Building & Scripting > Scripting Board
Moon phases and Seasons in DG Scripting
Thotter added moon phases and seasons to dg. Here are the examples he gave:
%time.moon% and %time.season%
Now the %time.season% might need some more tweaks since I added seasons to the main 4D code base.
Let me know if you have issues with thew above commands. I will try to do my best to get it working.
In addition to the Seasons, here's a list of which Month is part of which Season:
We have 4 seasons which consist of 17 months in total, each season has 4 months, with the exception of Fall that has 5 months:
Winter Season: Snow / Wolf / Frost Giant / Old Forces
Spring Season: Grand Struggle / Buds / Nature / Futility
Summer Season: Dragon / Sun / Heat / Battle
Fall Season: Dark Shades / Shadows / Long Shadows / Ancient Evil / Great Evil
Thanks Diandra. I should have included that information in my post.
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