Author Topic: 4D: Moving forward!  (Read 8359 times)

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Offline Tocharaeh

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4D: Moving forward!
« on: October 05, 2009, 09:41:55 pm »
So I've a few suggestions for everyone to consider.

First: Taking Facebook by storm!
  I've since made a 4D facebook page tat should work assuming people search for gaming stuff, mudding and the like. Ultimately what I would like to do is get some people together and develop an actual Facebook application taht would allow facebook users to instantly connect, and play. With Facebook, the possibilities are endless. If the coders are wiling and interested, I am already trying to gather resources on the HOW TO's for facebook apps.

   As it stands I have the beginnings (skeleton) of the application for the 4D page created, all it requires are the coders who willing to develop it to join facebook and allow me to add their names to the developer lists. The same goes for being added to the 4D page admin list. If we can pull this off, I can see a jump in newbie frequency. I think this is very doable.

Second:  Let's make building faster!

   I would like to suggest to the admin, and coders the use of VisualMUD to allow our builders an even easier time putting together their zones. I have used it myself in the past when I have my smaug based mud up for a short time, and I have also seen it seen on multiple muds, including Once's. This allows builders to sit on their desktop and put things together stress free, and without the problems of having to go in and out of menus whenever typos, and errors occur. They would only have to click, correct, and save. I know this can be easily modified to fit the needs of the 4D building community, and would greatly suggest that it is looked into and taken into serious consideration.

Anyway, that is all for now. Here is the facebook 4d page ( for all who are interested at taking a peek, and so on. Again, I implore all to join facebook, and working to broaden the 4D community.
-Tocharaeh D'Araesth
The Dirty Ol'' Drow that time left behind in fear of obliteration!