
Would you pay tokens to increase a perzed mounts tier by 1 in order to keep up with you and mobs/zones as you get more and more powerful?

I am an IMM and dont count.

Author Topic: PERZED MOUNTS: TOO WEAK FOR UBER ZONES?  (Read 11958 times)

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Offline Tocharaeh

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« on: March 21, 2009, 03:01:27 am »
As the zones grow increasingly powerful, we find taht the perzed mobs are too weak to keep up. They last only a few minutes or more (if you're lucky) in places like Dinos, DP, Egypt, and so on. Mobs tend to ATTACK your mount before attacking you. If possible do you think for a certain amount ot tokens you would want to increase their level or tier so that they can keep up with you?

What I have noticed is that the expensive mount loses its worth as you become more and more powerful. The more remorts you stack, and the more quest equipment you gather, your mount becomes obsolete which can make it very difficult when taking on much more powerful mobs.

As it stands the mud has progressed greatly, and the mobs have grown. However, perzed mounts have been left behind. They were great in the older days, especially when mobs weren't attacking them outright. However, today that is not the case.

Once the release of my zone comes to fruition (I'm working diligantly to get it done soon) the importance of mounts will grow because of the great difficulty of what players will face. This fact will increase as my other much smaller projects (in scale) come to in the future. The reason for more uber zones is for more powerful and experienced players to be able to actually feel challenged. As it stands we only have dinos and DP to challenge our blades. I will be challenging both brain AND blade in the very near future.

What I propose is that players with perzed mounts be given the opttion of increasing their perzed mounts tier level by 1 per every 2 silver tokens. This will increase their likelyhood of survival while in the harsh fields of the larger areas.

I should state that this is not for the benefit of myself, but for the mud as a whole. I am and have always been a very poor player here with a handful of bronze here or there. I've never been one for getting tokens- This idea would be difficult for even myself to fund outright, as like everyone else, I am an ordinary player trying to help improve 4Dimensions, and keep it consistent.
-Tocharaeh D'Araesth
The Dirty Ol'' Drow that time left behind in fear of obliteration!

Offline Loran

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« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2009, 04:13:55 am »
this may be a side thing, but to me a mount is only usefull untill your alignment changes it leaves or am i the only one suffering from this? "the message of x mob hates youand leaves"  is fine on a mob you purchased with gold coin, but on a mount you paid tokens for its just plain annoying

Offline Molly

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« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2009, 02:29:40 am »
I am not quite sure why you first say that you want more challenges and then suggest something
that would lowers the challenge?

Anyhow, this is a question of balance, and we need to discuss it before a decision can be taken.
As it is, we only have 3 uber zones, and there is always the option to leave the mount at home when you go to one of these. Uber zones were designed to pose a challenge for strong groups, and we don't want to go back to the situation where a strong player can solo them. If we boost the perzed mounts, they will be overpowered in all other zones.
And it doesn't really matter how many tokens they cost. Tokens are easy to get for most players, so everyone will pay to get the top tier.

However, something could perhaps be done with the code, so that mobs don't always attack the mounts before the rider?

As for Loran's problem with the perzed mount, that sounds like a mistake in the properties of the mount. Pets that you buy in shops can be align sensitive, the perzed one should be neutral. If you note me the name your mount, I'll have a look at how it is set up.

Offline Tocharaeh

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« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2009, 04:39:09 pm »
I think some of the biggest problems here is not the level of MOBs. It's their tiers. If mobs tiers stayed at 0, that would be fine, but as it stands we all stay away from fighting T1-4 mobs due to the fact that despite how much wonderufl eq we have, we will have our asses handed to us. Yes, I enjoy a challenge, but having a mount certainly doesn't take away form taht challenge. I still ahve to heal constantly, and so on, not including the fact tat I have to heal my mount. This being the case, an increase in mount tiers automatically would help us all out trmendously. It's nice when I get lucky enough to laod a T3 perzed mount because I know she wont die, and she doesn't take away from the hard battles at all. She is just sitting tehre looking pretty, and not dying.

I think you have (with all due respect intended Molly) have assumed what we are looking for is power increase. That is not so. We are looking for perzed mounts not to be outdated. Mounts are a staple in 4D history, and it would be wrong to have other things outshine them. They need to be upgradable. Of course players would pay for the top tier. So make it expensive. Even if its 5-8 silver...or even a gold. Players who are willing to work hard should be able to have the best in their mount. Perzes are investments, and perzed mounts are a very special investment because it allows us to move with ease without taking form our vit, and giving us a very slight boost in speed and damage (very slight).

I ask that you take this into consdieration. We could really use the ability to upgrade our mounts. We truly need them as we grow, and the increase of greater zones comes to. (my person project).

-Tocharaeh D'Araesth
The Dirty Ol'' Drow that time left behind in fear of obliteration!