This got sparked off by me asking for some ideas in gossip, and receiving a bloody overwhelming response of ideas. I found it to be more fun than just thinking up everything for the zone I'm building by myself, rather, to have bits and pieces of input from others that they might get to see in the zone and be able to chuckle and say "I told her to put that in there, that came from me!". =)
Sooo. I thought I'd do a thread about it, asking for suggestions (within reason) of what you'd like to see in the zone I'm building. The way I'm going, it looks like I may even finish it (shock horror!).
But, you need to keep in mind that it has to be in theme, and it can't be personally related to you. IE: No "Jason's Wicked Wrestling Company", and no Statues of Isis =p
So I'll give you a run down on the zone, and then put forward the areas where people can put suggestions forward. I'm writing this in such a way so I don't give away too much about the zone - or at least, only saying the stuff that is visibly noticable once you get there anyway.
The zone:
The name is Xatha, it is an island far off the shores in Medieval era (haven't gotten to the stage of picking where it's closest too). It's one of those insanely beautiful islands, kind of tropical like, the majority of the people are way too bloody nice. A lot of detail has been put into the structure of the island, the Inn's, the road's, the decorations, the beaches. There's a ship wreck to the west, a Beach to the east, a forest/jungle, and more fields and forest-like areas. The main part of the "city" is housing areas, specked with stores and merchants, fishing shops, tanners, etc. The main idea to this zone is, it's a civilization away from civilization. The end goal is, if you wanted to, you could happily stay in xatha and never go to recall again =p
The center of Xatha is the main spot, and this is where you'll find everything you need so you never even have to leave the island.
These are the list of rooms/stores in the "Town Square", and I can get item suggestions for thee stores that are bolded:
A bank, a grocery store, a healer,
a coffee shop, a citizenship office,
a clothing & jewelry store,
a prank store, a flourist (Xathan's like their pretty flowers),
a toy & candy store,
a pet shop (Need help from IMMs to actually make these "proper" pets?), A potion shop (generic),
a Book store and
a furniture store,
Men's clothing store.
There's room for other random stores throughout the island (I can make room), so, it's suggestion time.
1. If you have any suggestions for items that fit into the current shops listed, post them! Be sure to include a look description as well as the short description of the item.
2. If you have any
shop suggestions, post them! I can scatter them out throughout the city. Jason already has one coming to him: Flavio the flourist xD
3. If you have any other
"area/room" suggestions, you can chuck them in too. They may not all make it in, but if it's only one or two rooms, you've got a good chance of getting it put in, as long as it fits in with the Xatha "theme".
3. If you want to write any stories for the "books" to be sold in the
Book Store, let me have it! The funnier, the better =p But remember, it is medieval times, though I'm sure we could get away with some twisted version of Harry Potter or something, and just say the 4D travel agency graciously provided the residents of Xatha with reading materials =p This could be perhaps the only thing you could attach your real in-game name too? Saying you're an actual author? (Not sure how the IMMs would feel about that?) PS: on the books, if you could mail me the book descs, thatd be better. Let's keep some of this stuff a surprise for everyone else okay? Just PM me on the forums, or ask me for my email in game.
Pet suggestion types are also welcome

Short desc and look desc please

Things to note:
1. No "adult stores" etc. This island is scarily perfect and G rated, it's for tourists and travellers, and promotes a very calm and relaxed lifestyle (generally speaking).
2. Nothing too 'creepy'. This isn't sweeny todd's barber shop, or the pie shop made from humans. Keep it light and fun.
3. No need for death type stuff either. They don't go hanging people on Xatha =p
Any other ideas welcome, as long as its not one of those three things =p
I'll hold off from doing the items for shops for now, and continue with the room building as per the map I have drawn out

I hope I finish this zone, it could be a lot of fun xD
* PS: Any ideas used will be credited to you