Author Topic: Stats  (Read 9271 times)

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Offline Virisin

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« on: November 10, 2009, 12:43:55 am »
It annoys me that damroll has no cap, whereas speed and especially charisma do. Even the normal stats are to a lesser extent annoying in that everyone has full stats easily. Speed should be taken care of with skill trees, but I'd like to see the cap completely removed from charisma, and possibly just caps raised for the other stats.

Offline Xeriuth

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Re: Stats
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2009, 09:23:17 am »
I second that, I've always wanted charisma's max removed. Only makes it more fair for casters, but will the way stats affect us be changed, weaked, modified?  If so and dependent on how, we could potentially remove all caps. Say have wearing more con eq give you more health gains per level. Of course this would then encourage one levelling set of eq, and one fighting set of eq. But what's the harm in that? In essence you'd have to be dedicated in levelling, because who'd want to lug a whole bunch of gain equipment around the whole time weighing them down making them fight much much slower? Give and take.
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Offline Tocharaeh

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Re: Stats
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2010, 01:26:35 am »
here is how I think stats should work, followed by my suggestion for hr/dr.

Strength - Affects physical damage and maximum weight capacity.
Dexterity - Affects accuracy, evasion, and number of items carried.
               (Kvetch wondered why this effects items carried, but to put it simply
                this is your measured ability in being able to SHIFT weight, alongside
                the idea of having nimble fingers, wrists, knees, and so on. very simple)
Wisdom - Affects resistence to spells and the practice points gained
             per level.
Intelligence - Affects effectiveness with spells.
Constitution - Affects how many hit points are gained per level.
Charisma -  Affects ones ability to charm, barter, and summon.
                (This stat would become mostly a minor stat for mages, and priests and instead
                  become a stat more important to Gypsies who have become the 4D Bard, and Espers
                  with their crazy mind magic. This stat would just increase the EFFECTIVENESS, like Intelligence,
                  of said spell/skill groups)

I believe that all damage needs to become standardized. By this I mean that Damage Roll should be an applicable and important stat to all classes across the board. By doing this, we create a more level playing field. The same goes for Hitroll. This is a measured ability to determine the occurence of a successful strike/dodge. This should apply to casters as much as it applies to non-casters. If a warriors HR determines if he'll be MISSED by the lightning bolt, then certainly it should be the same on the casters end to determine the likelihood of a successful strike.

This is just my idea on it all. Let it soak. Let's talk!
-Tocharaeh D'Araesth
The Dirty Ol'' Drow that time left behind in fear of obliteration!