Building & Scripting > Building Board

Player Testing Equipment, and Test Characters


I was wondering if we could have an official set of Player Testing equipment created, complete with the stats of all major quest eq. Basically mirrors of what jason, viri, haya, and I have. The reason being is that I think it would be useful for builders such as myself to test out the zones we're making. I'd laos like to know if I could have my Game Port Pfile copied over to the BP, and have the name changed to something else. This way I can test the big zones out more accurately in terms of what is TOO powerful, and hard. This is kind of crucial for me as I want to make any tweaks I need to make before having someone other than myself actually ptest the zone(s).

Why not just create an item with +90damroll +50hitroll and give it to a playtester?

because we need to see how armor sections are effected and so on. It's not merely dmg prowess and how fast they move, but also how well they fair when in full armor.

Feel free to create a set of testing equipment in 6002, if you really think you need it.
But make sure that you do it in a separate zone, since we obviously don't want it in the Gameport.

Okidoke. :) I'll try and find a good set of vnums with Kvetchies help later.


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