The following commands are available to you:
" ' -- . : ; >
accept account affects afk afktell aggro ahall
alias answer arena arinfo assist ask askout
assemble auction auctalk autoassist autocompress autoexit autogold
autogroup autoloot autosplit autosac award awho buy
backstab bake balance bash behead berserk bet
bid blackjack bladedance bprompt brief brace breakup
brew bs buck bug bury busy cast
calender changes charge check check sky choose clan
clear cleave climb close cls clsolc color
colour commands commandslike compact compare compress consider
consent convert convey corpse craft credits ctell
down date damdice deduct delay deny deposit
descend diagnose die dig disarm discard dismount
dodge donate drink drainblood drive drop east
eat emote enter energize encircle equipment examine
exits face feel fell fill filet finger
fire flee flank fletch fly focus follow
forge forage fortify freeze fuel furyattack fuse
fusion get give gold gossip grab grapple
grats grip group ground gsay gtell hit
help heal hedit hgossip hide hitch hold
holler holystrength house hyperactivity inventory ic idea
identify ignore ignite immlist info involve ipstat
junk joust juggle jump kill keeptitle kick
killlist knit look leave leader levels list
listen lock locker loginmsg logoutmsg mail make
manifest manipulate map martialarts meditate meld mine
mix motd mount movemsg murder mzreset north
news newbie noauction nobattlespam nobrag noctalk nogate
nogossip nograts nohero noic nomail nomating nomount
nonewbie noooc norepeat noshout nodisplaytitle nosummon note
noteleport notell nowiz offer offtell ooc open
order put page pageheight pagewidth pagewrap password
pemote phase pick poisonweapon policy pose pour
practice pretitle prereq prompt propose pull push
quaff qsay quest question qui quit reply
radar read recite recall receive recho recover
register reject reload remove rent report replylock
rest rescue return retreat reward rouse rp
rsay south say sacrifice sail sample save
sayto scalp scan score scribe search seduce
sell shout shoot silence sip sit skilllist
skills skin sleep slip smash smell snare
sneak socials speedwalk spellinfo spells split stand
steal strangle struggle swap sweepattack task take
tame taste tell thatch thaw throw tiername
time tinker title toggle track trade trample
trip truestrike tunnel typo up ungroup unhitch
unlock unregister use value version visible west
wager wake wear weather weave where whisper
who whoami wield wimpy withdraw wiz wiznet
wizlist woodsing worth write zzzzzsystem