Building & Scripting > Building Board

Non DG-scripts building wishlist

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Ok, my wishlist for DG scripts isn't seeming to pop into my head so here's my building wishlist  Anyone can add to this as they see fit:

1) I want exits that have doors to be able to have 2 descripts - one when the door is closed and one when the door is open. Right now you have to choose whether to describe the door (and old oak door is here) which is odd if the door is open and you want to see beyond it without scan or what the player would be able to make out by looking through the open door (a washed out bedroom is here) which is odd if the door is closed (how do you know it's a washed out bedroom?).

2)  I would like !rent items to be able to be placed in containers.  This would make it easier for me to have !rent quest items that need to be placed in a particular location that happens to be a container.

3) I would like !display items in objects to be getable... ok, maybe that's over the top...

I need a break to reset my brain.

Here are a couple of things that I'd like to see:
1. You should be able to look at an item that someone is wearing, wielding or has in inventory. If you see a person having a cool item, it would be nice to also get a chance to take a closer look at it.
2. Smell, taste and feel desc should work on objects that are on the ground, not just when you have them in inventory.
I don't think the above things work now, unless they have been fixed recently.
3. I'd really like the vehicle code, (including the weapon and armour system for ships) to be finished soon, and it should also include telechinesy).
As for Kvetch's wish about !display objects being getable, that can easily be done with a script that switches into a new object with a TAKE flag on the command 'get <item-name>' or even 'get all'. I don't think they should be generally getable - that could screw things up in other cases.

We need special bags that are questy that grant like say -10%- -30% to total weight carried in the bag. So if a bag has a maximum of 500 and has a -30% bonus then it is really only 350lbs. I've always liked these kinds of bags and they should be questy. In fact one such bag should be the famous bag of aeolus...and I think you should do a quest to get it...instead of just killing him. That's my personal thought.

Also scabbards. I think we should have a scabbard eq slot added to allow players to sheath an extra weapon that is displayed alongside their other equipment. You don't get any bonuses from sheathing the weapon, obviously you need to wield it to do so. But it would look nice to be able to walk around with the Orcrist that you're not using at the time to just be sheathed at your side. I know scabbards do exist, but they're useless containers. I'm looking for an actual EQ slot to be added that is more for aesthetics than anything. Also allow the player to customize the scabbard slot like so:

type wear scabbard in a jeweled scabbard

<worn on their waist>   Something...
<worn on their hips>     Something...
<sheathed at their side>    The Omega Sword rests in a jeweled scabbard
<worn on their legs>     Something...
<worn on their feet>     Something...

Again the sole purpose of this is to allow a player to sheath a weapon, and aesthetics. Maybe quest for the eq slot? That should be cool.

Anyway those are my two ideas.

Hmmm, these are not building requests...



No wait. It's a building request. Should be able to toggle these suggested weight bonuses on containers. As for the extra wear's a semi build request. We could do something like make actual sheaths/scabbards that people would have to wear iin the wear_loc. for example:

Britnoth picks up a tarnished scabbard.
Britnoth attaches the tarnished scabbard to his belt. (wear scabbard)
Britnoth sheaths The Omega Sword. (sheath omega)

I think it would be really cool to have a new wear_loc with a totally new function. Maybe certain famous swords, daggers, stalves around 4D could be partnered with their own types of scabbards/sheathings/coverings? It think it would be neato.

See? that's a building request now :D


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