Well as it stands there is no realm point aside from finding the right gear, and thus having a good boost in stats so that you can safely quest. There is no true class system. Everything was just thrown together, publihshed, and then gimped harcore.
4D has always been more quest heavy coupled with tons of grinding, but we never had the high lvl area shortage like we do currently.
I would actually propose (I dunno if such a code exists) a system where mobs are only as powerful as the player. Meaning taht if a level 10 player goes up against a mob, it will be around the right kind of level for him/her to gain xp on. This way we dont have such huge level gaps betwene zones.
Leveling would be a lot more fun if we could get this class system finished, and posted for reveiw because then everyone could not only have their own niches in 4D taht benefits everyone, and creates true diversity, but also the drive to truly go out and level knowing that it is doing me some good. GM is for the most part useless aside form our spellups. Can't even solo Gojira or the leviathon anymore. Oh and on top of that Ranger is (altho still my fav) gimped as hell...we ourselves have no niche whatsoever. We can use short and long weapons? Oh, tahts SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO awesome...yeah I still use shields because dual weilding is lame and gets you killed harcore. Yeah, the system needs some change. But not the kind of change where we throw out bailout packages and tirllion of dollars that will bankrupt a country
