These first ones I've taken off the 4D idea board (that would be the one in the 4D chat room and bar 2 south of recall). Some of these may have been done and I just don't know it as I tend to stay IMM and don't need them, others I know still haven't been done and not sure if anyone's actually thought about them or it was decided not to do it for some reason or other.
1) put the year on board posts since they tend to stay up for years. First posted by Singer way back when (at least in 2007, possibly longer- had to backtrack through the posts to get 2007) and recently reposted by Vyncent.
2) Deposit all fuction at the credit machine. Posted by Robkin years ago (at least in 2008).
3) Different message for someone losing link. posted by Palathas (at least in 2008).
4) A toggle to let mortals see when someone logs on or off (So they know when their friends log on instead of having to type who all the time). Posted by Vyncent (last year).
5) Being able to reassign leaders of group without them being in the same room. Posted by Vyncent (last year).
For me, I'm all for putting years on the posts - at least the last 2 numbers of the year. Makes it easier sometime to clean up the board and decide what should go. But, because of certain posts they get to stay on no matter how long they've been posted (for example see the passwords to the gladiators that's been up for a couple of years). Sometimes I'd just like to know if something that was posted on the board is actually valid or am I reading a 5 year old post that's probably been delt with and not removed?
Deposit all sounds like a good idea. I know Di had a repost under it about having it only deposit 90% of your gold (since you sometimes need money to bribe mobs or whatnot), but I think if someone wants to deposit all of their gold they should be able to. If they suddenly come across a mob they need to bribe and haven't at that time gotten enough money to do so, they should have to go back to the machine or a nearby bank or whatnot to withdraw their money.
Different message for someone losing link? It really doesn't matter what it is, eventually we'll get bored with that message too. I say leave it as it is.
Toggle to let people see when players log in. I like this idea. I've always supported it strongly for helpers to see when newbies log in, but it'd also be nice to let other players see when their friends log in. It'd probably be easier to let people toggle on or off a channel (or whatever) that lets them see when everyong logs in rather than having each player have a friends list and only see when those players log in. Been on a mud before that had the latter of those, but I think some friend's list would be too long or so many people just want
to know when SOMEONE else logs in they'd rather have the former.
I don't have much to do with groups anymore, but the last idea on here sounds viable. Of course that's the one I mostly think has probably already been dealt with, but as I wasn't sure, I posted it here.