Building & Scripting > Building Board


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It's not a big priority, but if it adds to the confusion of the builders, and can potentially make them add flags to the mobs that are detrimental to the zone, I think the code should be told to keep the surplus flags out of OLC.

For an inexperienced Builder the task is hard enough as it is, without them having to spend time wondering and asking about things that shouldn't even be in the menus in the first place.

So please put it on the todo list - after the skilltrees are implemented.

I wonder how hard it would be to code in group flags ie (aggro to align / sex) And you choose that and then it gives you the options and you choose from those. That might make it easier. I don't know how hard it would be to code something like that in at some point?


I agree this should actually be on the builder part. I will see if I can move it.


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