
Would You Support A PWipe?

16 (48.5%)
12 (36.4%)
5 (15.2%)

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Author Topic: Player Wipe (PWipe)  (Read 145791 times)

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Offline Virisin

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Re: Player Wipe (PWipe)
« Reply #165 on: November 24, 2009, 03:42:49 am »
Very proficient use of bold, Molly. Sways even the faintest of heart.

Offline isis

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Re: Player Wipe (PWipe)
« Reply #166 on: November 24, 2009, 02:18:21 pm »
so umm is there going to be a pwipe? i would support it it would make the game run better and bring every one down on an even level (unlike last time) and is every one going to start off in seekers or wha??? its cool about the houses and it will drop inflation for about 3 months or so intill all the oldies get back all there junk they like to store.... i wont name names...cough cough....but anyways you know way to many questions even  thought it will be a good thing
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Offline horus

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Re: Player Wipe (PWipe)
« Reply #167 on: November 24, 2009, 04:56:56 pm »
The difference this time is, we will design it so that there are things you really have to spend your coins/tokens on when you level, so inflation can be staved off for much longer than that.

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Re: Player Wipe (PWipe)
« Reply #168 on: May 26, 2010, 08:44:05 am »
I know I’ve been away, but sometimes RL does things to you that changes your priorities.  I never wanted to stop playing, but there you go.  It had nothing to do with this place has got boring etc.

Also I get the feeling that this has all been decided anyway, but I wanted to post my views, and they are my views.  I don’t assume that other people think the same way as my, unlike some others.

I will say, that after speaking to Anubis, that with the changes coming there is actually no way a pwipe can be averted.  Not that I am happy about it, just beginning to accept it. But there are still implications to a pwipe that I have yet to see answered, and this is what is keeping me from answering the question would I play again?  I also see this as a different question to would I recreate?  Too explain, the answer to would I recreate?  Is more than likely, yes, as I have friends here that I do not want to lose contact with, and I mean RP players not just in RL.  Hack & Slashers might not get this point, but RP’ers will.  Will I play again?  Much harder to answer, very undecided on this.  Do I really want to take months, if not years the way I level :P to get to a point that I can start exploring the zones that I have not completed?  Before you say anything Virisin, I can’t/don’t want to level like you do.  I also do not have the knowledge of the game that you have, so it would take me a hell of a lot longer to be at the level I could explore like I am now doing in the old code.  So at the present time, I would more than likely recreate and sit at recall, my choice.

Actually I am going to stop here, I have got to page 8 and the discussion is turning in to a Hack and Slashers will love this change and well I am an RP’er who is not going to love this change, but is resigned to the fact it will and yes has to happen.

The long investment in building the character’s background and their identity in 4D, here Diandra is the only person so far to come up with a part solution, but I don’t think I have seen anyone comment on this, perhaps us RP’ers are the minority;
Diandra: Do not delete the characters, just put them all at level 1 again, that leaves the history of the character intact. And yes, the difference between deleting/recreating them and setting them back at 1 is minimum, it's the  thought behind it (I'm sure there's at least a few people in 4d who will understand what I mean with this). People can continue where they left off socialwise, as those who just want the h&s can continue their way too.
Are we going to keep our RP flags?

How long will it take the leader to purchase the clanhalls back?
Will the RP players that currently belong to a clan and hence it is part of their “history” be allowed to join as soon as they create?
Time invested
No need to comment on this, we have all invested considerable time in our own way, from playing to coding and building. 

What’s stopping players creating alts and donating to their mains?  Seen that a lot in the past, no wonder I am in the token poor character, as the only alt I have is a level 1 char to help newbs in mudschool.

Virisin’s point about the new system will reduce alts?  With limited pracs and having to make a choice of which skills will lead to alts.  What do you do if you cocked up your choices, pwipe the char again?  What if you want a gypsy to feed your mage, or located objects?  Exactly the same as it is now.
To back that up Diandra already has hinted as this;
If, after the skilltree-change, people would get practices according to their current level/tier and would just randomly pick a skilltree, they might make a wrong decision which can not be undone

Can’t comment as I’ve never had a perze. 

Other comments

Xeriruth: Oh, I forgot to say I'd play again, because I"d have something new to do!

Well yes if you class the new combat+skill tree, but a strong no as you will have to do all the “old” quests again

Virisin: Because all you (Jasson) do currently is sit at recall. It's all anyone does
really because no one needs to do anything anymore. GM made you all lazy.

No, its because some people have completed the quests and are where they want to be, this WILL happen again, you are just restarting the cycle.  Some of use have got to GM to ENABLE us to explorer the harder zones, and in my case that isn’t helping me a lot lol.

Virisin: The best thing about this game is racing to do things, to be the first or the best at something, or the fastest.

That is in your opinion, its YOUR game play. Not mine.  I couldn’t give a toss who got what first, who is the all powerful PK.  I like to mix with other players and rp a bit, explorer a bit and yes now and again level a bit.  But I get no cheap thrill of being the first to do anything.

Virsin: Either way GM is going to be removed so that's not really an arguing point. It's one of the crappiest most unbalancing and detrimental parts of our current system.

I do like your sweeping comments and that fact you should be taken as the truth and so no need to discuss the point.  Yes its unbalanced, but that’s was because a player spent a long time to get there get this reward.  It enabled players to more or less not have to keep making alts for different classes.  I agree it was too far, but it could have been changed.  But it has gone, no point discussing!
Horus: Its like joining WoW and someone gave you a spare high ranking character with uber eq and you have never played WoW before
Sorry no, I wasn’t just given I high powered player, I made that player and I have played the game before.  The difference is in the combat and the level system, not the world we play and enjoy.  All we are doing is adapting to new system to work in the “old” world.

Horus: The end result of this is grinding out quests. So you have xp grinding and token grinding.

But arnt you forcing us to do this yet again?  I mean, how else will I level, buy a house etc.?

Hayto: I've got a genious solution.  Make a new port where all the new content goes, discontinue support on the old port, allow people to play both simultaneously

Now I actually like this idea, but the pitfalls are too numerous.  Use your GM to explore a hard zone to enable your char in the main port to do the quest at a lower level.  Use the old port to ID, locate item etc. etc. Unfortunately I think this option is not viable.

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Re: Player Wipe (PWipe)
« Reply #169 on: March 09, 2011, 11:31:31 pm »
Still in favor. ;)
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Offline Kvetch

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Re: Player Wipe (PWipe)
« Reply #170 on: March 17, 2011, 08:44:33 am »
You may still be in favor of it, Xeri, but no reson to have a pwipe if there's no major code change.