I left this thread alone for a few days because I came to realize I was getting far too wrapped up in a game.
Here's a revised "two cents" from my part.
I don't really care anymore about the pwipe. I never cared about losing money or tokens at all, that wasn't even a factor for me, because I dont have any use for them at all, and making coin is relatively easy if you put the time in.
My reasons were nostalgic, yes. I've been here a long time, despite my breaks, and there have been times, numerous pwipes, recreations, returning arrivals, etc, where I - and others - have had to pay for the same things we already paid for over and over and over again.
I still maintain a total pwipe does seem like a bit of a punishment, and I agree with some of Toch's postings. Let's face it, I clearly have some kind of 'fondness' for 4D. Despite the crap, and despite the fact some people on here remember how much of an idiotic child I used to be, I still like to come back and see whats what and join in. I would love to be more of a part of the mud, the gaming environment, if I had the time.
By the same token though, and this goes a bit off track but it's still linked, toch says something along the lines of "So, you're going to pwipe and delete everything we've done repeatedly, after all the time and effort we've sunk into a game that is barely entertaining and not one for customer service?".
I'm sorry. I love some of you IMMs and all, but I have to agree. You guys pick and choose what cases you solve and what you don't. Rules are bent per person, things are let slide that you probably know shouldn't slide. When something isn't a players fault, or when something is deleted or bugged or changed, many times are we told to simply go fix it ourselves, or go get the item again. So, because you guys want to do something, whether it's a pwipe, or a change to the items, every single player has to PAY for that change? Imagine for a moment if we had 50, 100, 200+ players, and you keep pwiping, or changing items, or quests, or scripts, or things get bugged, or situations get fucked with, and every single time every player is told we have to go through it all again. HOW on earth would you think you'd keep that playerbase? Are you high? Have you not wondered why years ago we had a decent playerbase, but now we have barely anyone? Of course, just pin EVERYTHING down to needing a pwipe, and forget about the players. That solves everything.
This is not how games work. I play another online game, called Rappelz. I have a 143 Battle Summoner on there with some of the best gears in the game (it's not really a quest game, its more pvp orientated). It's free to play. But if anything gets scammed, deleted, bugged, we are not simply expected to go get it again ourselves, or go use our money, or our time, to replace everything we've spent years getting. No. It is replaced. Fixed. (Admittabely through a very tedious process of emails and discussions with GMs, but it IS usually sorted).
If we are harassed in that game, it is dealt with, professionally, with warnings, and then bannings ranging from 3 days to 30 days to permanent. It's dealt with mutings. If that game were to turn around and delete everyones stuff just because it wanted to upgrade, when our gears and such could be easily restored, well... I don't even know what to say? It wouldn't happen, because it's retarded, and they'd lose HUNDREDS of people.
I know 4D is obviously on a much smaller scale, nonetheless the principle still does apply. This game is a service, of sorts, and I know many people find themselves wondering why they stick around at all. For me, it's only because of the nostalgia, and because I just don't care. It's just a game.
However, that argument can be easily used against me. "It's just a game, so why should I care if there's a pwipe". Firstly, I do think it's a bit of a lazy way to do things when there are clearly other alternatives and compromises, even Xeriuth came up with some decent ideas (I thought). Convince yourself that a total pwipe is the ONLY way to fix EVERYTHING thats wrong with the mud. That must be the way to do it.
I agree with the pwipe, I actually do. By the same token I don't agree with everyone losing everything. I think it's downright wrong. If you want to keep players, get some customer service going. Improvements are great, but if you're not going to support the efforts of the players that stick around to support you, there is no point.
I will most likely visit after said pwipe, but I maintain I won't be playing, for reasons previously mentioned (IE, currently I have the ability to log in and randomly level and have fun. If that's gone, well... I'm not going to be another level 50 tier 1 newbie with a star next to my name just chilling at recall).
PS: I *hate* the idea of level-based equipment. That's always been an instant turn-off for me in any game I've tried playing. There is definitely no way in hell I'd bother playing again if THAT happened.