I think one of the biggest things you need to remember is that this whole issue was not in fact a helper issue. It was a HERO issue vs. an unruly player who refused to adhere to warnings given not once, but multiple times, and not just by a hero but the other players within recall.
Mudding is a privilege, not a right. The same goes for Recall. If you cannot act like a civil human being, then you do not belong in recall where others who wish to interact humanly are. That is how it works. Clan halls have their own portals to the dimensions, so use them. The balls of HERO's have been cut, and the troublemaker knew that, and mocked it. How else should a hero act in the moment after multiple verbal warnings are given? A couple pushes should suffice. Don't wanna get pushed? Sit down like the rest of us have had to for over 10+ years.
Keeping newbies isn't hard at all so long as the game remains interesting to them, and our player base is constant enough to prevent loneliness form setting in. We are consistently going the extra 10 miles for newbies. However, we shouldn't stand for those who log on with the sole purpose to abuse the senior/new playerbase. That is now how you start your time with us. 4D has and will always remain about family. We love our drama, but we also love how the drama ends and we move on. Those who wish to only destroy what we have going there are nothing but air suckers that are not needed. Questing potential is at the bottom of the list when looking for players.
For 4D to remain as it has always been, we need GENUINE players with a certain quality. We didn't "lose" anything but a potential headache. That is my experienced opinion on the whole matter. The matter has been largely blown out of proportion, and I think that certain uppers and a particular player involved in blowing this whole thing up and forgotten the most important point:
I am a HERO first.
That is all I have to say on the matter now.
As for this !push script in recall. I think it's ridiculous, and un-needed. It has never existed, and should never exist. Why is it one waste of KB managed to cause such a ripple when we have had hundred of other cases of pushing out of recall in the past? Molly has always believed that issues amongst the players should remain within the players. Why are we seeing such "intervention"? Recall belongs to the playerbase as far as I am concerned, not the IMMs. I may be wrong, and am happy to be corrected by Molly whom I have great respect for. I'd like to think I know her by now, but then again I learn something new everyday

So, I implore you to remove the !push script. Players should not have to leave recall because of one jerk. the jerk should leave recall because the players said go. More importantly, the HERO said go.
Finally, I would implore you to also type help hero from time to time and remember why I have it. What it is I take so seriously, and why it is important. Hero was created to alleviate the workload of IMMs. Molly tries to stay out of player/clan business as much as possible, this is why HERO's in general exist. To set the standards created by what rules we do have, and to help keep the peace. With all do respect, if I were you I would do well to remember the intent behind the creation of HERO, and realize that I was only doing my job with what I had at the time. A simple silence for 5min would have been fine with me followed by a report saying 'I silenced this guy for this and this reason for 5min'. We would have all lived, and he would have seen how serious we are. I am all about zero tolerance when it comes to outlandish bad behavior. Harassment, sexual or otherwise is not tolerated. We need to remember that there are human beings behind the keyboard. Yes, we are a game. Yes, we all need thick skin at times. No, we do not have to stand for abuse of any kind nor disrespect regardless of the medium used (in our case, the internet).
You may not agree, but this is how I run things IRL as well. I am a leader of soldiers, and I take it very seriously even if I only work in a hospital. We are adults, and should act thus. Respect of others should be uppermost in our minds, and we should always uphold the standards.
Yours truly,
Tocharaeh D'Araesth