Going to attempt to not say the same thing as others have... But all my answers basically follow along the same tune...
1A. What made you stop playing 4D?
Real life got in the way - relationship etc. But, moreso, other "oldbies" were leaving, nothing exciting was happening anymore, roleplay died with the loss of people like Soulstar, Zenathos and Kierta (and many MANY others). Everyone just sits at recall now, nothing happens. What's the point? Every time I log back into 4d (once a week or so for 30 seconds), I half contemplate playing more, but then realise I have to re-learn everything for the gazillionth time, don't have a good weapon cause the tinker ran out :p, forget all the commands for homes and mounts, and everyone's AFK. Not a motivation, unfortunately. I wouldn't mind trying to change that, though.
2. What might make you start playing/working actively again?
More atmosphere. Some well played characters. People in Sicilians who really act like gangsters. People in vampires that actually roleplay and act like vampires, unlike the current joke of a clan that has people that never RP. (

). We have enough zones (though new is always fun!), we just need the people interacting. And hopefully, more people online, and active. It's depressing logging in to see 5 people online, and all of them AFK. Would love to see 10, 20, 30, 50+, maybe we lost sight of that somehow?
3. What would make you at least log on to socialise a bit more often?
(4D used to be like a big chat room, where people hung out just to talk with friends. Is there any way we could bring at least the Recall Squatter spirit back again?)
4. How can we attract more new players to the Mud?
I think, perhaps, some of the problem we have is we have SO MUCH CHOICE, but not much depth. I think we should actually remove a lot of the old zones, make way for the new. Freshen things up a bit. There's so much potential, but it's almost as if we are presenting everything in the wrong way.
We need clearer better maps, a more appetising website design that doesn't feel like a coder cleanly made it (No offence. It's perfect, but it's coder-perfect :p). Easier to read/find help files or guides. A redesign of the future "space port". Better descriptions, more interactive, more involving.
But please, remove some of the older zones. Time to make way with the old.
5. What can we do to make the new players want to stay longer?
As above, plus some change with the class system, or at least further motivation to play beyond hitting GM.
Also comes down to atmosphere.
Also, less favouritism. God's (IMMs) in the sky used to be something more respected and rarely seen or spoken to. IMMs were up there doing their thang, muchly invisible. Now? I get we're all like one strange family, but I think the line between IMMs and mortals has blurred too much. Thin it back a bit, particularly so new players don't feel out of place. Try to engage them in character, too... There needs to be some sense of authority in a game. By allowing everyone to input and work in a mud, it takes away the game aspect part of it a bit, yknow?
6. What do you think specifically turns newbies off our Mud?
Many people I'd think it'd just be a case of a short attention span. Unfortunately, if something doesn't grab someone in 30 seconds, it's forgotten about.
But right now? The fact we're all afk/sitting at recall, OR, giving eachother abuse and unnecessary stuff on public channels. Constant swearing, namecalling, or rude remarks aren't exactly going to encourage people to stick around for long. Cut back on the shit-talk, people.
7. Some players tell me that 4D was more fun in the old days. Is this really true?
Same thing I've basically been saying all along. More RPing and atmosphere. You knew Soulstar wasn't fibbing when he said he could ruin your life until you paid what you owed. PKing meant something, and showed skill. Enemies, friendships, relationships. And yes, everything was more fresh.
8. What was it that first attracted you to 4D and made you want to stay on?
No clue, to be honest. Too long ago... heh
9. Any particular of todays features that you like/don't like?
SO MANY COMMUNICATION CHANNELS! Why do we need so many? It's almost too easy to communicate in this game.
FORCED EMOTIVES! Can't stand them. Someone hugs you, you can't do shit about it. God, if there was anything I would beg to be changed, it'd be this.
10. Any particular old features that you miss and want back?
Disliking the limit on number of perz's, or rather, not being allowed to perz one time items. Seems like if you got it with your character, you should be allowed to perz it, not rely on making an alt to get another one for your main, that really kills the whole depth of the realms thing...