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For now I can only think of three things that I want with the DG_code:

1. I want scripts to be able to check for moon phases. (Toch needs this for his vampire/werewolf features, and I need it for a Druid quest that I am planning). It would also be generally cool to have some secret only revealed when the light of the full moon falls on an inscription.

2. I want scripts to be able to check for seasons (spring, summer, autumn, winter), or maybe better for mud months. (I need this for a harvest script for the Cooking feature, i.e. fruit trees that blossom in spring, bear fruit in autumn and shed their leaves in winter). Perhaps it would also be better to have the farming scripts work on a season basis, instead of once per reboot as they do now. Which brings me to my third wish:

3. Currently we can make scripts trigger only once per reboot. But since the mud is pretty stable nowadays, this means that the wait might be very long. It would be better to be able to make a script trigger once per RL day, or once every 2nd or 3rd day.

Which trigger are you talking about that only triggers once per reboot? I have seen some triggers working every reset.

The lines used for once per reboot quests are:

if !done
  *do this
  *do that
context 0

We use it in a great number of scripts to put at least some curb on the token hoarders.
That way we don't need to set a flag on a player to stop a quest to be infinitely repeatable. (And if you had seen the endless list of flags that you get from vstatting some of our more active Questors, you'd understand why we sometimes use it).

If you want to see it in use, one example is Script 20321. (There are a lot more, but this was the first that came to mind.

I'd like to have the knock spell changed to just PASSDOOR instead, and allow casters to do exactly that, pass through closed/locked doors. Obviously !pick would be pass-proof, but anyway, I think passdoor should be added, and knock removed.


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