Building & Scripting > Scripting Board

General Scripting Suggestions

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That actually won't work at all. Give is an actual command, not a DG command as such it requires an actual name, not an ID when being used.   ie. %teleport% %actor% works    look %actor%  or give %actor% don't

I will fix these where I see them but I'm also posting a request to not do it in the future instead of just changing one's I find so people don't continue doing it.

Don't do:

--- Code: ---eval am (%actor.level%*(20000+%random.200%))
eval ab %%actor.exp(%am%)%%
nop %ab%

--- End code ---


--- Code: ---eval am (%actor.level% * (%random.200% + 20000))
nop %actor.exp(%am%)%

--- End code ---

For the following reasons:

1. Less cpu time, so it's faster and causes less lag.
2. Far more importantly the first example gives twice as much experience as you want it to. eval am %%actor.exp(%am%)%% adjusts their exp itself. It's rather like why you don't do this:

eval command %cmd% %arg%

because it will raise their hp if the %cmd% is:


when it becomes evaluated.

I have an important question for this small group  oriented zone I built...and for future zones that are intended for grouping.

Question 1:

Assuming there is a gate which cannot be opened directly, and requires A to pull on an object, and for B to pull on another object in order for C to get pass the gate in order to pull on a final object to keep it open so that A and B can then go inside. How would I go about creating a script that requires multiple people to split up and trigger scripts that effect a separate location regardless of order?

Question 2:

 And if I want to make a set order such as the have point X, Y, and Z triggered in the order of Z, X, and Y for a door to open somewhere, how would I go about doing that?

Ok, I've done the script. Nice idea Toch, I like realistic and complicated tasks instead of the usual search,search,search, find the key, enter the portal, find the right noun.

How much are you paying for the source code? :)


Sooner I learn how to script, especially this group oriented team work script, the sooner I'll get things completed :P


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