Building & Scripting > Building Board

Non DG-scripts building wishlist

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Here is something that I would like; hidden doors that aren't immediately exposed by the code.

As it is, making a door hidden in OLC removes the exit desc you set on it, making it the generec 'You see nothing special'.

Since ambitious builders put exit descs in all directions, not just the ones that you can walk in, this makes the hidden door far from hidden in practice. Even if all you normally have to do to reveal a hidden door is to type SEARCH a couple of times, not all players bother to do that in all rooms. But seing a desc like that in an otherwise fully descripted room is like a great sign to any experienced player, telling them: 'There's a hidden door in that direction'.

So could we plese have the normal exit desc kept when a door is set as HIDDEN in zedit?

Seasons would be good for woodsing and lumberjacking stuff too.

Also I agree with what Molly said, noticing 'you see nothing special here' in 4d is generally a pretty good indication that there is something there.

I'd like to have a bodyguard flag to put on mobs so they will guard mob X from harm.  Kinda like how Toch and I have been trying to use the helper flag, but it don't work that way.  I would also like there to be a way for this to allow them to "guard" more than one person - say for example, my knights in the dragon fort - they should guard most of the people of the fort because it is their job to guard them from harm.  Some outsider comes in and starts attackign people, they should respond by attacking the outsider instead of saying "Sherri, I know you been here all your life, but since X's alignment is closer than mine, I feel I must help him kill you."

Just my 2 cents.  I know this is probably some part of Anubis's overall AI plan which comes after the main code change, but just  thought I'd drop it here.

LOL, kvetch I love you. you post made me giggle.

Yeah, I totally agree with Kvetchie on this.

Could we get maybe a simple Bodyguard function in the medit that works like segments? We can list all mobs they are supposed to protect. That would be super duper.
Maybe even include a blanket function in the bodyguard that allows up to give a specific range say 44900-44999, which would mean it protects all within its respective zone being 449.


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