Author Topic: Riley's RP Corner  (Read 12496 times)

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Offline Riley

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Riley's RP Corner
« on: October 27, 2008, 09:09:31 am »
Thanks for visiting my little corner that I am taking for myself for my little RP Corner!  Hope you enjoy reading the story and the roleplay from past events.  If you have comments to post about the story please do so elsewhere, or send me a message for the story is never complete.... Riley's life is always full of mischief and other factors that will probably never truely end this story.  Which might incline me to have to change the title of this from A Dark Day Dawns to something else but only time will tell with that depending on the events in her life.  So without further adieu, please take the time to read the following posts that will dive into her life, be wary to venture forth into the replies of this post if you don't want to read about sacrifice and death, please don't read further (though imho it's not that bad/gruesome)! Enjoy!
« Last Edit: October 27, 2008, 10:08:35 am by Riley »

Offline Riley

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Re: Riley's RP Corner
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2008, 09:10:26 am »
A Dark Day Dawns

Chapter 1: A Calling in the Night

   Chillness crept through Riley’s body as she stared out the window half asleep.  She wondered where her beloved husband was, but not being able to fight off sleep any longer she crawled under the covers of her canopy bed.  Not long after she fell asleep….

…. She was just a little girl about 6, and her mother Naomi was giving Riley her mothers Elvenstar Pendant….

The dream slowly changed….

…. She was now in the council hall on trial.  The Elven Chiefs words resounded in her head.  “Riley you are found guilty of all crimes, you must leave the city by tomorrow morning, if you return you will be put to death.”….

Riley tossed and turned in her bed, trying to wake up, but she couldn’t….

….Now she was in the Blue Dragon Inn at table three.  She was sitting and talking to Ganamier, and pledged her allegiance to the Qualinesti, in return for him to let her see her parents again….

The dream changed again this time was not like the others; there was just a black void with her standing in the center bewildered, cloaked in a white robe with tan skin holding a small flickering candle….

A stern voice spoke, “Your parents never loved you!”
Riley shouted out in the darkness, “They do love me!”
A stern voice spoke, “If they loved you, you would be with them now.”
Riley shouted out in the darkness, “They couldn’t follow me.  I was exiled.”
A stern voice spoke, “A parent is always fond of there children, and would never leave them to suffer.”
Riley shouted out in the darkness, “Who are you?”
A stern voice spoke, “Not very inquiring are you daughter?  Ganamier never helped you.  Your parents never loved you.  All of your life was nothing, now is the time for you to grow and become something.  Your one of us now, a Drow, and you will obey me.”
Riley kneeled down and disrobed, her robe vanished as it hit the floor, and her skin turned as black as the most foreboding night.

The scene changed to that of Lolth’s hidden temple….

Lolth spoke, “I see that you know who I am now”
Riley spoke, “Yes mother”
Lolth spoke, “You still have dreams of your elven heritage daughter, and you have to give up your past to fully serve me in my wishes.  Erase your past from this world and these dreams you keep having will vanish with them.”
Riley spoke, “I will obey you mother.”
Lolth spoke, “This is what will become.”

The scene changed again this time to her home land…..

The sight was pleasing for the two cloaked figures in the night.  From the glow of the sprites bodies that lit up what was left of the battlefield, as a mass of spiders made it appear as if the moonlight was reflecting off an ocean at night.  The glow from the sprites bodies finally winked out for the last time, as the two cloaked figures praised Lolth for the victory that night.

Lolth spoke, “You must wait for your husband to return, and for the birth of your child.  For you will sacrifice him to me, or you will be consumed in the mass of spiders along side your parents.”

With the last words resounding through her head Riley woke up from her nightmare or was it just a dream.

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Re: Riley's RP Corner
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2008, 09:11:07 am »
Chapter 2: Searching for Answers

Riley got out of bed wrapping a blanket around her, and walked over to the window, it was still dark outside.  Nothing from her dream made any sense to her.  Why was this happening to her?  Why now?  Where was her husband?  All these things didn’t make sense.  Somewhere in the forest Dakota could be heard howling at the moon.  Riley got dressed and decided the only place she could probably get answers was in Lolth’s temple.

   Riley spent each day in the temple, praying and offering sacrifices to Lolth.  She kept Dakota close to her too, and would talk to him.  Thinking that it may only be a special bond she shared with Dakota; she tried to reach out with her mind to talk to the spiders.  None of them answered her though.  Dakota told her that it was quiet possible that she could talk to the spiders, but she hasn’t been able to talk to the right one to even tell them it is okay to talk to her.  Animals are always finicky, yielding to those that are stronger.

   A month later, Tocharaeh sneaked into the temple, and was pleased to see his wife praying and giving sacrifice to Lolth.  Riley was oblivious to his presence, as she went through the rituals.  She sacrificed the young elven boy’s heart into the fire of Lolth’s altar, with head bowed she prayed as her words resounded through the cavern. 

Ilhar Lolth, Usstan belbau dos nindol or'shanse, belbau uns'aa l' z'ress lu' mriggan whol vel'bol z'klaen doer.  Dosst orn zhah gareth wun ussta deis, ilhar, lu' Usstan orn rothrl.  Nindol inlul or'shanse Usstan zhaun zhah naut nindel mzilt, 'zil vel'bol orn doer xuil dosst xxizz.  Drill, Usstan joros whol dosst z'ress, l' raxoll d' brorn orn tlu mzild taga z'lonzic, ulu inbal er'griff natha stath el, vel'drav l' tangi chu.  Du'ased tlu ulu dos ilhar, l' Valsharess d' Orbben.

Mother Lolth, I give you this sacrifice, to give me the strength and guidance for what must come.  Your will is strong in my dreams, mother, and I will obey.  This small sacrifice I know is not that much, as what will come with your help.  But, I ask for your strength, the element of surprise will be more than enough, to have only a few die, when the day comes.  Blessed be to you mother, the Queen of Spiders.

Riley sat on the floor before the altar and took out her Elvenstar Pendant her mother gave her, and laughed.  She caressed the pendant in her hand, while she thought about how her mother gave her a tool for their destruction.  Riley just laughed with joy.  Tocharaeh stepped forward quietly from the shadows, and clapped his ebony hands lightly twice.

Tocharaeh stated, “Well done my love.  I'm very proud of you.”

Riley looked up, as it dawned on he she wasn’t alone in the temple like she had thought she was; she questioned if it was her beloved Tocharaeh.

Riley stuttered as she asked her husband, “How... how long have you been here?”

Her husband quietly walked over to the alter, and thrust his hands into the Everfire, pulling out a fresh elven heart of a young child.

Tocharaeh responded to his wife’s question, “Long enough to know that Lolth's will is clear on Her image above.”

Tocharaeh looked up lovingly at Lolth's likeness whose face changed to that of Riley's.

Riley told her husband, “I've been having disturbing night mares, and being haunted by Naomi and Tandris my parents.”

Tocharaeh finished his prayers and sacrifice to Lolth, before addressing his wife again.

Tocharaeh stated, “I should expect so Daughter Of Lolth.  Tell me then of these ‘mares’ of yours.”

Riley replied, “Mostly it's the reoccurrence of everything that has happened in my past.  Being that it is more than just the surface of why I was banished from my home.”

Tocharaeh asks, 'I see, but how does this involve those whom harbor nay right thus to call you daughter?'

Riley states, “I'm not quite sure if it's just my will to kill my parents or Lolth's will to finish severing ties to my past.”

Tocharaeh says, “I presume it twould be both.  You've a pact with Lolth, a blood pact.  And how doth their ends come about?”

Riley nods at Tocharaeh, and says, “I just know that my pendant is the key, and that more than my parents will die on that day.  I've saw an ocean of spiders walking over the bodies of dead sprites and elves alike in my dream.  In what used to be my home.”

Tocharaeh rubs his chin thoughtfully and goes 'Hmmmm...'

Tocharaeh says, 'Good dream.  I'm pleased that Lolth's will is known now.”'

Riley says, “But, I know I'm not ready for something like this.  I don't know any spells that could help me”

Tocharaeh says, “To rely on solely powers is a weakness.  Lolth's strength will add to your own as long as you're confident in yourself and can fully give yourself to Her.  Her Will is in your favor, twould be safe to assume that Our Lady will guide you further on her Will when she see's fit to.  Strength begets strength.  Daughter of Lolth, tis soon time for you to begin your training and schooling in the ways of a true Mistress of Lolth”

Riley nods at Tocharaeh, and says, “You will come with me?”

Tocharaeh states, “I will join your side my Lady.”

Riley smiles warmly at her husband, and says, “Thank you, because if you didn't come with me I don't think I'd want to try my luck, considering you were there by my side in the dream.”

Tocharaeh states, “Then that is Her will.”

Riley says, “And Mother Lolth will have her small victory over elves.”

Tocharaeh kisses Riley, and than says, “No victory is ever small especially against the Faeries.”

Riley says, “There are still millions out there.”

Tocharaeh says, “More for us to kill,” as he throws back his head and cackles with insane glee.

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Re: Riley's RP Corner
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2008, 09:26:13 am »
Chapter 3: Offering of a Sacrifice

After much preparation for the last couple of weeks, the morning finally came when Riley gave birth to a son.  Perhaps it was fate, or perhaps Lolth somehow knew that she was carrying a boy, as she had mentioned in her dream.  Later, that day Tocharaeh and Riley walked to Lolth’s hidden temple carrying the screaming newborn with them.

Tocharaeh carried the boy up to the altar, and laid him down upon it.  Riley watched Tocharaeh, as she undressed for the sacrifice that would soon take place.  He removed an intricate sacrificial dagger from its place, and deftly cut deep gashes into his hands and forearms.  Riley approached the altar, and stood beside her husband.  Tocharaeh cleaned off the dagger, before carefully handing it to her, and positioned himself so his lifeblood would drain from his self-inflicted wounds down into the bowls inset in the floor.  His blood filled up the bowls, and he placed a bloody fingerprint in between the child’s eyes.

Tocharaeh stated, “He needs naming.”

Riley sighed, and thought for awhile before she replied, “Jael’tok.”

Tocharaeh winced as a new pain throbbed throughout him, as the naming was completed.  The blood from the inset bowls drained into the everfires, and seeped into his skin forming a new rune.

   Tocharaeh stated, “My part is done Daughter of Chaos.  Now you may begin.”

   Riley took the dagger in her hand, and murmured a quiet prayer placing the dagger on Jael’tok’s chest.  The silver blade turned purple the moment it touched Jael’tok’s skin, and he screamed out in pain.  She traced the dagger over his chest, and scared the shape of a spider on him.  Jael’tok screamed in pain as the intense heat from the blade made his blood boil under his skin.  Tocharaeh immediately spun a web of magical vitality to keep the child alive.  He than began to intone with a deep magically enhanced voice, a deep ‘OEH’ sound endlessly shaking the stalactites above.  Riley lifted the dagger from Jael’tok’s chest as the rune was completed.

   Tocharaeh skillfully flicked his blood into the everfire causing it to erupt with a ‘FOOSH,’ as she bowed her head and began to pray.

Ilhar Lolth, Valsharess d' Orbben.  L' draeval uriu doer, lu' 'zil dos inbal quarthen, Usstan inbal xunor.  L' dalhar vel'uss 'udtila mir l' dro Usstan inbal belbol, Usstan nin alkar ulu dos Ilhar d' Vhid.  Gi Jallil Valsharess Usstan ib'leua joros nindel dos ja'hai nindol or'shanse, xor plynn Tocharaeh wun ukt k'lar ka l' dalhar nindel Usstan nrunn zhah naut z'lonzic.  Du'ased tlu ulu Lolth, Valsharess d' Orbben.

Mother Lolth, Queen of Spiders.  The time has come, and as you have commanded, I have done.  The child who doth bare the life I have gifted, I now forfeit to you Mother of Chaos.  Oh Lady Queen I humbly ask that you accept this sacrifice, or take Tocharaeh in his place if the child that I bore is not enough.  Blessed be to Lolth, Queen of Spiders.

   Tocharaeh intoned deeply, “Falduna tlu ulu Jallil Vhid.  Vin’utt ulu il Ihar d’ Ilythiiri.”

As the temple fell silent, Riley drew runes in the air opening up a portal to the Abyss before the statue of the drider.  Tocharaeh placed his hand on her shoulder, as they both kneeled down in reverence, and waited for the arrival of the Yochlol, Lolth’s Handmaiden to come through.  Despite the wails of the crying babe on the altar a great hush filled the room drowning out the fear and pain-filled screams.

   The everfire turned new shades of green and purple and the great bowl in the hands of the drider flared up.  Suddenly a great mass of bubbling, melting wax gracefully stepped through the portal.  The giant malformed mass of gluttonous ooze only continued to grow and it surveyed the area.  The great Yochlol, reached out to stroke the childs face, and set its tiny eyes on Riley.

   The Yochlol intoned deeply, “Why have you summoned me impudent wench?”

   Riley replied, “I summoned you to offer Jael’tok as a sacrifice to Lolth.”

The Yochlol stooped down, and examined the child, and with great speed brings its
melting face within inches of Riley’s face.

   The Yochlol intoned deeply, “You summon me for this?”

   As Riley was caught off guard at the Yochlol’s speed, the Yochlol diverted her attention to Tocharaeh, and reached out with a large tentacle like mass and launched Tocharaeh through the air sending him across the room and he crumpled against the wall unconscious.

   Riley collected her wits somewhat before stuttering, “Ye..yes.”

The Yochlol sniffed the air deeply making a gargling sound, before she intoned, “You fear me, that is good, I am your better and next time you WILL address me as well as Lady Lolth!”

Riley not knowing how to address what was before her responded, “Yes ma’am.”

The Yochlol toke offense, responding, “Ma’am? MA’AM! I am far more greater than to be addressed with such a disgusting HUMAN term for a whore!”

Riley glanced over at her unconscious husband, as she wished she could have some advice on how to deal with a Yochlol.

The Yochlol continued speaking, “I am Tarthlae! You WILL address me as such or feel my wrath!”

Riley responded, “Yes, Tarthlae.”

Tarthlae reached out slowly with her wet arm, and touched Riley’s shoulder.  Riley clenched her teeth as her shoulder burned, bubbled, and boiled.

Tarthlae intoned deeply, “Know your place Riley.  You risk much when already that male has risked much more on your half-breed behalf.  Even IF Lolth has gifted you full blood you ARE no more than flesh for me to destroy.”

Tarthlae removed her arm from Riley’s shoulder, and instead of burned flesh, a tiny silver rune is left in its place.

Tarthlae intoned deeply, “Know Tocharaeh’s affliction now, and learn from your mistakes.  Lady Lolth has accepted your sacrifice.”

   Riley replied, “Thank you, Tarthlae, :” and she bowed her head.

Tarthlae appeared almost as if she was sneering with the next words she spat from her mouth, “You have Her favor, see to it you realize Her mercy, and gift.”

   Tarthlae reached for the child and immediately the still hush that overcame earlier was gone in a instant, and the searing cries of Jael’tok begun anew.  With ease Tarthlae lifted the babe and returned to the gateway to the Abyss.  After Tarthlae went through, the portal was gone, and the fires died.  Darkness enveloped the temple, and with it…. silence.

   Riley looked up to see that Tarthlae was gone, and she stood up and walked over to her husband, and kneeled down beside him.  Tocharaeh stirred regaining consciousness, and Riley caressed his cheek lightly.

   Riley asked him, :”Are you alright love?”

   Tocharaeh stated, “Hardly, but alive.  Damn Yochlols are always so volatile.”

   Riley smiled warmly at her husband.

   Tocharaeh than asked, “She accepted Jael’tok then?”

   Riley assured Tocharaeh that Jael’tok was an acceptable sacrifice.

   Tocharaeh said, “Good, better him than me,” than coughed inconspicuously.

   Riley said, “I didn’t even say that if Jael’tok wasn’t enough she could take you”

   Tocharaeh stated, “She would have anyway.  We lucked out.”

   Riley said, “When I even thought about it she had already thrown you across the room.”

   Tocharaeh said, “In fact, tis prolly best you did not bargain, she would have taken both, “  he rubbed his ribs, and continued, “Forgot how much that hurt.”

Tocharaeh smirks as bones speedily knit, and crack back into place.

Riley said, “I'm just glad that is over with.  I didn't even know how to address her.”

Tocharaeh stated, “It never truly IS over, once you've attained the level of Matron I can leave my place and have you take over.  Yochlols will be your frequent visitors later on.”

Riley questioned, “There's more than one?”

Tocharaeh stated, “You must remember I am a mere male, and easily expended. Lolth is fickle as we should be.  There are 8 Yochlols, and three Midwives.  Midwives you never ever call upon. . Thats the Yochlols job  I will search for a book in my collection for you to study now. You've obviously passed the test and are worthy of it.”

Riley smiled warmly at him.

Tocharaeh stretches his tired bones.

Tocharaeh states, 'Our time here is done.'
« Last Edit: October 27, 2008, 09:58:15 am by Riley »