Author Topic: How to Advertise for a Mud  (Read 23813 times)

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Offline erwin

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How to Advertise for a Mud
« on: August 05, 2008, 05:16:45 am »
*I started logging this mid-way, so I don't have the logs for what was said previously, except maybe through "gos and "ooc. I removed all the superfluous stuff, so what you see here is what was being said on the channels, and my commentary as well.

 0: Erwin gossips, 'but I'll be AFK again'
 1: Erwin gossips, 'i would say troll, considering I was away'
 2: Erwin gossips, 'and it's an operating system which I've never used before'
 3: Erwin gossips, 'I bought my first laptop'
 4: Molly gossips, 'hi Erwin'
 5: Erwin gossips, 'hi all'
 6: Rynock gossips, 'lol I love the coug's'
 7: Lionheart gossips, 'don't mess with old women'
 8: Lionheart gossips, 'she slayed you'
 9: Rynock gossips, 'she 1 hit ko'd ne'
10: Lionheart gossips, 'you did just die'
11: Lionheart gossips, 'that's not a DT'
12: Rynock gossips, 'lol I didn't even know'
13: Rynock gossips, 'lol lady anne is if you cheat in the quest I guess'
14: Lionheart gossips, 'there is no mobile DT around

 0: Stiltskin newbies, 'someone from this mud named erwin calling himself a pirate of ralnoth has logged onto my mud, Cleft of Dimensions 4354 and is harassing everyone and telling everyone that they should log onto here. I would like it dealt with please.'
 1: Stiltskin newbies, 'help'

You gossip, 'fucker, no such person on that mud '
*This guy is nogos, so I feel safe using gossip, but I'll give him the benefit of doubt on newbie channel.

You newbie, 'I don't think it's me'

Stiltskin newbies, 'well, the mudconnector is going to be contacted and this mud might get blackballed, so I just thought I would give you guys a heads up'

Stiltskin newbies, 'the IMM will be on tomorrow though'

Stiltskin newbies, 'his name is Umbraunt'

You newbie, 'the person impersonating me is umbraunt?'

Stiltskin newbies, 'no, that is the name of the admin'

Stiltskin newbies, 'the person impersonating you is Benamas'

*He changed his story here. First 'Erwin', now 'Benamas'
*However, Lionheart tries to defuse this situation tactfully.

Lionheart newbies, 'Stiltskin maybe you've drank too much wine today'

Stiltskin newbies, '?'

Lionheart newbies, 'We don't care about your mud issues, and DO NOT advertise your server over our newbie channel again'

Lionheart newbies, 'have your Imms ban the player'

Lionheart newbies, 'and drop this silly discussion'

Stiltskin newbies, 'i logged in here to warn you? you guys are trolling on our mud and I just emailed ian at the mud connector and he said that he's just going to blackball this mud from the mudlist'

Stiltskin newbies, 'sorry for trying to help'

You newbie, 'is this Benemas guy a level 1 player or something?'
* I try to clarify, maybe this Benemas is a troll who picked on 4D.

Lionheart newbies, 'nobody is trolling on your mud'

Lionheart newbies, 'if some idiot is acting wrong we can't be responsible for him'

Stiltskin newbies, 'well there is atleast 4 different ips and they all claim to have come from here'
* I though this guy said there were no imms around, he can check IPs??

Lionheart newbies, 'and don't try to scare us with blackballs'

Lionheart newbies, 'who cares, BAN them'

Stiltskin newbies, 'look, I don't work for mudconnector, take this up with someone else, NOT ME.'

Lionheart newbies, 'we can't control PEOPLE IP's,'

Lionheart newbies, 'Stiltskin, I see all this as a pretest you made up to advertise your mud ip over here'

You newbie, 'if there are no imms on, how do you know the IP?'

Lionheart newbies, 'We can't control what our players do with their PC's'

Stiltskin newbies, 'i don't, but everyone on my mud knows whats been going on and we're sick of it'
Lionheart newbies, 'so you fix this problem on your MUD and spare me this non sense'

Stiltskin newbies, 'okay, well I didnt mean to be talking to players here, I just wanted to talk to the admins'

Lionheart newbies, 'the ADMINS e-mails are showed when you connect'

Stiltskin newbies, 'sorry for disturbing you lionheart'

Lionheart newbies, 'MAIL them'

You gossip, 'this benemas guy on who list looks like a high level character..not a level 1 created for spam'

Lionheart newbies, 'without spamming up the newbie channel'

You gossip, 'anyway, if he does send an email, I'll send a log from HIS mud to show that he's talking crap'

Lionheart gossips, 'this thing is a made up'

You gossip, 'i know, I'm there now :)'

Stiltskin newbies, '? you've spammed it more than me, I didnt know what other channel to talk on, jeeze, sorry!'

Lionheart newbies, 'use the e-mails provided on Connect and mail the Admins'

Lionheart newbies, 'avoid discussing this matter with the players'

Lionheart newbies, 'we don't care'

Stiltskin newbies, 'well I was hoping to get into contact with an admin cocksucker'

Stiltskin newbies, 'god fuck you, your probally the troll'

Lionheart newbies, 'you've been silenced for obscene language'

Lionheart newbies, 'mail the admins and go in peace'

Lionheart gossips, '[1  1 Fau Cst -- -- M] *Stiltskin            (Seekers) (S) (nogos) (new to 4d)'

Lionheart gossips, 'I didn't know it puts an (S) over who'

You gossip, '(] Kokiri    War  HoS |...|   Iron Chefs    |@| Benamas, Iron Chef Shrike '

You gossip, 'does this look like a level 1 char to you?'

Lionheart gossips, 'can't you see the level?'

You gossip, 'more like some inter-mud civil war, dragging 4D in to remove this player benamas'

You gossip, 'HoS is the level, all other players have 1, 10, 15, etc'

You gossip, 'so I thought that could be equiv to GM / Hero'

*This is the first log for what happened on 4D

Offline erwin

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Re: How to Advertise for a Mud
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2008, 05:28:39 am »
Of course, I logged on into HIS mud as well.

*I have the entire log, but I'll just include in what was said on channels, and what I typed to verify whatever Stiltskin said :)

Stiltskin auctions 'im hungry'

Demonicor auctions 'why tell over auction?'

help whois

Syntax: whowas <player>
WHOWAS shows you the time since a player last logged on.


    Race   Class  Lvl         Affiliation        Name
(] Moogle    Kni   93 |...|                 |@| Eightja, Combine Soldier
(] Nu        War   83 |...|                 |@| AKKURSED Demonicor the Chaotic Summoner
(] Saiyan    War   20 |...|                 |@| Treimor the Newbie
(] Saiyan    War   11 |...|                 |@| Demeter the Newbie
(] Moogle    Thi   11 |...|                 |@| Stiltskin the Moogle Trader.
(] Koopa     Sum    4 |...|                 |@| Fievel OWNS YOUR MUD!
(] Human     Geo    1 |...|                 |@| Shalazar the Newbie
(] Human     Kni    1 |...|                 |@| Squeak clan ufo meltdown
(] Kokiri    War  HoS |...|   Iron Chefs    |@| Benamas, Iron Chef Shrike 
Players online: 9  Players Today: 19

whowas shalazar

Name:         Shalazar   Real Name: N/A
E-mail address: N/A
Shalazar is currently playing CoD.

whowas erwin
No such player: Erwin.

*Hmm. Suspicious, and what does HoS mean anyway?
*Time to start asking about

whowas umbraunt
Name:         Umbraunt   Real Name: N/A
Umbraunt last logged on at Tue Aug  5 04:13:33 2008

That was 0 days, 0 hours, 22 minutes and 6 seconds ago.

*Very strange, I thought he said Umbraunt was asleep? Why did he log on just 22 minutes ago?
*Let me try out a newbie impersonation

You [*OOC*] 'hi, can anyone help me?'

You [*OOC*] 'I'm stuck in The End of Time room'

[*OOC*] Demonicor ' what room?'

You [*OOC*] 'A circular stone courtyard floats here, surrounded by high walls of crawling ivy. Several large clumps of bushes line the walls, obscuring whatever is behind them. The sound of birds chirps all around, despite the fact that this place is suspended in'

[*OOC*] Demonicor ' Try looking at the bucket,'

You [*OOC*] 'ok, I will try that. I'm new to mudding '

[*OOC*] Demonicor ' Oh, well then I hope we don't scare you off ^.^'

You [*OOC*] 'what comaands can I use in the mud?'

[*OOC*] Demonicor ' Type help to see most everything you will need to know. There are also helpfiles if you are confused on a subject (help <topic>).'

You [*OOC*] 'okay, I will do that. Thank you'

[*OOC*] Demonicor ' No problem, if you have any questions feel free to ask.'
*Demonicor is nice..too bad I won't be stopping on here...

[*OOC*] Stiltskin 'can i have 10billion gold coins?'
*Snicker, that's a nice question.

You [*OOC*] 'okay, thank you'

[*OOC*] Stiltskin 'lol'

[*OOC*] Demonicor ' No stilt, you can't. But thanks for asking XD'

*The atmosphere on this mud doesn't seem like one immediately after someone goes and GOSSIPS about another mud.

[*OOC*] Stiltskin ':'('


[*OOC*] Stiltskin 'lol'

[*OOC*] Demonicor ' T,T'

You gossip 'how can I see what level I am at?'
*Shit, almost blew my cover

[*OOC*] Demonicor ' Type score'

[*OOC*] Demonicor ' who will also show you your level, along with everyone elses and a few other things'

You [*OOC*] 'Ok, I will try that'

You [*OOC*] 'is there a difference between Gossip and Ooc ?'
*I try to make a save

Demonicor quotes 'GOSSIP is used as a global IN CHARACTER channel. It is mainly used to gather crowds for IC actions or events, and for other related actions.'

[*OOC*] Demonicor ' though it's never really used ^.^'

You quote 'what aboute Quote ?'

[*OOC*] Demonicor ' Quote is used to quote things, people don't tend to use it for anything but quotes. Though it is used quite frequently.'

You [*OOC*] 'pretty cool, I can talk to bookas'


    Race   Class  Lvl         Affiliation        Name
(] Nu        War   84 |...|                 |@| AKKURSED Demonicor the Chaotic Summoner
(] Moogle    Thi   12 |...|                 |@| Stiltskin the Moogle Trader.
(] Human     Geo    1 |...|                 |@| Shalazar the Newbie
(] Human     Kni    1 |...|                 |@| Squeak clan ufo meltdown
(] Kokiri    War  HoS |...|   Iron Chefs    |@| Benamas, Iron Chef Shrike

You [*OOC*] 'What kind of level is HoS ?'
*I'll see whether Benamas really advertised 4D as Erwin...

[*OOC*] Demonicor ' Head of Staff'

[*OOC*] Demonicor ' If the level has letters in it, then it's an immortal/Mod/wiz'

You [*OOC*] 'is that a super player then?'

[*OOC*] Demonicor ' Nope, it's a builder. The people who create areas, moderate the chat channels, and overall run the game.'
*That's the equiv of Molly here, right?

[*OOC*] Demonicor ' I think he's sleeping IRL though'

You [*OOC*] 'oh'

[*OOC*] Demonicor ' Shal, how are you doing as far as the tutorial goes?'

You [*OOC*] 'I'm going through it slowly'

You [*OOC*] 'reading the helpfiles, but I'm at the Shy Guy and Red Goomba Blue Goomba'

[*OOC*] Demonicor ' Ah, the battle tutorial.'

*At this point, I logged out.

Offline erwin

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Re: How to Advertise for a Mud
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2008, 05:32:07 am »
Here is the full log.

Offline Molly

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Re: How to Advertise for a Mud
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2008, 06:15:11 am »
Heh, I logged on there too, to find what was going on. Here's my log:

You gossip 'excuse me, is there an admin on line?'

<HP:20/20 MP:102/103>
[*OOC*] Demonicor ' why?'

[*OOC*] Stiltskin 'FUCK'

You gossip 'because there was apparently an issue on my mud a quarter of an hour ago, that I'd like to discuss with an imm'

[*OOC*] Stiltskin 'always right when im about to level'

You gossip 'involving a player named stiltskin'

[*OOC*] Stiltskin 'uh?'

Stiltskin gossips 'dont lie'

[*OOC*] Stiltskin 'that thing is lying'

[*OOC*] Stiltskin 'i havent done anything'

You gossip 'you just logged on to my mud with a complaint, right?'

[*OOC*] Demonicor ' people have been going around acting like idiots to other muds pretending to be people from this mud.'

Stiltskin gossips 'i havent done anything you freaking psycho'

Stiltskin gossips 'ive been playing here only '

Stiltskin gossips 'shut the hell up, samon'

[*OOC*] Demonicor ' Stilt, be nice'

You gossip 'is there an Admin here that I can talk tio?'

[*OOC*] Stiltskin 'its samon'

    Race   Class  Lvl         Affiliation        Name
(] Nu        War   84 |...|                 |@| AKKURSED Demonicor the Chaotic Summoner
(] Moogle    Thi   12 |...|                 |@| Stiltskin the Moogle Trader.
(] Human     Thi    1 |...|                 |@| Emma the Newbie
(] Human     Kni    1 |...|                 |@| Squeak clan ufo meltdown
(] Kokiri    War  HoS |...|   Iron Chefs    |@| Benamas, Iron Chef Shrike

Players online: 5  Players Today: 19

[*OOC*] Demonicor ' Stilt, it might not be.'

[*OOC*] Demonicor ' No, the imms have gone idle for sleeping. Though I suppose I would be the acting highbie...'

You gossip 'all I know is that someone calling themselves Stiltskin just logged on to my Mud with some very wird accusations'

Stiltskin gossips 'which mud'

Stiltskin gossips 'and why do you need to lie to get attention?'

You gossip 'I'd like to have this thing cleared up right now'

[*OOC*] Demonicor ' I understand that you have come as an ambassador then?'

You gossip 'I am not about to tell you the name of my mud, since that's exactly what the accusations were about'

You gossip 'I am a mud ownner'

Stiltskin gossips 'okay samon'

Stiltskin gossips 'so how did you find out it came from this mud then?'

Stiltskin gossips 'oh wait, you are samon, sorry'

[*OOC*] Demonicor ' I wish I had the nochan ability, I would hit stilt with it right now'

[*OOC*] Stiltskin 'D:'

You gossip 'someone named Stiltskin logged on to my mud a whiile ago and said some weird things'

Stiltskin gossips 'uh really? and what led you to this mud?'

Stiltskin gossips 'exactly'

You gossip 'I quote: Stiltskin newbies, 'someone from this mud named erwin calling himself a pirate of ralnoth has logged onto my mud, Cleft of Dimensions 4354 and is harassing everyone and telling everyone that they should log onto here. I wo'

You gossip 'THAT is what lead me to this mud'

Stiltskin gossips 'thats a lie'

Stiltskin gossips 'because im stiltskin on alter aeon too you stupid dope and watch this'

[*OOC*] Demonicor ' We didn't get anyone called erwin'

Stiltskin gossips 'Player 'stiltskin', last login Thu Jul 24 23:47:59 2008'

You gossip 'you want me to supply the isp of this player as well? I suppose that would clear up things very quickly'

Stiltskin gossips 'funny how you can get caught in a lie  really quickly and have no evidence or anything'

You gossip 'hang on, I'll give you the isp'

Stiltskin gossips 'and you are definitely not dentin'

Stiltskin gossips 'mud owner my arse'

Stiltskin gossips 'what happened to that isp little buddy?'

[*OOC*] Demonicor ' How do you know she's from Alter Aeon you moron, shut your mouth. This has been happening to more than one mud.'

[*OOC*] Stiltskin 'because it was talking about ralnoth'

You gossip 'it seems they used a proxy; QUOTE: Host:(NOHOST) '

[*OOC*] Stiltskin 'and its been the same player the whole time under different names'

Stiltskin gossips 'lmfao'

[*OOC*] Stiltskin 'i think i know what im talking about, ive been playing with this dude for years'

[*OOC*] Demonicor ' So... Someone was claiming to be Sunflash on Sloth'

You gossip 'I'd really like to talk to an admin about this'

[*OOC*] Demonicor ' or maybe they were claiming to be me'

[*OOC*] Stiltskin 'heh'

[*OOC*] Stiltskin 'samon does all of that'

You gossip 'did or did not someone named Erwin log on here?'

Stiltskin gossips 'NOONE did'

[*OOC*] Demonicor ' So, maybe if you would sit back and think a moment, maybe this person is complaining ABOUT samon'

[*OOC*] Stiltskin 'im protecting this mud from hooligans and you are being mean about me'

[*OOC*] Stiltskin 'no, its not'

You gossip 'then you have a problem with some moron going around impersonating you, Stiltskin'

Stiltskin gossips 'i have no problem, because you, and this "accused copy" are the exact same person, and nonexistant'

You gossip 'since someone names Stiltskin definitely was acting like a screwball on my mud less than a half hour ago'

Stiltskin gossips 'i just have one question, what led you to this mud, and how did you figure a stiltskin would be here?'

[*OOC*] Demonicor ' I will do you a favor and log this entire conversation starting with your first gossip post.'

[*OOC*] Stiltskin 'for what?'

Stiltskin gossips 'exactly'

You gossip 'I already quoted what led me to this mud'

[*OOC*] Demonicor ' Cause someone claiming to be Stiltskin said they came from here, and complained about ralnoth'

Stiltskin gossips 'no, you didnt'

You gossip '>I'll quote it again then:'

Demonicor quotes 'Emma gossips 'I quote: gos Stiltskin newbies, 'someone from this mud named erwin calling himself a pirate of ralnot'

[*OOC*] Demonicor ' one moment'

You gossip 'Stiltskin newbies, 'someone from this mud named erwin calling himself a pirate of ralnoth has logged onto my mud, Cleft of Dimensions 4354 and is harassing everyone and telling everyone that they should log onto here. '

[*OOC*] Demonicor ' yes, that'

You gossip 'there is your isp right there. That's what led me to this mud'

[*OOC*] Stiltskin 'why would that person say that'

[*OOC*] Stiltskin 'there was no edwin, and why would that person randomly say that'

You gossip 'that's what I came here to find out'

Stiltskin gossips 'why would a person from this mud, come to your mud, to complain about someone from this mud'

[*OOC*] Demonicor ' Cause they want to cause an intermud war'

You gossip 'that's why I asked to talk to an Admin'

Stiltskin gossips 'you dont think before you talk'

[*OOC*] Stiltskin 'heh'

[*OOC*] Demonicor ' Neither do you Stilt'

[*OOC*] Stiltskin 'of course i do'

You gossip 'and that is also why I am not telling you what Mud I come from, so you cannot accuse me of coming here to advertise that'

[*OOC*] Stiltskin 'i have thought it all out, and confirmed my suspicions'

Stiltskin gossips 'i didnt'

You gossip 'I'll tell you this however'

Demonicor gossips 'have you gotten anything I said on the ooc channel?'

Stiltskin gossips 'bye now, no immortals are here'

You gossip 'my name is Molly O'Hara'

Stiltskin gossips 'how clever'

You gossip 'I haven't gotten any explanations that are satisfactory, so I guess I'll e-mail the Admin then'

Stiltskin gossips 'go for it, chief'

Demonicor gossips 'I've been trying to tell stilt to stop being a moron. You've obviously come to try to be an ambassador'

Stiltskin gossips 'that shouldve been your starting goal'

You tell Demonicor 'is this person for real?'

You tell Demonicor 'the way it acts I am starting to believe he really WAS the moron acting on my mud'

Demonicor tells you 'I apologize, he is being a moron, he probably thinks he's the only one who is getting this kind of crap thrown at him.'

You tell Demonicor 'I was willing to give him the benefit of a doubt, but really...'

You tell Demonicor 'is there some disgruntled player running around trying to discredit him and your mud on other muds?'

Demonicor tells you 'We've had multiple different people from other muds with the same complaint of "people from this mud" complaining about non-existant things or just being plain idiots on other muds.'

Demonicor tells you 'Someone tried to use my pretitle as a name on another mud to cause havoc then blamed it on here.'

INFO: (] Stiltskin has escaped from the Cleft of Dimensions... [)

You tell Demonicor 'any idea about who it is? The person obviously was using a proxy to disguise the isp'

You tell Demonicor 'I'd like to help tracking them down, but I cannot get an ip address in the log'

Demonicor tells you 'Versalia has made a few users mad, I think it may be the user here called Salmon. This didn't start up until today... well yesteryday. Wow, my internal clock is off.'

Demonicor tells you 'We had someone from Sloth come on with the same problem, and I think someone from a J.R.R. Tolkien mud as well.'

You tell Demonicor 'well, if he tries it again with us, I'll see if one of the coders can dredge up the address and contact your admin'

You tell Demonicor 'it seems such a weird thing to do'

Demonicor tells you 'I'm sorry I didn't remember sooner about newbies having the OOC channel turned off, otherwise I would have started talking on gossip sooner.'

You tell Demonicor 'at first we thought it was a way to advertise your mud backwards so to say, but he was acting so stupidly that it appears the intention was the reverse'

You tell Demonicor 'I'm sorry too, I didn't pay attention to the OOC messages'

You tell Demonicor 'and seeing a player named Stiltskin here, naturally made me jump to conclusions'

Demonicor tells you 'As I said, someone has been pulling names of people from this mud and using them on others to stir up trouble.'

Demonicor tells you 'It seems to me that it's just someone immature who wants to start a war and stir up an unneeded amount of chaos.'
You tell Demonicor 'ok, thanks, I won't take up any of your time then'

You tell Demonicor 'morons are everywhere, regrettably, goodbye :-)'

Demonicor tells you 'Goodbye, and if I never see you again may your life be interesting.'

You tell Demonicor 'you too, and good hunting!'

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Re: How to Advertise for a Mud
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2008, 12:29:07 pm »
Favorite part: Ian. The owner, and sole administrator of TMC is Andrew, not Ian :P

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Re: How to Advertise for a Mud
« Reply #5 on: August 21, 2008, 01:05:35 am »
He logged on again:

Ageatii OOCs, 'hello?'

<[(1651/1651H)(18134/18134M)(768/768V) (100) 32,147,083TNL 0 Done 0 Dealt]>
Iwku OOCs, 'hi Ageatii'

<[(1651/1651H)(18134/18134M)(768/768V) (100) 32,147,083TNL 0 Done 0 Dealt]>
Ageatii OOCs, 'I don't know if this sounds like a dumb question or not, but are there a group of people here or a clan or something called "the pirates of sloe"?'

<[(1651/1651H)(18134/18134M)(768/768V) (100) 32,147,083TNL 0 Done 0 Dealt]>
Iwku OOCs, 'no, there is a Viking clan'

<[(1651/1651H)(18134/18134M)(768/768V) (100) 32,147,083TNL 0 Done 0 Dealt]>
Ageatii OOCs, 'hrm'

<[(1651/1651H)(18134/18134M)(768/768V) (100) 32,147,083TNL 0 Done 0 Dealt]>who

  =Immortals online=
[< World Incendiary >] Prometheus is being harrassed by a vulture (Helper)

  =Mortals online=
[4 47 Cen Thi PK RP M] Mr Lionheart Alderisio (Vikings) (HERO) (Fearless) (AFK)
[4 43 Fau Thi -- -- F] Iwku (Dark-Jedi)
[4 41 Gri Thi PK RP F] Death Walker Natalya Bathory, The Blood Countess (Vampire Leader) (RPL) (Bitch) (quest) (AFK)
[2 43 Elf Mag -- RP M] Knecht Magister, Angel of Death and Demon of the Flesh (Vampire) (idle)
[2 35 Elf Esp PK RP M] Fizban the Fabulous! (Table Round) (Fearless) (quest)
[1 3 Cen Rge -- -- M] *Mortamer the Thief (Seekers) (nogos) (idle)
[1 1 Fau Rge -- -- M] *Ageatii the Thief (Seekers) (nogos)

There is 1 visible immortal and there are 7 visible mortals.
There is a boot time high of 10 players.

<[(1651/1651H)(18134/18134M)(768/768V) (100) 32,147,083TNL 0 Done 0 Dealt]>
Ageatii OOCs, 'it seems some people from this mud may have been doing some advertising where I come from.'

<[(1651/1651H)(18134/18134M)(768/768V) (100) 32,147,083TNL 0 Done 0 Dealt]>
Iwku OOCs, 'i doubt that, we're not that energetic :)'

<[(1651/1651H)(18134/18134M)(768/768V) (100) 32,147,083TNL 0 Done 0 Dealt]>
Ageatii OOCs, 'actully it's more like spamming, but advertising none the less'

<[(1651/1651H)(18134/18134M)(768/768V) (100) 32,147,083TNL 0 Done 0 Dealt]>

You tell Iwku, 'oh dear not again'

<[(1651/1651H)(18134/18134M)(768/768V) (100) 32,147,083TNL 0 Done 0 Dealt]>quit

Goodbye, Fizban.. Come back soon!

<[(1651/1621H)(18134/18119M)(768/773V) (100) 32,147,083TNL 0 Done 0 Dealt]>

  ,/ \.
 (( ))
  \`. ,'/ 
  )') (`( 
 ,'`/ \,`. Welcome To 4 Dimensions 
(`-( )-') 
 \-'\,-'"`-./`-/ 0) Exit from 4 Dimensions.
  \-') (`-/ 1) Enter the game.
  /`' `'\ 2) Choose another character from this account.
 ( _ _ ) -------------------------------------------------
 | ( \ / ) | 3) Manage Accounts.
 | `.\ /,' | 4) Enter a description for this character.
 | `\ /' | 5) Read the 4D background story.
 ( ) 6) Change password.
  \ / 7) Delete this character.
  \ / 
  `. ,' 
hh `-.-' 
  Make your choice: 0

Connected to host
  _ _ _ _
  _,.-----.,_ | | |\ | |\ /| | |\ | | | | / \ |\ | |
  ,-- --. |_|_ | | | | \/ | |__ | \| |_ | | | | \| |_
  ,^___ ___^. | | / | | | | | | | | | | | | |
  /-- -- . -- --\ | |/ | | | |_ | | |_| | \_/ | | |_|
  Y ,--._ I _.--. Y
  | Y --. | ,- Y | Travel through time
. | | ^ }: ^ | |
  j l / | \ ! l
 .-- (__,.--- .^. ---.,__) --. Brought to you by the 4D admin:
( / / | \ \ )
 \.____, - \/-\/ - .____,/ Owner: Shorty Host+Coder: Kalten
  ^.____ ____.^ Developer: Mordecai Architect: Molly
  | |l _ _ _ _ _ !| | World Design: Sonya
  | l \/V V V V V V\/ j | 
  | \ \|_|_|_|_|_|/ / ! Original DikuMUD by Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
  \ \[T T T T T TI/ / Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer
  \ `^-^-^-^-^-^' /
  \ /
  \. ,/
  Based on CircleMUD 3.1,
  Created by Jeremy Elson

By what name do you wish to be known? Nauzhror
Password: ********

[ Nauzhror [] has reconnected. ]

100010H 2046M 10000V (100) 860,988,454TNL>users

Num Class Name State Idl Login@ Site
--- ----------- ------------ -------------- --- -------- ------------------------
136 [55 Elf Esp] Nauzhror Playing 00:57:38 []
135 [ 1 Fau Rge] Ageatii Playing 0 00:53:07 []
133 [43 Fau Thi] Iwku Playing 1 00:19:56 [********************]
130 [55 Gri Pri] Prometheus Playing 00:11:57 [**********************]
126 [ 3 Cen Rge] Mortamer Playing 33 23:24:26 [************************]
120 [43 Elf Mag] Knecht Playing 24 22:29:55 [***************************]
 89 [47 Cen Thi] Lionheart Playing 8 14:56:23 [**********************]
 73 [41 Gri Thi] Natalya Playing 2 11:21:32 [**************************]

8 visible sockets connected.

100010H 2046M 10000V (100) 860,988,454TNL>
Ageatii OOCs, 'two characters named lionheart and molly'

100010H 2046M 10000V (100) 860,988,454TNL>
Ageatii OOCs, 'are they trouble makers here?'

100010H 2046M 10000V (100) 860,988,454TNL>

You OOC, 'Ageati, please leave. I know you're a former player of Cleft of Dimensions, you logged here once before and tried this bullshit. I've spoken to the owner of Cleft of Dimensions, you went by the name of Salmon there and have been causing trouble on muds for a while.'

100010H 2046M 10000V (100) 860,988,454TNL>
Ageatii OOCs, 'what on earth are you talking about?'

100010H 2046M 10000V (100) 860,988,454TNL>
Ageatii OOCs, 'i've never even heard of cleft of dimensions'

100010H 2046M 10000V (100) 860,988,454TNL>

You OOC, 'Molly is the Head Builder here, you logged on as Stiltskin from that same IP, Molly has not logged on your MUD, she has not caused you any trouble.'

100010H 2046M 10000V (100) 860,988,454TNL>
Ageatii OOCs, 'well somebody calling herself molly has logged into my mud to cause trouble than.'

100010H 2046M 10000V (100) 860,988,454TNL>

You OOC, 'the last time you were here you claimed Erwin was advertising on your mud.'

100010H 2046M 10000V (100) 860,988,454TNL>
Ageatii OOCs, 'perhaps you have me confused with someone else?'

100010H 2046M 10000V (100) 860,988,454TNL>last stiltskin

[23970] [ 1 Cst] Stiltskin 
Last: Wed Aug 6 06:57:50 2008

100010H 2046M 10000V (100) 860,988,454TNL>

You OOC, 'no I don't, your IP last time was: this time it is I banned your previous IP.'

100010H 2046M 10000V (100) 860,988,454TNL>

100010H 2046M 10000V (100) 860,988,454TNL>
Ageatii OOCs, 'so because I'm routed through seattle that means I have the same ip as somebody else who also is?'

100010H 2046M 10000V (100) 860,988,454TNL>

You OOC, 'no, it means you have the same IP as yourself'

100010H 2046M 10000V (100) 860,988,454TNL>

100010H 2046M 10000V (100) 860,988,454TNL>goto ageatii

[ 3081] Welcome To 4 Dimensions! [ INDOORS GOOD MOVE ] (Inside)
[ Exits: d ]
We think we have a rather unique Mud, and you may find it quite a bit different
from other Muds you have played.
Don't despair! Just read the descriptions and the signs in the introduction
area, and you'll catch up rapidly. 4D is a very newbie friendly Mud.
We have a unique Mudschool, which provides an easy introduction to the world of
4D, and also a Quest Academy that introduces you to our special Quest culture.
On our website are several MAPS which will make orientation a bit easier once
you venture out into our large main world.
Type DOWN in order to get to the next room. 
But first maybe you'd better read the SIGN that is hovering mysteriously in
the air before you. Type look sign or read sign to read it.
|Ageatii the Thief is standing here.

100010H 2046M 10000V (100) 860,988,454TNL>purge ageatii

[ (GC) Nauzhror has purged Ageatii. ]

100010H 2046M 10000V (100) 860,988,454TNL>
[ Losing descriptor without char. ]

100010H 2046M 10000V (100) 860,988,454TNL>

[ Nauzhror has banned for all players. ]
Site banned.

100010H 2046M 10000V (100) 860,988,454TNL>

You gossip, 'Banned, again, and this time his whole subnet.'

Offline kitolani

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Re: How to Advertise for a Mud
« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2008, 08:56:37 pm »
Crap. I miss all the action. >:(

Offline Molly

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Re: How to Advertise for a Mud
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2008, 03:22:57 am »
We miss YOU. Kito!

Where did you go?

Offline Ronib

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Re: How to Advertise for a Mud
« Reply #8 on: January 18, 2009, 08:11:49 pm »
I agree with Kitolani, and with Molly too.