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Golem Updates

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- 'gorder kill' now checks if the victim is PK
- G-exp yellow message now shows how many points you're gaining from the mob
- Golem's now save over crash, linkdead and quit to the last EMETed tier (only the tier saves not the gexp) (temporary change, can be undone without notice)
- If you're not in the same room with your Golem and it dies, you'll now receive a death info message.
- Engaging in fight another player Golem will give you (50*victim_golem_tier) Gexp, ie. fighting a tier4 Golem will add 200Gexp bonus

Seeing the updates published doesn't necessarily imply that they're already updated in the game.

This change implies updating the following scripts:
   2) [29552] Golem MobForm: All                            obj Drop
   3) [29553] Golem ObjForm: All                            mob Speech
  12) [29563] Golem Evolve: Bodyguard                       mob GlobalRandom
  16) [29567] Golem Death: Bodyguard                        mob Death
  17) [29568] Golem Gorder: Bodyguard                       mob Command

- Added a grace period of extra gexp for faster Golem leveling.

Seeing the updates published doesn't necessarily imply that they're already updated in the game.

This change implies updating the following scripts:
trigedit 29563
/ra 'set defmod 0' 'set defmod 100'

- New Golem item: Ferdinand's Golem Ointment can be worn on Hands.

This item will be a quest item in Fenizia and it's supposed to double the GEXP gain of your Golem.
For now you can trade this item directly from Ferdinand test room for the price of 20TP's.
You can't buy the item if you already own a Golem, can buy it only before owning a Golem. (Sorry, script issue)
The item has a timer on it of about 5days.

Enjoy and report any issue.

This change implies updating the following script:
    [29558] Golem Trading: Lilliput                       mob Speech

- Added a check for 'Fire Elementals', if a fire elemental is following you, your Golem will get very scared of it being sensible to firery beings and suffering from terror stress will damage himself every 13 seconds until is dead or the fire elemental will be ungrouped or killed.

This change implies updating the following scripts:
  12) [29563] Golem Evolve: All                             mob GlobalRandom

- Reduced G-Exp Bonus from '100' to '10', players said it was way too easy.
- Fixed a bug with UNGROUPing your golem, would have let you set G-Exp to '0'. Thanks Erwin
- Golem Bodyguard exits Beta version to join Official version 1.0.
- Golem Thief enters Beta version and can be bought typing: say trade thief
- Changed price for Golem Bodyguard to 20TPs
- Changed price for Golem Thief to 1TP
- Reduced Ointment timer from 15days to 5days.
- Added Book of Golems to Ferdinand Shop, type: list
- Added Thieving script to Golem Thief (not complete yet)
- Added 3 Dice Game script to Golem Thief (not limited to tier yet) (type: say game)
- Added Death Script to Golem Thief
- Added Gorder gold command to Golem Thief

Seeing the updates published doesn't necessarily imply that they're already updated in the game.

This change implies updating the following scripts:
- Whole feature scripts need to be updated this time.


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