You say, 'I want to make a thread just posting about all the dirty and great stuff I've ever achieved and done on 4D'
You say, 'I wonder if that's a good idea'
Asmodeus says, 'What are some highlights of this possible thread'
You say, 'Lots and lots of gossipy stuff about me or people I know'
Asmodeus rubs his chin thoughtfully and goes 'Hmmmm...'
Asmodeus says, 'i vote yes'
Asmodeus says, 'i'll back you up'
So yeah, this is gonna be as unorganized as possible. Mostly on purpose, and mainly because I don't want to organize my thoughts. It's really just a jumble of random drivel and nostalgic thoughts. So point-form? Yeah, point-form sounds good.
- Approximately a week after I started playing 4D, I got a public telling off from Mordecai to stop multi-playing. His disconnected my alt which I was in the process of transferring some newbie zone quest item to turn in for a bronze token.
- I believe I was the 3rd person to achieve GM. First and second were Karth and Malfestus, no idea who got it in what order. I was the first to play GM as a caster and boy was it ridiculously overpowered back then.
- I think I was the first player to kill Gojira as a caster. Killing Gojira isn't very much different than killing him nowadays, except he actually does kill you with encircle and there weren't as many neat items back then (Exhibit A: Wand of Recall). It took about 3-4 hours to kill him, and I even had to leave for dinner in between. When he had less than 5% hp left, everyone got disconnected from the server for about 5 minutes. Needless to say, I was ready to murder somebody (And I did, the mud didn't crash and I logged back in to finish off Gojira)
- Voltron used to be susceptible to ranged magical attacks. I, along with a few others, used to kill him repeatedly with zero risk involved.
- Solana once caught me red-handed farming a silver token from her zone that wasn't an intended load.
- I've also farmed a certain treasure chest containing a silver token many many times. So much that the key to it eventually got changed to purge_on_drop and timered. Honestly, I'm surprised it wasn't changed earlier since I'm sure other players have done the exact same thing. (Cough, you know who you are) Also, for any of the uninformed people wondering how unfair this chest is, rest assured the key also loads randomly in one of thousands of rooms? I don't know. It's just not easy.
- I was "caught" botting lumberjacking trees when logs used to pay in tokens. Apparently, it counts as botting as long as you have a trigger. It doesn't matter if you're actually at the computer and watching the invis imm playing with your triggers with echos and immediately asking what they wanted.
- My lifetime token count among all my characters, I've ever created... Well, I can't give an accurate amount, but a guesstimate would be nearly 90 gold tokens. My first (new code) character contributed to about 34 of those. My actual first character on the old code achieved 1 gold token. Almost all from farming.
- I once encountered a bug where you can turn in the same farming product several times for multiple rewards. I gossiped about the bug and Mordecai promptly forced me to drop everything and then froze me.
- My first meeting with Virisin went something like this (liberties taken with conversation where necessary)
Me: What are bronze tokens for
Io: I'll pay you 1 mil coins for it
Everyone: newbie, you're getting ripped off bad
Io: He needs the money more than the token
Me: Yeah okay
- My first impression of Rayne went something like this (same as above)
(Mud crashes, everyone reconnects)
Rayne: Sorry everyone, that was my fault
Me: Lol, you just killed all my elementals, you owe me some new ones
Rayne: Shut the hell up, I don't owe you anything
Darkwolf: Rayne, leave the poor newbie alone
Conclusion: Mudding is SRS BZNZ
- My first impression of Kita went something like this (once again, the same as above)
Exodus does some emote
Me, doing the same thingSomeone else, also doing the same thingKita: Stop it guys, it's getting annoying
Exodus continues bleeding colors via emoteMe, doing the same thingSomeone else, also being an annoying douchebag
Kita leaves west.Exodus: I'm honestly surprised she didn't leave earlier
I'm glad you don't hold grudges Kita

That or you have a very poor memory.
- Back on the old code, I used to make level 1 alts, go link-dead with them but group them with my main character and fight stuff. I'd get a massive exp bonus for having a large group, and apparently nobody detected that I ever did this.
- The first clan I ever tried to join was Dark-Jedi. Lionheart turned me down because I wasn't experienced enough. I made some cheesy comment about not giving up and trying later and he apparently liked my attitude. I later joined Vikings.
- I'm personally quite proud of myself for solving some of the hardest quests in 4D with zero help from anybody, including Fenizia main quest, Rainbow Serpent Skin, Nala's collar, and Seti's main quest. Quests I'm not so proud of (cough) includes VE main quest, suntan quest, and Snow White's quest.
I think that's enough for one night. I'll post more when I feel like it. Possibly never.