So, when was somebody going to tell us about this sudden change of hands?
Even though I am a HERO, meaning I'm the IMMs assistant for the players....I still need to ask
the question we are all wondering-
WHY didn't anyone tell us?
Why were we not at least informed taht 4D would take such a huge turn?
What does this mean for us?
How will this effect the quality and gameplay?
We are the mud worlds elite slooths. Nobody can quest like we can. We are not simply hack 'n slash.
With the NEW staff building.....what does this mean? Does our standard change? Will they understand how our system works?
I can see some good things coming out of this such as:
round the clock coding
the class system that horus and I proposed which is now being written.
However, what I do not want to change is what 4D has been for over a decade. Where is our skull? I have been looking at that skull since I was...what? 15? I'm 26 now. The skull means a lot to me, as I am sure it means a lot to many others.
This is not a discussion to flame our new hands. This is just a place to voice everyones concerns and desires.
I welcome the new staff, but I ask that the new staff does not impose too much change as to deface what we have all known for a very long time. I think the changing of our login screen is going to cause ripples, and I would advice that they take into consideration our feelings as 4D residences.
Please bring back our skull