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Offline Molly

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Some thoughts about Clans in 4D
« on: May 30, 2011, 12:29:34 am »
Clans are an important part of the fun in any mud. They form the basis for alliances and enemies, and provide social relations and opportunities for basic RP even to those that aren't really into roleplaying. They also offer various options for competition and rivalry, which is usually good for the gameplay.
We are currently planning some changes for the Clans that will hopefully enhance the fun. But with all changes you must be careful not to throw the baby out with the bathwater, so I think it would be good if we discuss the 4D Clan system from a more general standpoint first.

Let me start by sharing some of my own thoughts about what the Clans in 4D should represent. This will be a bit long-winded, so I'll divide it into several posts. Feel free to disagree with my opinions, but first heed my words, because much of it is part of the 4D History.

Some say that we have too many Clans for our current player base, and while there is some truth in this, I still am not prepared to close down any of them, partly because it would mess up the code, but mostly because historically things can change very quickly in a Mud. Just look at how even the most prestigious Clans sometimes decline, due to lack of interest from the leaders. I'd rather recommend the natural solution - 'survival of the fittest'. Just let the inactive Clans die in peace.
If someone at a later time would like to have a go at resurrecting a 'dead' Clan, there could be a procedure for this, similar to staking the claim for a mine. (Perhaps this could even be coded). If nobody disputes the claim within a given time, the new leadership goes to the occupant. If two or more persons have claims on the same empty Clan, they'll have to fight it out between them, with whatever followers they can muster.

I think variety and freedom of choice are important things, and for this it's important that we keep and - even enhance - the differences between the Clans. As it is, some of them seem to try to copy the policies of some other Clan, possibly in the hope of also copying their 'success'. But all they achieve by this is to water out their own profile, which in the long run will make themselves less attractive. You also have to keep in mind that the definition of 'success' varies with the individual view. While to some people 'success' would be defined as the most members, the largest treasury or the strongest players, to others things like a close-knit community, good roleplay or quality above quantity might be more important aspects.

I think all the current Clans have a place to fill in 4D. Every player has different preferences during different times of their Mud career, and by catering to those needs, all the Clans should be able to recruit enough members to survive the ups and downs, at least if we allow alts in Clans. But for this to work, the Clans really need to define their profile, and work on how to make it more distinctive. If you don't like the image of your current Clan, maybe you should think of joining another, rather than changing what might be the heart and soul of the one you are in. Returning to the roots, might be a better choice than trying to shape a clan into something it never was – and never was meant to be.

Historically, the Clans were all made for a purpose, and in a later post I'll try to explain what each of the individual Clans once stood for.
But first let me rant a bit about Clan rules and policies.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2011, 05:29:14 am by Molly »

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Clan Rules and Policies
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2011, 12:44:08 am »

We generally don't have many rules in 4D, and as usual none of them are written in stone, so I'd rather call them policies. And we don't enforce these polices very strongly, so the points below rather represent how I think that Clans should be managed than how they actually are.

1. Clans should be run by morts, not imms
The main policy is that Clans should be player-run. Imms should not interfere in Clan affairs in their imm capacity, unless it's absolutely necessary, (for instance if a Clan is totally dead, or has lost all high ranked members with the power to enroll and advance members). Even so, attempts should always first be made to contact the CLs over mail, if that is available

2. Wizmorts should not be Clan Leaders
Imms who like to play their morts should be encouraged to join a Clan – any Clan. Ideally however,  Wizmorts should not lead Clans, except as a temporary solution, if there is nobody else willing to take charge. It's not really desirable for a Clan to be run by a Wizmort because of the potential risk for conflict of interests. But there are, and have been, several exceptions to this policy over the years, and as far as I know the imms taking on this double position have been able to keep their roles well apart. Still, it's not desireable.

3. No player – including alts - should be CL of more than one Clan at the time
Feel free to put an alt in every Clan in the game if their rules permit it, but the same person – including alts -  should not be leader of more than one Clan at the same time. This is a policy, which we've never really enforced, but which I consider sensible. The potential conflict of interest should be obvious. Again exceptions can be made when the playerbase is at low tide, but it should always be regarded as a temporary solution.

4. Clans should not have more than two Leaders at the same time
Another desirable policy, which definitely isn't followed,. Regrettably the majority of the Clans have several leaders, probably mostly out of nostalgic reasons - it feels bad to demote a once popular CL, even if they hardly ever log on any more. I'd like to urge all Clans to prune their top ranks a bit more often, and preferably the inactive leaders should retire on their own initiative. This is why we implemented the retire command.

5. All Clans may set their own rules
Clans are free to set whatever rules they like for themselves, as long as those rules aren't obviously offensive. Clans also decide over their own appfees, applevels, dues, privileges etc., so these vary from Clan to Clan. Some have very hard restrictions for new members, while others accept just about anyone that applies. These differences are good in my opinion and should be kept.
Some Clans have a rule that alts are not allowed in any other Clan, and they also enforce it quite drastically. Personally I think that it's a stupid rule, especially considering the currently limited playerbase. A good roleplayer should be able to keep his/her alts apart, and the identity of an alt is often not very obvious to other mortals. Still, as stated above; Clans set their own rules.

6. Clan-hopping should be discouraged
At present we have a system, where a player can choose to pay a Silver token to just leave a Clan. The CL on the other hand can choose between expelling a member without any repercussions, or setting an OUTCAST flag on them, which prevents them from joining any Clan in a set time. This flags seems to be used mainly to settle personal grudges. I think it would be better if Clan-hopping always was penalised, either by the outcast flag or by paying the token. And the token should always be deposited on the account of the Clan they are leaving.

7. Clan Leader Guidelines
Anyone taking over a Clan as the new ClanLeader should show some respect for the work and policies of their predecessors. Clans in 4D generally have a long history, and some of the Clanhalls were created by very skilled Builders. So don't regard the Clan as a mirror for your own ego, instead try to develop and enhance the character it already has.

Being a strong player doesn't necessary make you a good CL. To run a Clan successfully you need to be a good organiser, and you also have social skills. You need to learn how to delegate, and to involve and motivate your members. As a CL you must always put the interest of your Clan before your own personal gain.

And, most important of all; admit to others and yourself when you no longer have the time and interest to run a Clan. Don't think that logging on once a week to check your notes is enough. Without active leadership any Clan soon dwindles and dies. So, for the sake of the members, resign from the position, and hand the leadership over to someone with more more on-line time.

A good Clan leader should always provide for a successor before they fade out. If you just abandon the Clan, you also lose all claims to it in the future. Don't think that you can come back after two years and have leadership handed back to you on a silver platter. As long as someone else is actively running the Clan, their claim to leadership is much stronger than yours.

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Re: Some thoughts about Clans in 4D
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2011, 01:11:04 am »
If there was a like function here, I'd have spammed it. great post Molly.
-Tocharaeh D'Araesth
The Dirty Ol'' Drow that time left behind in fear of obliteration!

Offline Molly

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Clan Characteristics
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2011, 01:19:42 am »
Like I said in my first post, the Clans of 4D are all different, and below is a representation of the history and chacteristics of each Clan.

Vikings were mainly Explorers and Traders. Sure, they would whack you over the head if you didn't give up the goods voluntarily, but they'd much rather trade with you. They might even allow you to make a decent profit on the trade, as long as theirs were bigger.

The Viking Clan follows these proud traditions. They are compulsive travellers, who have been to most corners of our world, looking for treasure. They'll work as bodyguards or bounty-hunters, as long as the payment is good enough, but when it comes to exploring they'd rather go solo.
Loot is important to the Vikings; how they get it is less important to them. It's rather symptomatic that they are one of the few Clans to provide not just one, but two crashproof houses for their members.

The Vikings are a pragmatic bunch, who don't give a hoot about luxurious Clanhalls, fancy titles or abstract concepts like 'honour' or 'glory'. They don't need to, since everyone respects them anyhow.
It's one of the most prestigious Clans on 4D, and scored second in the Zone Flag Contest.

Like many other Clans Vikings has become less active in the last years.

The Dark-Jedis is one of the oldest Clans in 4D, started by Palpatine, who built their Clanhall and also the Starwars zone.
It should be rather obvious what the Dark-Jedi stand for. Naturally this is an evil aligned Clan, whose purpose is to convert as much of the world as possible to the Darkside.

DJs as a Clan has had its ups and downs, and an unusually long row of Clan Leaders. One of the more successful was Dela, who ran it for a long time as a kind of benevolent 'Big Mama', scolding and encouraging the members alternately. Another notable period was when 'the Romaniacs' took over Dark-Jedi, and really turned it to the Darkside.

At present the DJs could best be described as 'dormant', but as much as I loved Dela personally, I'd rather prefer it if the Romaniacs returned to activity. After all, they represent what the Clan is supposed to be about – a bunch of wrong-doers who stick together for better and for worse.

Sicilians represent the local Mafia, generally known as 'The Family'. Like Dark-Jedis, they are a  clan for wrongdoers, but while the DJs have a sort of religious overtone, the Sicilians are a more pragmatic bunch. They are in it for money, power and prestige, and they'll do anything that is needed to reach those goals.
The Clanhall was built by Darkwolf, who also created Little Italy around the same theme of Mafia life in the 1930s.

Sicilians has always been one of the most prestigious Clans of 4D. You need to have proven your value either as a Fighter, Explorer, Thief or Manipulator to even be considered for this Clan, and Sicilian membership is by invitation only. Once enrolled, you'll be put through a number of tasks before being allowed to rise in the hierarchy. And you need to abide to the main Clan rules; loyalty to the Family and respect for the Elders. New recruits had better be polite to their superiors and do what they are told, or they'll be booted out faster than they joined. The hierarchy is stronger in Sicilians than in most Clans.
Sicilians won the Zoneflag contest, although mostly on merits several years old.

This historically strong Clan has been on the decline for the last few years. The reason could be the generally shrinking playerbase or the International Economic Crisis.
Or perhaps it's just because they haven't paid their protection money to me lately. (As everyone knows, Molly get 10% of all Sicilian income).

Table Round
Table Round gathers the most valiant Knights and gracious Ladies of the Realms. This is a Clan for the truly good aligned players, the ones who are brave, truthful, benevolent, caring, helpful and honourable.

Table Round upholds the ancient traditions of valour and honour that King Arthur set up for his group of gallant knights, and anyone joining this Clan should abide to those traditions. TR is not the clan for troublemakers or cheaters.
A TR member would typically help any wanderer or damsel in distress, i.e. any Newbie - but not necessarily enroll him or her to the Clan. The Clan has high standards of honour and honesty, and not everyone can live up to those standards.
Perhaps the Helper Tradition of TR is one of the reason why it has had two wizmorts as longtime leaders, Garion and Ilana. (Garion could even be described as a bit too helpful to Damsels in distress.
But, as the Frenchmen say, 'Honi soit qui mal y pense').

Chaos is the Clan for individuals, for people with authority problems, and for those who like to bend the rules and test the borders. Traditionally Chaos has always been a refuge for what most Muds would define as Troublemakers, but what also can be defined as players who think and act outside the normal box.
Knowledge is essential to this brand of people, so Chaos members have always been good explorers, sometimes exploit... errh, I mean exploring places that they were definitely never meant to go to. Like other Clans' HQs, Private houses and, above all, bugs.

Over the years Chaos probably has harboured more bug-abusers than any other Clan – (including Sicilians and DJs) – but members of Chaos have also reported more bugs than most Clans, although sometimes in a slightly unorthodox way. A typical example of this is one of the more prominent Chaos members, Virisin, whose method of reporting bugs is to abuse them so blatantly and publicly that someone in the Staff HAS to take notice.
Chaos won third place in the Zoneflag contest, and was the most successful Clan in the last two batches.

Saints is a Clan for strong females, and male players are only allowed in it as either slaves or bodyguards, expected to show submission to their Mistresses.
Let's not beat around the bush – this is a Clan for people who like to roleplay mudsex of a certain brand. But it is also a tribute to the traditionally tough and self-dependant chicks of 4D.

Originally Saints was created as a joke by the legendary Mistress Cali, our first and foremost Enchantress. But the succeeding Dominatrixes have successfully followed her tradition of humour and tongue-in-cheek while whipping their slaves. That is, until one recent unfortunate incident, that luckily didn't last for long.
I think the worst example of abusing a Clan's identity is probably what Britnoth tried to do to Saints. He was rightly booted on the spot by Mistress Riley when she found out what was going on. I just hope she used her high-heeled pointed boots for the task.

A Male as the Saints' Clan leader? Perish the thought!

This is a RP Clan, where staying constantly IC as long as you are on line is required of all the members.
Since the vampire affliction entails both benefits and problems, it offers a good basis for Roleplay.
Vampires are vampires, bloodsucking creatures of the night. They keep to themselves, and regard themselves as superior to 'ordinary' humans, because they are undead, or – as they prefer to call it – immortal. They are a secretive lot, who carry out their dark fancies in the cover of the dark, and seldom take any part in the general squabble and power struggle between the other Clans.

Historically most Vampires have been secondary alts, who use this Clan mostly for roleplay.  Almost every legendary old-time player has had an alt in the Vampires.

The original purpose of the Dragons Clan is a bit shady. If I remember rightly, they started out with the purpose to 'defend and protect dragons against the evil human race', but pretty soon it turned out that the Dragon members liked to dress up in Dragon scales, and to get those they had to kill dragons, and since they also accepted evil humans as members – well, you get the picture... Pretty soon they got to a point where they should rather be labelled DragonSlayers than Dragons.

As ridiculous as this ancient history may sound, The Dragons soon took up another role in 4D.
Being 'the new kid on the block' and having to compete with several well established Clans, they lowered their appfee to next to nothing and started to enroll anybody who applied, unproven cards that the more prestigious clans would reject.

Later leaders took up this policy in a more serious manner, and in time the Dragons has developed to the main Training Centre of 4D. They will grab the players directly out of Seekers, show them the ropes and then send them on their way with a benevolent pat on the shoulder, if and when some other Clan shows an interest in their sapling.

So while Dragons may never become one of the more prestigious Clans of 4D, they certainly have a function – and an important one.

This is another Roleplay clan, and one of the bigger RP events in 4D was centred about resurrecting the Qualinesti Clan, which had been deserted by members and occupied by Dark-Jedis for years.
The old Clanhall was burnt down in the final battle, and the new one was created by Hermia, the heroine of the Elven resistance.

Later the name of the Clan was changed to Mordonosse, so that Drows and other Dark elves would also be allowed to join the clan.
The Mordonosse has always had a very limited member base, due to its exclusive nature. To join it you need to be both an Elf and a registered Roleplayer, so like the Vampire, this is mostly a Clan for secondary alts.

Still, the Clan has an intriguing history, and having already been resurrected once, it could rise from the ashes once more, if the playerbase in 4D grows a bit.

Since it is so much easier to get ahead in 4D if you are the member of a Clan, Seekers was created as a help for the Newbies. Originally the Seekers also only had Imms as Clan Leaders.
New players are generally not accepted in any of the 'real' Clans before the first remort, unless they are known alts. It's also usually wise to have a look around and study the various clans before you make up your mind about which one you'd like to join.
All new players are automatically enrolled in Seekers, and they are allowed to stay there until their first remort. After that they get automatically booted by the code.
The Seekers is equipped like any other Clan, with shops, recall item and HQ.
Dure to a new code change, Seeker's now have a mort as ClanLeader, and new players can choose to re-apply to the Seekers even after the first remort, if they feel the need for continuous help to unfold the deeper aspects of the game.

Not all people like to be in a clan. Some are not group players by nature, others may dislike the intrigues and power struggles that usually accompany Clan politics. Yet others have made too many enemies in the game to fit in any Clan.
For these individuals, we provide the Loners.
It may not provide all the comforts of a ClanHall, and is actually little more than a shelter in the forest and a decent healing potion,
But it still offers a safe haven and a Recall item.

Wamphyre has never been a real Clan, it's just a commodity for imms who like to play their morts without having to show a preference for any specific Clan. Like the Loners, it's just a safe room, a healing potion and a Clan recall.
Over the years this Clan has sometimes become a problem, because players who wouldn't take no for an answer would apply, just for the sake of having the name in their title.
If we're going to get rid of any Clans, Wamphyre will be the first to go.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2011, 04:34:38 pm by Molly »


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Re: Some thoughts about Clans in 4D
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2011, 09:49:47 pm »
In other games I have played, the position equivalent to CL had to be voted on by the active clan members. This resulted in active leadership chosen by the active members. win/win (alts not allowed to vote)

Of course, this worked because the player base was so huge that it warrented a well organized governement. That may not work here because of how small the player base is here.


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Re: Some thoughts about Clans in 4D
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2011, 03:49:11 am »
I actually like the idea of making clans more systematically democratic.

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Re: Some thoughts about Clans in 4D
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2011, 01:23:55 pm »
I support Loria's idea too.

Even though our playerbase is limited, I see no reason why the Clan members shouldn't have a say in who they want as ClanLeader. It would at least provide a way to get rid of inactive, or in other way insufficlent CLs.
And at best it might actually increase the playerbase, since Clans are som important to the feeling of the game.

The voting procedure itself could easily be arranged, by adressing all votes to imm, which would both weed out most of the alts and provide a sort of 'secret' vote.

There should of course be some rules, for instance that a Clan vote cannot be held more often than every three onths, (to provide at least some sort of working peace for a new leader).
At the same time I'd also suggest that we start implementing the rule that no Clan should have more than two Leaders. There is after all a position of CoCL, and the settings for the Clan can allow those to enroll new members.

However, radical changes like this should apply to all Clans, not just a few.

So who is for and who is against?

Offline Jason Orsini

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Re: Some thoughts about Clans in 4D
« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2011, 02:51:59 pm »
maybe waste time on this when every clans have more then 2
when there is basically a cl, and a shitload of retired cl's what is the point?
fix the broken things that allready exist instead...damnit....  >:(
« Last Edit: June 22, 2011, 02:57:30 pm by Jason Orsini »

Offline Asmodeus

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Re: Some thoughts about Clans in 4D
« Reply #8 on: June 22, 2011, 04:14:15 pm »
maybe waste time on this when every clans have more then 2
when there is basically a cl, and a shitload of retired cl's what is the point?

I was wondering about this Retired CL thing.  I don't remember... what is the point of it?  I'd rather scrap it all together.

If we put Loria's idea into the mix (and get all these non-active, or excess CLs out of the mix for each clan), could we also get rid of Retired CL?  Id rather see a bunch of normal members online and one or two CLs as opposed to a bunch of CLs and a bunch of Retired CLs, with the occasional normal member.  I say get rid of retired cl, there isn't any real need for the title, especially with the current pbase. 

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Re: Some thoughts about Clans in 4D
« Reply #9 on: June 28, 2011, 05:18:20 pm »
Well?  Can we get this idea going?  Its one of the few things we're talking about that really doesn't require any coding (unless we go ahead and remove retired cl, which as I said, I think would be good  ;))  

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Re: Some thoughts about Clans in 4D
« Reply #10 on: June 28, 2011, 08:31:18 pm »


Offline Jaros

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Re: Some thoughts about Clans in 4D
« Reply #11 on: June 28, 2011, 08:34:01 pm »,while.we're.on.the.subject.


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Re: Some thoughts about Clans in 4D
« Reply #12 on: July 23, 2011, 06:51:54 pm »
ooo, how did I miss all these responses? Jason has a good point about not having enough clan members to vote. That was one of my original debate points (against my own suggestion, haha) But Molly has a good point too. If members have a say into who gets to be CL, it could help retain newbies.

And it would be a great way to avoid newbies being CL.

...*hums innocently*

So how do we get this idea rolling to find out if it is supported by the majority or whatever the process is here? I would love nothing more than to get this idea implemented.

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Re: Some thoughts about Clans in 4D
« Reply #13 on: July 23, 2011, 08:30:48 pm »
Yes, it helps retain newbies because it makes sure the current CL is actually active!  It also rids clans from having too many unnecessary CLs.  Which in turn means those people have normal (clanname) flags in the who list.

Also, please scrap Retired CL flag, no need for it!  With as few people as there are, we dont need tons of CL and Retired CL flags flying around.  One or two CL and everyone else as normal members will just make the clans look bigger. 

Its like getting a physical from a doctor with small hands... *cough*

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Re: Some thoughts about Clans in 4D
« Reply #14 on: August 26, 2011, 03:53:29 am »
I think Molly's description of the clans should be copied to the 4D Clans section of the website.  There's nothing there at present.