Author Topic: House Recall Script  (Read 10620 times)

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House Recall Script
« on: September 24, 2009, 09:22:02 pm »
*Fixed problem with Gold donating
*Added option PUNISH (1 = dungeon, 2 = mild reprimand)
*Added instructions everywhere to help builders adapt it for any player, any house.

In the aim of having Immortals with OLC access responsible for Player Houses to easily modify/upgrade a player House Recall to the new 4D Standards, I've modified the original script adding comments to better understand what it does and easily adapt the script for any given player or house.

You'll find the script attached to this message for easy editor modification.

Players that want a House Recall must supply an Immortal with this information:

*What the item looks like in your inventory
Item shortdesc:

*What the item looks like on the ground
Item longdesc:

*Description you get when looking at the item
Item extra:

*The command you want to type to use the item
Item command:

**Teleporting messages** including examples

[Single player (must specify 3 teleporting messages)]
***NOTE: What players see when actor teleports
set 1eac_single You feel the presence of someone who's missing.

***NOTE: What actor sees when he teleports
set 1sac_single You see yourself dematerializing.

***NOTE: What players see when actor lands at destination
set 1sac_single_back You feel the presence of someone.

[Group of players (must specify 2 different messages)]
***NOTE: What players see when actor teleports
set 1eac_group throws a mantle over %actor.hisher% friends and disappears with them.

***NOTE: What actor sees when he teleports
set 1sac_group You throw your mantle over your friends and disappear with them.

***NOTE: What players see when actor lands at destination
set 1at_group A mantle appears from nowhere and some people emerge from it.

***NOTE: What players in actor's group see when he teleports them.
set 1sp_group throws %actor.hisher% mantle over your head and disappears with you.

[For questions I'm always reachable at my e-mail supplied in the Profile of this forum]
Code: [Select]
***NOTE: You have to change the ARG of COMMAND to match what players ask for
*Default is: Trigger Type: Command, Numeric Arg: 3, Arg list: home

***Please leave credit to the Script Author***
*Author: Leonardo
*Contributor: Mordecai - on the random messages system idea which I later modified.
*Creation date: 31/05/2008
*Modified: 02/09/2009

**Standard Variables**
set sac %send% %actor%
set eac %echoaround% %actor%
set fa %force% %actor%
set ta %teleport% %actor%

**Script Variables**

***NOTE: Choose between 1==DUNGEON or mere 2==MILD reprimand
set punish 2

***NOTE: Specify the house owner name and the name of his alts
set owner 'lionheart' 'zeus'

***NOTE: Specify the VNUM of the house ROOM the player lands to
set ahouse 1902

***NOTE: Recall VNUM
set arecall 3001

set adungeon 1901

***NOTE: The room where Newbies land if using the item.
set aseekers 12900

***NOTE: The Crash-Proof room VNUM of the player house, it's used for a check not for teleporting.
set aproof 1900

**Register Player to use the recall item**
if && %owner.contains('')%
if !%arg.cdr%
 %sac% You have to specify the name of the player you want to REGISTER.
  set aplayer %arg.cdr%
  set people %actor.people%
  while %people%
    set next %people.next_in_room%
    if %people%==%aplayer%
      set aplayer %people%
    set people %next%
  if %aplayer.is_pc%

***NOTE: Change the player-house FLAG always use: playername_house_access as flag.
    if !%aplayer.varexists(LION_HOUSE_ACCESS)%

***NOTE: Change the player-house FLAG always use: playername_house_access as flag.

***NOTE: Change the player-house FLAG always use: playername_house_access as flag.

    %sac% %aplayer% has been registered to use %self.shortdesc%.
    %send% %aplayer% authorized you to use %self.shortdesc%.

***NOTE: Change the player-house FLAG always use: playername_house_access as flag.

   %sac% %aplayer% removed from %self.shortdesc% access list.
   %send% %aplayer% {cRUNAUTHORIZED{cx you to use %self.shortdesc%.
   %sac% Sorry your friend isn't here.

**Let players load a new Recall Item paying 1 Silver Token
if && %owner.contains('')%
  set av %actor.inventory%
  while %av%
***NOTE: The VNUM of a silver token  
    if %av.vnum%==3302
      %load% obj %self.vnum% %actor% inv
      %purge% %av%
      %sac% You loaded %self.shortdesc% at the cost of 1 Silver Token.
      set av %av.next_in_list%
  %sac% No silver tokens found in your Inventory. Try again.

**Script messages**
set athere {ccThe magic dissolves as it has no use.{cx
set aprot {crThe wrath of { {crdescends upon {{cr.{cx
*Single player
***NOTE: What players see when actor teleports
set 1eac_single You feel the presence of someone who's missing.

***NOTE: What actor sees when he teleports
set 1sac_single You see yourself dematerializing.

***NOTE: What players see when actor lands at destination
set 1sac_single_back You feel the presence of someone.

set 2eac_single strikes a lighting bolt to the ground and disappears.
set 2sac_single You strike a lighting bolt to the ground and disappear.
set 2sac_single_back A lighting bolt strikes the ground and appears.

set 3eac_single With a subtle movement covers %actor.himher%self with %actor.hisher% mantle and disappears.
set 3sac_single With a subtle movement you enter the room.
set 3sac_single_back With a subtle movement reveals %actor.himher%self from under %actor.hisher% mantle.
*Messages number
set msgsingle 3
*Group of players
***NOTE: What players see when actor teleports
set 1eac_group throws a mantle over %actor.hisher% friends and disappears with them.

***NOTE: What actor sees when he teleports
set 1sac_group You throw your mantle over your friends and disappear with them.

***NOTE: What players see when actor lands at destination
set 1at_group A mantle appears from nowhere and some people emerge from it.

***NOTE: What players in actor's group see when he teleports them.
set 1sp_group throws %actor.hisher% mantle over your head and disappears with you.

set 2eac_group A dimensional vortex materialize - and %actor.hisher% group jumps in it.
set 2sac_group A dimensional vortex materialize - You jump in it.
set 2at_group A dimensional vortex materialize - some people emerge from it.
set 2sp_group A dimensional vortex materialize - You follow in it.

*Messages number
set msggroup 2
**Script START**
if %actor.fighting%
  %sac% You can't concentrate enough!
%sac% You grab %self.shortdesc%.
wait 5s
if %actor.is_npc%
  set actor %actor.master%
  %echo% Uff, this trick is old - where's your creativity?
  %eac% %aprot%
  %teleport% %actor% %adungeon%
  %force% %actor% look
  eval agold
  %force% %actor% donate %agold% coin
  %purge% self

***NOTE: Change the player house FLAG here too.
elseif !%owner.contains('')% && !%actor.varexists(LION_HOUSE_ACCESS)%

  *Newbies Protection
  if %actor.clanname%==Seekers
    %eac% %aprot%
    %ta% %aseekers%
    %fa% look
    wait 1s
    %sac% Be careful when you use this item next time, it might not be so easy to get out then.
    %purge% self
   if %punish%==1
    *Remorted Player Consequences
    %send% %actor% {cWNow THAT was a very dumb thing to do!{cx
    %eac% %aprot%
    %ta% %adungeon%
    %fa% look
    eval agold
    %force% %actor% donate %agold% coin
    %purge% self
    drop all
%sac% {cWA small electrical shock fill your body with pain.{cx
eval dmg %actor.hitpoints%/5
%damage% %actor% %dmg%
if !%arg%
  if ||
    %sac% %athere%
  eval chance %%random.%msgsingle%%%
  eval msg1 %%%chance%eac_single%%
  eval msg2 %%%chance%sac_single%%
  eval msg3 %%%chance%sac_single_back%
  %eac% {cc%msg1%{cx
  %sac% {cc%msg2%{cx
  %ta% %ahouse%
  %eac% {cc%msg3%{cx
  %fa% look
elseif %arg%==recall
    %sac% %athere%
  eval chance %%random.%msggroup%%%
  eval msg1 %%%chance%eac_group%
  eval msg2 %%%chance%sac_group%
  eval msg3 %%%chance%at_group%
  eval msg4 %%%chance%sp_group%
  %sac% {cc%msg2%{cx
  %at% %arecall% %echo% {cc%msg3%{cx
  set people %actor.people%
  while %people%
    set next %people.next_in_room%
    if %people.master%==%actor%
      %send% %people% {cc%msg4%{cx
      %teleport% %people% %arecall%
      %force% %people% look
    set people %next%
  %eac% {cc%msg1%{cx
  %teleport% %actor% %arecall%
  %force% %actor% look
elseif %arg%==group
    %sac% %athere%
  eval chance %%random.%msggroup%%%
  eval msg1 %%%chance%eac_group%
  eval msg2 %%%chance%sac_group%
  eval msg3 %%%chance%at_group%
  eval msg4 %%%chance%sp_group%
  %sac% {cc%msg2%{cx
  %at% %ahouse% %echo% {cc%msg3%{cx
  set people %actor.people%
  while %people%
    set next %people.next_in_room%
    if %people.master%==%actor%
      %send% %people% %msg4%
      %teleport% %people% %ahouse%
      %force% %people% look
    set people %next%
  %eac% {cc%msg1%{cx
  %teleport% %actor% %ahouse%
  %force% %actor% look

***NOTE: Change the command name in the helpfile to match player preference.
  %sac% Commands List:
  %sac% - {cchome{cx (teleports you to Hiding Place)
  %sac% - {cchome {cWRECALL{cx (teleports YOU and your GROUP to Recall Point)
  %sac% - {cchome {cWGROUP{cx (teleports YOU and your GROUP to Lionheart's Hiding Place)
  %sac% - {cchome {cWREGISTER{cx (Authorize a player to use this Recall Item){cr\*{cx
  %sac% - {cchome {cWLOAD{cx (Loads a new Recall Item if you have a Silver Token in your inventory){cr\*{cx
  %sac% - {cr\*Only the item owner can use this command.{cx
***NOTE: If you left the script Intact and modified just the fields suggested with the '***NOTE:' comment, the script will work smoothly.