Author Topic: And you wonder why we don't get new players?  (Read 20958 times)

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Offline Natalya B.

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And you wonder why we don't get new players?
« on: August 15, 2008, 04:19:33 pm »
I have tried and TRIED to deal with this behind the scenes, to calm situations, to ignore, to attempt to stay quiet in people's best interests.

And by all accounts, I should probably still be doing so.

But I am SICK to death of this BULLSHIT.

You want to know WHY we don't get new players? Or WHY the new players don't last more than a few days, or weeks, at best?

Look in the fucking mirror.

As you all know, Knecht joined recently, a very promising player, with intelligence, a brain. What a rare thing. And you all HOUND him to join your clan, and then proceed to whine, bitch, moan, complain, when he joined Vampires. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU. Except for Erwin.

Wanna know WHY he joined vampires? Aside from the fact the clan is more "in line" with his personality as an individual, *I* did not hound him. I didn't go begging him to join, I simply said hello, and spoke to him here and there, and did NOT pressure him.

Meanwhile all you IDIOTS are fighting over him like he's a piece of fresh meat.

Since then, there has been a number of issues. Table Round have acted like children, both of you, Asmoday hasn't been any better, and Jason's behaviour is COMPLETELY unacceptable.

I have put up with a lot of Jason's crap. His insults, swearing, drunkenness. I put up with the crap he tried to pull about the clan war, whilst he made ME look like an idiot, I attempted to remain quiet and let it slide.

After numerous troubles with everyone on the damn mud, and after a whole line of childish CRAP from TR members, Jason starts his bullshit AGAIN. Mind you, this was after he MSN'd me with some stupid "flirty" line, as if he's trying to half-assedly pick me up at a pub or something.

Knecht tells you, 'now jason is messaging me with an attitude..what is up with everyone here'

You tell Jason, 'leave Knecht alone damnit, everyone is just pushing new players away'

Jason tells you, 'shut the fuck up and leave me alone you cunt I'm playing hellgate'

You tell Jason, 'Do NOT speak to me like that Jason.'

You tell Knecht, 'He's drunk, ignore him. Seriously, use the command ignore.'

Jason tells you, 'fuck you, ill adress you by youre true worth, now piss off or next time I might not just post on your board.'

Molly. This shit is unacceptable. I've put up with enough of this crap. Do something about it.

As for the rest of you, how about you stop pressurizing and bitching at players. Yes, Knecht joined Vampires. Why dont you stop giving the clan, and him, crap, and work TOGETHER, as a MUD, to create a GOOD playing environment.

ALL clans are fairly inactive. DEAL WITH IT.

I'm sorry I'm not as nice or explanatory as I usually am in posts, but damnit I'm FED UP.

You idiots are going to cost us any new players.

And I can't STAND idiots.

BACK THE FUCK UP and cut the damn drama.

Offline Natalya B.

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Re: And you wonder why we don't get new players?
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2008, 04:30:30 pm »
BTW, if you guys in TR wanna be saying SHIT in open channels, then step on up boys. Got an issue, how about you voice it, and Ill reply.

But i know one of you at least apologised.

Is the other stupid enough to try "state his case" as to why he's being so pathetic and idiotic?

Lets get this crap out in the open shall we? Blah blah blah you hate vampires, blah blah blah you hate me. No. What it comes down to is, you wanted the newbie, and didn't get him, and now you're all whiney bitches.

So come on. Step up. Try me. Or shall I just go post the logs of you saying crap in tells, on gossip and in NEWBIE channel?

NEWBIE channel for christ sake! Yes, there's a smart idea, let's go shout SHIT on the NEWBIE channel. Well done!

« Last Edit: August 15, 2008, 04:32:55 pm by natalya »

Offline Grish

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Re: And you wonder why we don't get new players?
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2008, 05:15:49 pm »
Oh christ, if you would have shut the fuck up and minded your own business I was making a joke. You made it your personal business to be a condescending beotch to me when I was just joking at the rate in which he levels. Knecht is a big boy, maybe if you minded your own business he would have laughed as I intended.

As far as the clan thing goes sure, I was a little upset when he joined another clan, but after spending so much time with him trying to help him get gear, offering him group xp, showing him zones suggesting quests to attempt then having him join another which I guarantee offered a fraction of the help that TR did is sort of upsetting. The only beef I had was after he was asking me a bunch of questions one day, which I answered the most the best I could, finally I could not give him more time for answers so I said to ask his clannies. Im sure he got the hint  I was a little upset, and that was the first and only time I ever spoke a bad word to him, and have not done anything since. And In return I asked him a question a day or so later, and he didnt even give me a run around he told me to ask my clannies then didnt say anything else. So even if my joke was out of line, it wasnt like he didnt retaliate back at me.

So if you would have minded your own damn business my joke would have been a joke and as a matter of fact knecht and I might have laughed and bonded back a little bit. So before you get high and mighty quick to blame me for why the game doesnt have new players look at people like yourself who clearly dont ever get involved in the game, yet sit back with your feet up starting shit with players like me.

Whens the last time the game tried to get votes on mud sites, or offer rewards if people recruit new players? Whens the last time there was more than 10 people on and any of them did anything except sit at recall comparing the sizes of their penises?

Shrug, I guess if I was him I would be a little honored it caused so much friction and that he was so desired to be in the clan (and just to have to shoot the shit with for me anyway)

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Re: And you wonder why we don't get new players?
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2008, 05:19:18 pm »
Oh, and people can see how out line I was this is the comment I made to get her antsie in the pantsie, and you will understand why I said it on newbie after you read it.

"Knecht levels like old people screw, very slowly"

The reason I said it was because he remorted about a week ago, got about 17 levels in one day, then got to 35 in the next day or so then pretty much came to a halt. There is nothing wrong with it, but I felt like picking on him.

Offline Natalya B.

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Re: And you wonder why we don't get new players?
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2008, 06:01:39 pm »

Do you want me to go put the things you said in tells in here? This was no JOKE, you made THAT very CLEAR. You made it VERY clear that you were personally upset because a new player didnt join your clan, and you even had a go at ME for helping you and Rynock a little.

Not reading the rest of your long winded reply when you start off with stating something that isn't even true.


 Hm. Actually. No. I should reply, because I said I would, and me going off like that and saying "screw you I cant be assed reading what you have to say" is a tad hypocritical and unfair.

Firstly. I wasn't NOT minding my own business, so to speak. Fact is, Knecht has been on the receiving end of this crap, not just from TR mind you, for a few days now. it's gotta stop. And I've finally snapped, mainly thanks to Jason's pathetic antics and lame name calling, which I DO find insulting and offensive.

Even IMMs have commented that whats been happening needs to come to a stop because we are pushing new players away like this. Knecht has a good mind, I for one don't want to lose him. I don't care WHAT clan he's in, if you want him, take him, if that's whats going to stop this drama. But, by that same token, I am now loyal to Knecht and I don't want to be seen as if I simply give up my members.

You made it very clear that what you said was not meant as any kind of joke, by your follow-up comments, and by what you said in TELLS. YOU got angry at ME for him joining vampires, after you so "selflessly" put so much "time" into him, to quote some of your wording, only for him to up and join another clan.

You don't even have any idea what went down with Rynock, do you? And I won't bring it up, because he has apologised, and I'm trying to leave it at that, however it IS a contributing factor.

I can understand your dissapointment. I can. And it sucks. But jesus, there's no need to act like this. And I'm not just talking to YOU, by the way, I'm talking to EVERYONE. Jason's antics, both in open channels AND in tells, are unwarranted, as well as Asmoday's. I mean hell, after I posted that little snippet, which isn't the first time this has been happening mind you, he then went on to say shit in open channels, and call me a cunt and whatever else, for like the next 30 god damn minutes until I managed to get Belgarion to log in so he might shut up.

I made it clear in my post that I was talking to everyone. Yes, I made special mention of TR and Jason, because damnit, those are the three main situations going on right now. Jason's antics have been completely out of line, and only calmed down when Belgarion logged on, and Jason finally shut up.

Also, on another note in your post, yeah, I know, I've been inactive. It's called a real life. It happens sometimes. But damnit, don't go saying I don't do shit for the MUD. I try, more than you know, and I'm sure some of the IMMs can attest to that. Sometimes it's only small, but damnit I try. I've been here a rough ten years, with some breaks mind you. Don't be sitting there telling me I've never done anything -.-

EVERY clan is pretty much inactive. Look at them. You can't single one clan out and say it sucks and is completely inactive. Where's TR's CL? I'm at least usually logged in every day. What about Sics? It has one member, jason, effectively. Saints? Dead. Vikings? Not enough players (playerbase wise).

DJ's is about the closest thing to active as you get.

Look. My point is. I'm seeing all this shit going on, with everyone, and I'm seeing it from Knecht's side too.

He's new to mudding, he's new to 4d, and to be honest, he doesn't understand you people, he doesn't know HOW to act. So yeah, he's responding "in kind", because so far all he's seeing is immature whiney insulting dickheads. Again, not necessarily speaking directly to you Grish.

Take a minute to think.

You're a new player. You've never mudded before.

Every time you log in, someone is telling you how you suck for joining vamps, or screaming at you to leave, or telling you to join their clan, or insulting you, or yelling at you, or giving you shit.


How the hell would you react? By being nice? I certainly wouldn't. I would have quit by now.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2008, 06:22:30 pm by natalya »

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Re: And you wonder why we don't get new players?
« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2008, 09:46:37 pm »
Natalya blame players if you must but not an entire clan. Everyone but Erwin? I asked him to join TR then? No? Is my name Erwin? Xeriuth has been gone since before Knecht joined Vampires, so I know HE didn't say anything, and me and him are the two highest ranked members of TR at the moment...

Offline Natalya B.

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Re: And you wonder why we don't get new players?
« Reply #6 on: August 16, 2008, 09:59:37 pm »
Sorry, my bad, just grish and rynock are really the only active tr members of late, as grish pointed out :)

Offline Virisin

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Re: And you wonder why we don't get new players?
« Reply #7 on: August 17, 2008, 02:50:07 am »
Shit thread?

But anyway: I always used to recruit like Nat too.. The chillax approach.

Offline Molly

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Re: And you wonder why we don't get new players?
« Reply #8 on: August 17, 2008, 03:10:24 am »
I think you all need to chillax a bit. :)

Offline Grish

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Re: And you wonder why we don't get new players?
« Reply #9 on: August 17, 2008, 10:26:09 pm »
Dont get me wrong, I never said you specifically did anything for the mud, im saying in general in note of your title of the topic. We cant get, and then keep players if the active players dont do anything to get new players. Voting on mud sites etc etc, submitting reviews on the sites which we have our information posted etc etc. There are ways to get new players, even if its just to try, my point was we need to exploit some of these methods, then cry about not getting new members.

As far as my follow up comments that day, it was because I was irritated in the manner which you came at me, prior to even knowing the fact that I had what I called a friendship with Knecht long before he was even close to being clannable material. Thats no exscuse, but I was lashing at you more than him.

I still do like Knecht, and want to keep him around regardless of what clan he was in, but in my situation i had NO idea of what was going on elsewhere with him and the fact you jumped my ass pissed me right off.

I am sorry the way I reacted, and the shit I tried to sling at him was aimed at him to try to piss you off. Immature sure, pointless? sure, unnecessary? yup, would I do it again in the same situation... prolly not.

And lets not just focus on new players, we need some playerbase stimulation as I mentioned before, FUN things that can get old and new players alike working together or individualy but regardless for what reason, we need the players we have to log in. As you mentioned, the players create the environment, and without them we of course dont have it. We need to get the players who still log in and dont play motivation to get off their ass and socialize and have fun within the mud. Whats the solution? I have no idea, but I see far to many people "play" without ever leaving recall.

Offline Natalya B.

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Re: And you wonder why we don't get new players?
« Reply #10 on: August 18, 2008, 10:33:19 am »
Thank you for that Grish.

As a side note, Im fine with you/others lashing out at *me*. In fact, thats what I was trying to do almost with this post, and it's kind of worked. The drama seems to have calmed right down, some situations got completely resolved, we got things out in the open, and people seemed to have backed off a little from Knecht a bit.

I'm fine with people having it out on me, I'd rather that than a new player copping crap, just as long as it doesn't affect them. You're free to say whatever you like to me, I just don't want it on a new players shoulders is all.

Thanks for your reply, no more really needs to be said I think. I appreciate what you said there, and i think things have calmed down a lot.

In retrospect, I'm sorry for snapping, I really did just *snap* after so many many days of it all going on. I've had a pretty .. annoying.. time RL at the moment which isn't helping either.

I know I roleplay a bitch, and usually am very nice nonetheless, but lately I've become so shut down and cynical that I fear I may actually BE a bitch too hah.