Author Topic: Darkness is upon us once again.  (Read 10442 times)

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Darkness is upon us once again.
« on: May 15, 2008, 08:28:14 am »
My sources tell me that the EX Dark Leader of The Dark-Jedi Reyko is alive once again. It seems that the Emperor ressurected him to once again bring death and distruction upon the realms and the members of the Mordonosse clan formaly known as Qualinesti. It seems he asked help from a former Clan Leader of the Dj's that recently returned to the realms Lionheart to help him in aciving his dark goals and with his help and the help of Asmoday and the Dj clan our lives are in peril.  So i am asking you help me track down Reyko and kill him once and for all, all we have to do is to find some kind of machinery that the Dark Emperor uses to keep him alive. More info will be brought to you soon.
Robert Leader of The Mordonosse Clan.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2008, 08:30:34 am by Robert »

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Re: Darkness is upon us once again.
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2008, 08:24:33 am »
About the RP event i want to make, this is a group rp event id like you guys to send an mudmail or a note to me if you want to take part to it with the side that you want to roleplay, ie: join the darkside and slay everything that is alive or be a light lover and remain a fairy for the rest of your life, i am doing stuff with Nauzie as we speak ive posted a note for him in the game and i am wating on his reply, when i get notes or mud mails from you guys i'll try to set a schedule so that we can be all online for it to take place, wont be a long RP event or it will depend on how you guys roleplay and how fast you will find how to slay that crazy Reyko. I'll keep you updated via forum on how the things go on and after i get ur mud mail/notes we can start doing stuff, so if your not lazy enough or to busy with staying and doing nothing at recall send a note and lets have fun 4d style.
Robert The Leader of Mordonosse.

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Re: Darkness is upon us once again.
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2008, 10:10:10 am »
Ok so this is the backround!
As manny of you know few years ago the Fairy Elves started a war against the DarkJedi's, the objective was to take back they'r old clan hall that the Dj's stoled long time ago. In this war against the darkside Robert a DJ' at the time gave the clan Key to the Elves and with that his life cause he was slayin by Myrika who took his soul, for some time he was a ghost as the Great Leader of the  Elves Ganaemir couldn't ressurect him because he was missing an powerfull stone that was is possesion of Myrika. Reyko was slayin when attepmting to ruin they'r victory party. Now the Dark Emperor build a machinery that brought back to life Reyko and they'r goal is to take what they lost long time ago and bring darkness upon the realms.
(I am wating on Nauzhror to build some things for the Rp Event as soon as he's done with it we can start this, i allready talked with the Dj's seeying that they'r Leader can't take part he assigned Erwin to lead them in this fight against the forces of Light and with the help of Reyko, Lionheart and all the evil people that are around the 4Dimensions they will succed.)
Just mudmail me or note me and i will tell you what needs to be done, i will be impartial in this event as i am playing both Reyko and Robert so it all depends on you on how things will go along.