Author Topic: The greatest and the dirtiest deeds  (Read 55063 times)

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Offline Jaros

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Re: The greatest and the dirtiest deeds
« Reply #15 on: February 20, 2011, 05:08:34 am »
hah i like.  okay.

three times on my first day playing my lantern died and i was stuck in olde yorke in the dark not knowing what the fuck was going on so each time typed 'shout HELP!!!' repeatedly until some invisible person from recall came to shut me up.

i am vegetarian IRL and can't remember ever eating meat in game...  although i'm sure i must have at some point.

after witnessing Z and Singer double-team Soulstar and cause Viri to be raped by the assassin, as in Vir's account, i was filled with righteous 14yo rage and vowed to one day be uber enough to PK Z.  i don't know why i hated on him and not Singer but i think it was because i was in awe of Singer for being mute and having the most epic set of perzes i had seen, except possibly Soulstar but the family bias excludes him from idol comparisons. (edit: also Kita. hers were obscenely cool.)  anyway i never killed Z because he stopped playing soon after that.

i joined TR first with no intention of staying there, which was quite mean because they were lovely people but i was a heartless sob.  i then left and applied for Sics but Once didn't let me in.  i later joined his secret RP group back when it was supposedly running Chaos from backstage and he thus convinced Vae to make me Chaos leader when he resigned even though i was much newer than Asmodeus and various other more deserving souls.  Once then said to Mordecai something along the lines of, "man, I've got your cousins wrapped around my pinky," which Mord then conveyed to us in person, so we stopped hanging out with Once and Chaos was thus cleansed of the Sicilian lobby, which we in fact got more out of than Once's pinky did.  (and upon reading that sentence he may actually grace us with an account of his own :D)

Xeriuth actually tried to coup me three times if i remember correctly.  i let him off for the first two because i didn't want to kick him,  then he tried again as Viri said so we junked his house and got banned for two weeks.  after that we came back and i called some morons morons at recall, and little did i know we were basically on zero tolerance so we got 2months that time.  they always had to ban us both because we were on the same IP.  i spent those two months playing alts via mudconnector and holding heated email debates with Molly.  (note: having just re-read Viri's account of that incident re Mott i cannot remember if we both separately abused people, or separately abused the same people, on our first day back, or are each remembering the same event in first person.. any of which is possible.)

on the subject of the coup attempts.. it boggled my mind that people would take either Vir or I into their confidence and proceed to conspire against the other or bitch or gossip about them.  half the time we were both sitting there reading the exchange together and the other half we just shared the interesting logs anyway.  without Viri's social skills i would have remained woefully uninformed.
.. although do note though that after the initial quest-cheating debacle when we were like 12 and 14yo we stopped doing quests together.  we were strictly independent questers after that.

i was the first to get Rainbow Serpent Skin in essentially forever, since Singer or someone.  i should have perzed it immediately because at the time no one knew about it, but i wore it around instead to show off so a couple months later it was everywhere.  i still haven't done the koala quest from that zone.. it's the only one that has ever so thoroughly defeated me.  apparently it's easy.

years after i stopped playing i came back for a week, became Dragons leader and robbed their treasury (maybe $2bil?), then left again.  i think it was in retaliation for something but i forget what.  i think it was more for giggles.

there was a mob in old west who gave a brass token in return for a tv remote or something but the remote could be stolen back and instantly repeated.  i made 20 gold off it one brass at a time, then reported it, got given one shitty bronze and felt vindicated.  better yet, the mob's name was Molly ;D

there were other bugs that i can't remember.

i used to have alias's to take me from recall to virtually any zone in the game but i don't think that was especially unique.

like Viri said we've still got keys to Sicilians' backdoor, DJ's dungeon and Saints' pleasure pit, as well as houses full of other rare and interesting items we can't remember the origins nor uses of.

i got to Balrog right at the start of the current code, got rolled by him because i only had 3 remorts and never went back, so i still don't have Orcrist :(

i only ever spent the absolute bare minimum time doing anything repetitive like leveling or farming (Hayato's abilities blow my mind in that respect), which was why i didn't want to go mining again.  instead i spent literally all of my time exploring and doing quests, so i've been everywhere and done virtually everything, minus some stuff that's been added since i left and the odd thing i just failed at like that fucking koala.

that's what i remember for now.  oldfags! convince more oldfags to post interesting things here!
« Last Edit: February 20, 2011, 05:30:29 am by Jaros »

Offline Hayato

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Re: The greatest and the dirtiest deeds
« Reply #16 on: February 20, 2011, 10:29:03 pm »
Balrog is bullshit, let's just keep it at that :P  Even with T4 hunter with 40 remorts, he still owns you in 1 hit.  If not for the wand of recall, he's basically impossible.

That koala quest.  The first time I was ever there, I completed it, along with a slew of other quests that gave useless rewards (yeah, you're not missing much).  I didn't keep notes, but nowadays I can't redo the quest either. :-\

The zone was fun though, one of the few zones I did from start to end with zero outside help and with no idea what the reward was.  When I got the reward, I was basically thinking "isn't this one of the seriously cool items people parade around with? :O"  Unfortunately, this was one of the quests Exo went nuts on me, so it's probably partly my fault everyone ended up with one nowadays.
aka graham

Offline Jaros

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Re: The greatest and the dirtiest deeds
« Reply #17 on: February 21, 2011, 05:51:02 am »
yea the zone was one of my favourites because it's all just mazes.  good effort.  fuck.. you were too good to hang out with Exodus.  your invincible GM caster repeatedly raping me way back whenever inflated his ego to disgusting proportions even by his standards.  speaking of which, i remember when Sonya updated the Gossip and just so happened to be in love with the guy IRL at the time (/she probably still is?  somehow..), the end result being a shameless three paragraph ode to his brilliance that wasn't even amusing.  fortunately Molly fixed it.

Viri killed Balrog somehow..  Viri!  how was it done?

oh also, those ranged magical attacks were what got me all my big mob items  :D.  i've never been caster but when Vir was one he took both Voltron and Gojira down to virtually dead so i could kill them.  i think Gojira still killed me like three times before i had time to finish him.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2011, 05:57:36 am by Jaros »


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Re: The greatest and the dirtiest deeds
« Reply #18 on: February 21, 2011, 08:34:30 am »
I once convinced the leader of Dragons, Flute, to make me co-leader because he was going to be away for a week. I proceeded to claim the clan as my own and steal the treasury. Flute threw a fit and complained to Sonya who removed me from the clan for about an hour before being overwhelmed by the commotion her intervention caused and transing me back into the Dragons HQ, although not actually reflagging me as Dragon leader.

Offline Molly

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Re: The greatest and the dirtiest deeds
« Reply #19 on: February 21, 2011, 09:38:07 am »
Hm, Johnkarner, I remember the incident, but not the name of the player involved.

So, who are you in the Mud?
Don't be coy, everyone else here is frank about their identity and old sins.  :)

Offline Tocharaeh

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Re: The greatest and the dirtiest deeds
« Reply #20 on: February 21, 2011, 03:31:56 pm »
I con confidently state that I killed Gojira twice on my own.

the first time I spent a sum 5-6 hours doing it as a thief. Just after I killed him the mud crashed because someone was doing something that could cause the mud to crash thus robbing me of my awesome claim.

I did it a second time with  a few more reports in my belt, and as a ranger.
-Tocharaeh D'Araesth
The Dirty Ol'' Drow that time left behind in fear of obliteration!

Offline Jaros

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Re: The greatest and the dirtiest deeds
« Reply #21 on: February 21, 2011, 04:24:00 pm »
hah how many times have Dragons lost their treasury?  Johnkarner i remember that too.  Vir and I were vehemently against Sonya's meddling.  what was your name?

Offline Hayato

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Re: The greatest and the dirtiest deeds
« Reply #22 on: February 21, 2011, 11:46:34 pm »
Concerning Balrog, Viri told me his secret.

Which was apparently when Balrog was easy to kill, Viri killed him then.  Not sure if it's true or not, because I don't think Virisin has visited Balrog recently, and maybe he just thought it was easy and I thought it was hard.  I still think it's a bullshit fight :D

Lets see.. I killed Gojira once each on 4 different chars:
1st was a GM caster with about 60ish? remorts.  Don't remember the exact number.  It took the longest out of my 4 chars.  Several hours.

2nd was with a T4 11 remort hunter.  It took about 2 hours, give or take.

3rd was a GM hunter with 36 remorts.  It was really really quick, less than 1 hour to kill.

4th was with a T4 20ish remort.. something.  I can't quite remember.  Thief I think.  I took advantage of "something" that seriously hindered Gojira's ability to hit me.  I could actually tank him for half a minute of constant combat before having to flee.  It was glorious.  This one didn't take long either.  A bit longer than number 3, but way quicker than number 2.

Now just what exactly that "something" is, I wonder :D  Ironically, I could probably do the same thing to Balrog, but I didn't invent this method until my 4th time killing Gojira, and it was the number 3 char that killed Balrog.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2011, 11:48:24 pm by Hayato »
aka graham

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Re: The greatest and the dirtiest deeds
« Reply #23 on: February 22, 2011, 12:22:45 pm »
Well, I think Viri might have killed Balrog before the tiers were implemented.

He would have been a plain tier 0, level 150 mob back then.
Now he is Tier 4, level 125, which of course makes him badass, especially since there is nowhere to flee to, unless you have the return wand.

Shouldn't be totally impossible though.
Gojira for instance is Tier 4, level 150.
Voltron is Tier 4, level 85, but of course he's a segmented 4-headed mob.

Offline Hayato

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Re: The greatest and the dirtiest deeds
« Reply #24 on: February 22, 2011, 09:11:06 pm »
It actually is pretty much impossible.

The big difference is, it's almost impossible to return to the balrog if you die, due to the way secret rooms in the mines work.  You can probably manage to return to the balrog about 3 times per reboot before it becomes totally impossible.  Then there's the fact if you auto-flee, you'll probably end up falling into the lava, getting severely hurt, if not dying right away.  Of course you can get around both of these factors with the wand, which is the only reason I managed to kill him.

With Voltron and Gojira, you can return to them an infinite number of times, as long as you're diligent enough.  In terms of actual difficulty, factoring everything including surroundings, mob toughness, and the situation, I'd probably only rate Gojira as 3rd most difficult mob in the mud, with Balrog and Orion respectively ahead.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the fact Gojira's encircle somehow goes beyond the damage limit, causing it to do 0 damage, which makes his fireball script and bash the only dangerous part of his fight.  With balrog though, thanks to removing 25 levels, his encircle fits within the damage limit, which is usually just enough to 1-hit any player from full HP, making him considerably deadlier.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2011, 09:14:04 pm by Hayato »
aka graham

Offline Jaros

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Re: The greatest and the dirtiest deeds
« Reply #25 on: February 23, 2011, 02:04:25 am »
Thank you for jump-starting my memory Mr. Johnkarner, aka ex-Chaos member Timpo.  Don't feel you have to hide; I am sorry but I will not respect such a decision.  :D

Addendum to my original:
Yes Timpo masterfully spearheaded a Chaos operation by winning Flute's confidence and obtaining his clan in a manner of perfectly legitimate deception only to have it stolen back by Sonya when Flute returned to cry.  We were all rightfully outraged, as I said, so as of that day we considered Dragons to be the rightful property of Chaos.  THAT was the forgotten reason for my symbolic take and treasury heist a few years ago.

I had to share this because it all fell into place so nicely.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2011, 02:08:20 am by Jaros »

Offline kita

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Re: The greatest and the dirtiest deeds
« Reply #26 on: February 23, 2011, 05:51:26 am »
My favourite time was when Lain/Natalya/Claire became a prostitute and cybered with the majority of the mud.

And also when I left the Vampires and became a Sicilian, apparently I stole the whole clan treasury and Vae went batty. I still have the mails!

 * * * * 4 Dimensions Mail System * * * *
Date: Fri Aug  6 10:11:35 2004
  To: kita
From: vae
drama queen?
fuck you and the horse you rode in on.
You're the betrayer.
also, do me the favor, dont mail me again.


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Re: The greatest and the dirtiest deeds
« Reply #27 on: February 23, 2011, 06:09:43 am »
Heh - was that the time he ended up DDosing the Mud?

I got a lot of entertainment out of Lain's cybering too.
At one time she was cybering two guys at the same time, one in the same room and the other one over tells.

Both of the guys involved continuously cut-and-pasted her lines from the screen and sent them to me.
I almost fell off my chair laughing...

Offline Jason Orsini

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Re: The greatest and the dirtiest deeds
« Reply #28 on: February 23, 2011, 11:49:54 am »
I liked when i tricked nauzhror to make the 18d18 machete into a wieldable weapon.
and then somehow made kvetch perz it for me. i had this for 6 months. until assface xeriuth.
ratted me out. also liked that i looted myself to my first house. as in fizban practically gave me my first house.
since he was so smart as to be carrying 5 gold tokens. which he then said was xeriuths. which just made it THAT much more
awesome. thanks! also i liked when Once asked to come back to sicilians as my right hand man and I said HELL NO HAHAh my proudest moment as to growing up idolizing Once. not that that in particular is a dirty deed. but it sure as hell is funny.

Offline Tocharaeh

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Re: The greatest and the dirtiest deeds
« Reply #29 on: February 23, 2011, 02:41:03 pm »
I remember the classic Emory cybering posts that would end up on gossip XD

Also, I coordinated the DJ drama that allowed me to steal power from Emory, and Jee via a fantastic love triangle of epic levels. All this to make Alabaster be proud of me and gain some street cred with the old sicilians at the time during the epic pk wars.

I also allowed Exodus to "use" me to get me into Sicilians so that I would eventually become Godfather. It was pretty epic actually.

Also: Good ol' day DJ when Dj wasn't gay-  Used to buy cups of coffee from the dj store, and then turn around and sell them to another shop in the clan hall. Spent 5 coins, and turned a profit of 299,994 coins ;) That was the tightest kept secret in DJs since Darkwolfe.
-Tocharaeh D'Araesth
The Dirty Ol'' Drow that time left behind in fear of obliteration!