which).
- You can also do the same with the 8 Garden plots just outside the west entrance of  Old Yorke. (Go north there).
Farming and gardening can only be done once per reboot and field/plot however. Also there are more fun way of getting TradePoints, by actually TRADING.

Several zones in the Mud offer some Trading opportunities, but above all, the following zones are really 'Trade heavy':
- Forests everywhere, where you can fell timber and sell (HELP LUMBERJACK)
- The Seas in Prehistoric, where you can collect pearls and seafood to sell
- Old Yorke, with its farming fields, garden plots, contractors and Buyers.
- All the Aegean Islands in Prehistoric. (Check the map over the Aegean Sea on the website to see the locations). Use a ship to travel, if you are low level, to avoid shartks. The islands themselves are safe, unless you attack something, with two exceptions, Tenedos and Icaria. Carpathos is the island you should start on, since Sea charts and Trading info can be obtained there.
- Old Egypt - the Upper Nile - the Desert of Wawat - the Land of Kush - the Land of Punt. (The trading system of all these zones hangs together). There might be aggro mobs  in the Nile, but you can avoid those by using a ship).
- The Sutter zones in Old West, where you can dig for gold, farm and lumberjack.
- The Alpha Centauri Planets and IGTCs in Future (maybe best be high level for those, since travelling in space has its perils).

The helpfiles in my next post will be added on line, as soon as I get a spare moment, but here's your chance to give some input to the ideas.

Anything that you think may be unbalancing, or in other ways negative to the game - let us know!
Any ideas you may have to improve the system - share them. The feature is still in development, so we are very open to new ideas.

More specific Golem info will be in my next post.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2008, 05:48:08 am by Molly »

Offline Molly

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Re: Golem Helpfiles
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2008, 05:41:52 am »
Pardon the bad formatting of the tables, I don't have time to fdiddle with that now.

The following helpfiles are available about Golems.

Golems are different from ordinary pets in 3 main ways:
1. Golems exist in both Object and Mob form. When in deactivated form, you can carry    them around in your inventory. When you need to use them, you just drop them on the  floor, and they are ready to serve you.
   An activated Golem will follow you anywhere, unless you order it to sit.
   To deactivate a Golem, you say the holy word 'EMET'. This puts it in your inventory.
2. All Golems can be trained. By fighting with their master, they will eventually learn, and grow stronger. This way they can be raised from Tier 1 to 4.
   While they evolve in the different tiers, they might also develop new abilities which can be special commands for you to use at will, or innate abilities the Golems will use, at their own will or when a certain condition is met.
   For more info about Golem evolution type: HELP GOLEM_TRAIN.
3. You'll be able to keep your Golem at its current Tier when you log out, provided  you remember to first deactivate it, so it's in your inventory, not on the floor.
Golems can only be acquired in one place, the shop The Happy Golem in Fenizia.
They are sold for TradePoints, not gold, and the amount may vary over time.
While the Golem is in its active form, you can potentially lose it in several ways;
- if the Golem is killed
- if the Mud crashes, while the Golem is in its active forms
- by logging out without first deactivating it.
The deactivated Golem can also be stolen from your inventory or corpse, if you are PK.
Should any of these things occur, you will have to replace it with a new one, for the current TP price, and start the training from scratch.
Since Golems are potentially very powerful, there are several restrictions for the use.
- You are only allowed to own one Golem at the same time.
- Golems may not be given away, sold, auctioned or donated.
- Golems cannot be kept in houses or put in bags.
- You can steal a Golem in object form, but it will self-destruct, if you try to use it.
If you bypass these restrictions, and try to use 2 Golems at the same time, they will both explode, and you'll get a THIEF Flag.

Golems bind to you, and only serve their own Master. They also can only be picked up by their own Master.
All Golems can use armor and weapons, if given to them.
The Messenger Golems will auto-manifest the weapon, the other types will auto-wield it.
Golems will follow their Master everywhere, unless ordered to SIT.
Golems can not be SUMMONED by other players.
Because of their nature, they are also immune to CHARM, SLEEP, BLIND, PUSH, SHOOT
Golems don't do all your bidding, but they all obey some basic commands, when in the activated form. 
For more info about this, type: HELP GOLEM_COMMANDS.
There are 4 different types of Golems:.
- Spy                      Level 30/30/30/35
- Thief                    Level 35/35/40/40
- Messenger/Healer         Level 40/40/45/45
- Bodyguard                Level 50/60/60/60
Each type has its own advantages and drawbacks, for more info HELP GOLEM_TYPES.
If you are unfamiliar with Golems, it's best to start out with a Bodyguard, which is the least complicated type.
Bodyguards auto-assist their owner in fights, the other types obey the order ASSIST.
Only Bodyguard Golems obey the order KILL to initiate an attack.
When deactivated, all Golems will give their equipment and inventory back to their Master.

Golems only obey their own Master.
All Golems are deactivated by the word EMET, said by their Master.
All Golems can also obey simple COMMANDS, when in the active form:
Each command always has to be preceded by the word GORDER.
All Golems obey the following Gorders, when issued by the Master:
(The command GIVE makes the Golem give all of their inventory to their Owner).
All Golems can also be gordered to:
- WEAR, HOLD, DROP, REMOVE and QUAFF any object that isn't Quest-flagged.
EXAMPLES: gorder sit
          gorder wear gloves
          gorder quaff potion
Each of the four Golem types also has its own specialty and its own commands.
For more info about these, see the specific info for each type:

All Golems learn by fighting with their Master, and all 4 Types can be
levelled to Tier 4.
- Getting the Golem to a higher Tier, will naturally make it stronger, but the different Golems also get various extra abilities at each Tier.
- The Golem will automatically be grouped with you when you activate it, but you can change their involvement. (Default is 20%, and the Golem cannot be involved to less than that).
- Once you've first seen a yellow message while fighting with your golem, you'll be able to type: GSTAT.
  This will give useful information about it, for instance it present GEXP
  and Tier, how much GEXP it needs to get to the next Tier, and what special abilities it gets at its current and future Tiers.
- Once a Golem reaches Tier 4, it stops evolving, and can not get any higher.
The Golems' progress rate is affected by both the mobs that they fight and the sector of the fighting room.
- The Golems will gain extra leveling points by fighting Dwarves and Gypsies, the sworn enemies of Fenizia.
- Since they are made of wood, and as such particularly sensitive to fire, they will gain bravery points by fighting fire-casting creatures, like Dragons, Fire Sprites and Salamanders, but they will also suffer more damage from those.
- Golems feel most at ease fighting in Air, Atmosphere and Space, but also prefer Forest, Mountain, Hill and Field.
- They dislike Desert and feel particularly ill at ease in Water, Snow, Tundra, Ice and Swamp.

There are 4 different types of Golems:
Type                     Class          Level/Tier         Price
1. Spy                   Animal         30/30/30/35        10 TP
3. Thief                 Rogue          35/35/40/40        15 TP
2. Messenger/Healer      Caster         40/40/45/45        25 TP
4. Bodyguard             Fighter        50/60/60/60        20 TP

(The prices are preliminary, and will be adjusted after the Test Period).
Each Golem type has its own specialties and commands.
For more info on what the different types can do, see GOLEM_MESSENGER, GOLEM_SPY, GOLEM_THIEF, GOLEM_BODYGUARD

The THIEF can make its master rich in two ways:
- When left in a room, (with and without its master being present), it will steal gold from anyone who enters that room. (tier1)
- It plays a game called 3Dice, but only if his master is in the same room (tier2)
The THIEF can be levelled by fighting, like the other Golems, and reach Tier 4.
Levelling will increase its stealing chances, with the following percentages:
- Tier 1: chance 1/10
- Tier 2: chance 3/10
- Tier 3: chance 5/10
- Tier 4: chance 8/10
It will also increase its stealing skills:
- Tier 1: can steal only from mobs
- Tier 2: can steal higher sums from mobs
- Tier 3: can steal money from mobs and players and objects from mobs
- Tier 4: can steal money and objects from mobs and players, higher sums and more items
The Golem Thief can also CAST the following offensive spells on targets:
- Tier 3: evil eye, poison weapon, poison2, suffocate, weaken, slowness
If attacked when alone, will run to its Master after 4 combat rounds, (if still alive).
If killed, the Thief will send a courier to its master, and turn over all its money and loot, before it expires. All that his master can't carry will remain in his corpse after death.
(Note that you cannot leave the Thief Golem at its thieving task while logging out).
GOLD (to turn over all loot and coins to the master)
CAST <spellname> (for offensive spells)

The SPY can be sent to gather info in other rooms, without its master, by sending an image of the room through its eyes to the Master.
At high tier it can also locate other players, showing an image of their room.
The SPY can be levelled by fighting, like the other Golems.
Levelling will give them new spying skills for each Tier.
- Tier 1: can peek through open doors in rooms directly adjoining to Master's room
- Tier 2: can see Recall from everywhere
          can run the 3 Dice game, if the Master is in the same room
- Tier 3: can peek behind closed doors
          can be ordered to walk around and look in more rooms by tells
- Tier 4: can pass locked doors and look in the room beyond.
          can look in containers through locked doors
          can locate players and send an image of the room they are in
The Golem Spy can also CAST the following offensive spells on targets:
- Tier 3: clone, cure blind
- Tier 4: sleep, polymorph, sweet dreams
And the following defensive spells on Master:
- Tier 4: invisibility
- PEEK <direction> will make the Golem spy in that direction and allow
  its master to view the room through its eyes.
- MOVE <direction> will make the Golem move around without its Master.
  (This only works if there is an open connection in that direction, no closed or locked doors)
- RECALL shows a list of all players at Recall
- FIND <target> will locate a player, if they are on line, and show their room
- EXAM <arg> will show the content of any DISPLAYED container in the room they are in
- CAST <spellname> (for offensive spells)
- AFFECT <spellname> (for defensive spells on owner)

The Messenger can be sent with items to other players, and bring items back in response.
This Golem Type is also a Healer, and like most Casters, relatively weak, at least at Tier 1. This makes it a bit harder to train than the other Types, but being a Caster, it is also potentially very useful.
The Messenger can be levelled by fighting, like the other Golems.
Levelling will increase its abilities as a caster and Messenger:
- Tier1: can seek players to deliver objects, can also deliver objects back to its master,
- Tier2: can cast: absolve, heal, charm, earth elemental on Master
- Tier3: can cast: embue armor, mana transfer, recharge, strength, sanctuary on Master
- Tier3: can restore full master movement, but only once per 4 hours.
- Tier4: can cast steelskin, holy shield, fire shield, mirror shield, static shield, thorn shield on Master
- Tier4: can restore full master mana, but only once per 4 hours.
- Tier4: can teleport his master with him to another player, if they allow it by typing YES
- SEEK <targetname> will make the Golem seek out the player, provided he/she is on line, and give them everything it carries. It will then wait 5 seconds, to see if the target wants to give something back, and then return to its Master.
- HEAL will make the Golem cast Cure Critic on its Master.
- MOVE will give a full Move restore to its master (once per 4 hours)
- MANA will give a full Mana restore to its master (once per 4 hours)
- AFFECT <spellname> (for defensive spells, cast on owner)

This type is a bit stronger than the other three, to be of more use in a fight situation. It will autoassist its owner in fights, and can also be ordered to initiate a fight by the command: gorder kill <target>
The Bodyguard will improve while fighting and level to tier 4.
- will auto-heal himself once every 1.5 minute
- will use his fighter skills during the fights, the better tier the better skills
- can KILL (attack) on command
- can USE WANDS to cast spells
It also has the following abilities:
- Tier1 and 2: on death restores his Master's hitpoints to 50% of their max-hitpoints
- Tier3 and 4: on death restores his Master's hitpoints to 100% of their max-hitpoints
- KILL <target> will make the Golem attack the target.
- USE <arg> will allow the Bodyguard to use a wand

« Last Edit: August 08, 2008, 05:50:39 am by Molly »

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Re: Golems - the Trainable pets
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2008, 02:59:59 pm »
Even though this is still a game, privacy should also be respected.  I am against the Golem Spy being able to tell where a player is or to give an image of the room. 

If people are having a private conversation with someone, about something totally not related to 4D, I don't think other players should be able to say hey, you've talked with this or that person in that or this room.

Sometimes a person just wants to be left alone or explore a zone in peace and quiet. Knowing some of the troublemakers around this place, this feature will be heavily abused by taking away questobjects if they find out a certain person is trying to quest in the mud.
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Re: Golems - the Trainable pets
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2008, 12:58:52 am »
I  think Hesara is right in her concerns. 4D has always been big on player privacy, and we want to keep it that way.
I just didn't think of the privacy aspects when designing the system.

However, I still think that having a chance to locate a certain player would be a cool addition to PK.
So how about  the following setup:

1. The FIND <target> command only works if both players are registered PK
2. The command only returns the Name of the room that the target is in, but not the room desc or any other players or mobs in that room.

Would this be OK for securing player privacy?

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Re: Golems - the Trainable pets
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2008, 09:12:59 am »
I think as far as privacy goes from my point of view it would be fine, however I would like to see the only PK restriction not be there. There could be times when a player is lost, and another player tries to help by using the spy to help them, or maybe other situations where a player may just need to spy/be spied on.

And btw, I think there needs to be an official golem discussion thread, to discuss bugs, ideas and suggestions.

2 items from me:

1.)Golems seem to have issues with vanishing even from inventory. Both armand and myself experienced this, we both claim to have had golems in our inventory and quit out only to log in and have it be gone. Mine personally was T2 if that had anything to do with it.

2.)IMO I would like to see some sort of way to protect golems and restore previous versions of it when lost under these circumstances. At this point with no way to ensure golem security these are a waste of TPs. My thoughts would be to have a monthly fee similar to a locker (paid with tps) for golem care and upkeep. With these fees you are able to maintain your golem, and in essence give it a perze type effect. I personally find it to be a waste of time to even attempt to level a golem up, and then lose it to a crash, specially since the last few days the mud has been crashing pretty consistently.

3.)On a crash have the golem file restore to 5 minutes prior to the crash if possible.

4.)Downtune golem power. Currently they are VERY overpowered, my t2 golem put me to shame on a 2 mil mob I was lucky to get 500k of it. These should be utility to the player, not stronger than the player.

5.)Customizable names? If changes do go in to help protect golems longevity, how about we do something that lets players restring their pets within reason for RP and fun?

6.)O'Doyle Rules.