Building & Scripting > Scripting Board
Trigger of the .... something
I thought I'd go have a bit of fun when checking out the scripts I had my sweaty little building paws on and came across this little tidbit. Not exactly sure who created it, but I am pretty sure I took it off TBAmud.
--- Code: ---Name: 'water balloon sploosh!', VNum: [57196], RNum: [ 4101]
Trigger Intended Assignment: Objects
Trigger Type: Drop , Numeric Arg: 100, Arg list: None
set room_var
wait 1 s
* Send a message when the bomb goes off.
%echo% The water balloon breaks open and water sprays everywhere!
* Target the first char.
set target_char %room_var.people%
* Now loop through everyone in the room and hurt them.
while %target_char%
* Set the next target before this one perhaps dies.
set tmp_target %target_char.next_in_room%
* This is where the 'magic' happens
%echoaround% %target_char% gets hit with water!
%send% %target_char% You get hit with water!
* Set the next target.
set target_char %tmp_target%
* Loop back.
* After we go through everyone get rid of the water balloon.
%purge% %self%
--- End code ---
This is Mord's OLC style journal
--- Code: ---
Name: 'Journal - OLC style', VNum: [ 4499], RNum: [ 437]
Trigger Intended Assignment: Objects
Trigger Type: Command, Numeric Arg: 1, Arg list: *
if %actor.fighting%
return 0
unset edit
set sa %send% %actor%
set ea %echoaround% %actor%
set pageheight 30
set pagewidth 80
if !%top_line%
set top_line 0
global top_line
if !%state%
switch %cmd%
case edit
%sa% You start editing the journal.
%ea% starts editing %actor.hisher% journal.
set state edit
global state
return 0
case l
case look
if %arg.contains(journal)%
%sa% To add or edit a journal entry type:
%sa% edit journal
%sa% To read the journal type:
%sa% read journal
%sa% To save a journal entry, and exit the editor type:
%sa% :s
%sa% --
%sa% To clear all lines on this page of the journal type:
%sa% :c
%sa% --
%sa% To delete a single existing line on this page of the journal type:
%sa% :d <line number>
%sa% --
%sa% To edit a single existing line on this page of the journal type:
%sa% :e <line number> <new line text>
%sa% --
%sa% To view the current lines on this page of the journal type:
%sa% :l
%sa% --
%sa% NOTE: The maximum lines per page is %pageheight%
return 0
case read
case examine
if %arg.contains(journal)%
if %top_line%==0
%sa% Sorry, but there is nothing yet to read.
%sa% You read the page of the journal.
%sa% ---------------------------------------------
set li 0
while %li% < %top_line%
eval show %%line[%li%]%%
%sa% %show%
eval li %li%+1
%sa% ---------------------------------------------
%sa% Total lines: %top_line%
return 0
return 0
elseif %state% == edit
if %cmd% == :
set command
set arg %arg.cdr%
switch %command%
case s
case save
set state
unset state
%sa% You save the journal entry and exit the editor.
%ea% saves %actor.hisher% journal entry, and stops editing.
case c
set li 0
while %li% < %top_line%
unset line[%li%]
eval li %li%+1
unset top_line
%sa% All lines from page %page% cleared.
case l
if %top_line%==0
%sa% No lines to see.
set li 0
while %li% < %top_line%
eval show %%line[%li%]%%
%sa% %li%] %show%
eval li %li%+1
case d
if %top_line% == 0
%sa% There are no lines to delete!
eval del %arg%/1
%sa% Line %del% deleted.
set li %del%
while %li% < %top_line%
eval nxt %li%+1
set nxt_lne %%line[%nxt%]%%
eval line[%li%] %nxt_lne%
eval li %li%+1
eval top_line %top_line%-1
case e
if %top_line% == 0
%sa% There are no lines to edit/update!
eval ed
if %ed% > %top_line% || %ed% < 0
%sa% Sorry but '%ed%' isn't a valid line.
%sa% You can only edit lines 0 through to %top_line%
%sa% Line %ed% changed.
eval line[%ed%] %arg.cdr%
case f
*Format needs more while loops than the mud allows to complete
if %top_line% == 0
%sa% There are no lines to format!
set li 0
while %li% < %top_line%
eval text %text% %%line[%li%]%%
*clear the variable
set line[%li%]
*remove the global
unset line[%li%]
eval li %li%+1
eval top_line 0
while %text.cdr%
eval cur_line %%line[%top_line%]%%
eval len %cur_line.strlen%
eval next_len %len% +
if %next_len% > %pagewidth%
eval top_line %top_line%+1
*if a single word is longer than the limit, just save as is
if > %pagewidth%
set line[%top_line%]
eval top_line %top_line%+1
set line[%top_line%]
global line
global top_line
%sa% That ( is not a valid in-editor command :s :e :d :l
if %top_line% >= %pageheight%
%sa% Sorry, you can't add any more lines, you already have the maximum of %pageheight%.
%sa% To write any more, save what you have and start a new page.
set line %cmd% %arg%
if %line.strlen% > %pagewidth%
%sa% Sorry, but you can't have lines longer than %pagewidth% characters.
%sa% %line% (%line.strlen%)
set line[%top_line%] %line%
global line[%top_line%]
%sa% %top_line%] %line%
eval top_line %top_line%+1
global top_line
return 0
--- End code ---
You have to hold the journal to be able to do anything with it (took me a while to figure that out - it's been years), but after you hold it, when you look at it you get this:
To add or edit a journal entry type:
Edit journal
To read the journal type:
Read journal
To save a journal entry, and exit the editor type:
To clear all lines on this page of the journal type:
To delete a single existing line on this page of the journal type:
:d <line number>
To edit a single existing line on this page of the journal type:
:e <line number> <new line text>
To view the current lines on this page of the journal type:
NOTE: The maximum lines per page is 30
I tested this out and ended up with this as a test for the journal:
You read the page of the journal.
This is to test the journal. This is the first line.
I am continuing to test the journal. This is the second line.
This is the final line in the journal test.
Total lines: 3
I don't think that you guys have fully understood the problems with setting up a quest journal.
To give a hint, I'll post a list of the questflags I get when I check a couple of our older players, who happen to be on line right now, Tamyrlin and Tor.
Each of them have 5-6 pagelengths of different questflags, and the lists keep changing, because the last quest is always on top.
Also notice the varying numbers after some of the flags. It means that there are several different flags that needs to be checked for that quest, for instance we've got several 10 step quests.
Do you feel like setting up a script for all those flags, plus possibly about 50 more, since even oldbies like Tamyrlin haven't done every single quest in the game?
I don't.
I honestly think that even trying would be a waste of time.
For a quest journal to work, you probably should have had a totally different - and consistent - system for the quests right from the start, code-run instead of script-run.
As it is, every builder has their own system for how the flags are set, and it even changes over the years for the same builder, after they figured out a better way of doing it.
This is another case of 4D being too old and too big to be turned around with a reasonable amount of work.
The lists are too long for the buffer here too, so I'll put them in a separate post.
Here is the examples of questflag lists for Tamyrlin, I'll have to move Tor to a separate post:
Global Variables for Tamyrlin:
levitate: 1
eleusis: 3
i11: 1
kito_house_access: 1
countup: 0
fd: 0
fo: 3
fm: 3
gar_anger: 1
stealthmod: 1
special_bonus: 1
damagemod: 1
speedmod: 10
shadowdagger: 1
reformers: 3
grail: 1
amunpriest: 2
hween2009billiardsdone: 1
freepirateslave: 1
portal_exit: 1701
wreaths: 1
freepiratevikingdone: 1
pillage: 10
rapunzel: 1
virgin: 1
spacecadet: 1
marielf: 1
unknownpoet: 1
slate: 4
lapith: 2
syme: 1
damiskos: 1
iphinone: 1
disabled: 1
wabeeto: 2
overseer: 1
[ Return to continue, (q)uit, (r)efresh, (b)ack, or page number (1/6) ]
anaphe: 2
anaphehealer: 1
eunuch: 4
anchusa: 1
haremwomen: 8
slunch: 6
lovenbroy: 2
heart1: 1
tombnum: 12
tombcounter: 121
thasoswife: 1
spiros: 3
ka: 1
josua: 5
priest: 1
boba: 1
adia1: 1
i10: 1
i8: 1
done_slunch: 1
i5: 1
i1: 1
heracles: 10
poonbomb: 1
yudore1: 1
esmeralda: 2
changedring: 1
pirateparrotdone: 1
nafula_rescue: 1
darkpit: 1
nimue1: 1
player1: 1
i4: 1
duq8_completed: 1
duq6_completed: 1
angelicblessings: 1
robindagdone: 1
[ Return to continue, (q)uit, (r)efresh, (b)ack, or page number (2/6) ]
marion: 2431
isis_complete: 1
teldomash: 1
donegan: 1
666: 1
bullcatcher: 4
greencoat: 1
dragonscale: 1
dopey1: 1
paulonote: 1
ricardo: 1
elena: 1
ricardo1: 1
cristianna: 1
77: 5
66: 1
55: 6
gameshow: 1
gift6: 1
zeddletter: 1
boneplate: 1
doneboxes: 1
kahlan: 1
jack: 1
greenhorne: 1
riddlebook: 1
frenchknight: 1
claire: 1
marquis: 1
bashful1: 1
zera: 1
pris1: 1
quest_academy: 1
mollyremote: 1
viagros: 1
unicorn: 1
bettygolf: 1
[ Return to continue, (q)uit, (r)efresh, (b)ack, or page number (3/6) ]
orsini5: 1
baronkey: 9
azizi_rescue: 1
bamboo_bracelet: 1
bellehelp: 1
midlands_greenglow: 1
kahlan_zedd: 1
kahlan_adie: 1
toff_2: 1
nexits: 0
sexits: 0
eexits: 3
wexits: 9
imunbug1: 1
done_birds_tasks: 1
wear_paint: 1
mulmoki: 1
summerville2: 1
tobias1: 1
percyshelley1_done: 1
jekyll_antidote_done: 1
jekyll_hyde: 1
burkeandhare_corpses: 0
millicent1: 1
amelia_done1: 1
ripper_done: 1
reflection1: 1
reflection: 1
curly: 1
circus_quest: 1
gold001: 1
lowell1: 1
lowell1_rocking: 0
duq9_help: 1
q7_boyscene: 1
q13sketch: 1
duq2_completed: 1
[ Return to continue, (q)uit, (r)efresh, (b)ack, or page number (4/6) ]
elysean: 3
odysseus1: 1
ajax2: 1
personal: 1
hades6: 1
q11killserp: 1
q7nugget: 1
deadred: 1
q11skingiven: 1
duq11_completed: 1
aswan: 4
cache: 1
angelaletter: 1
augias: 4
gicave3: 1
cardinal_absolve: 2
enter_quay: 1
kermapolitics: 1
dundee: 1
meatballa: 1
smithnailpolish: 1
imhotep2: 1
elftoys: 1
i6: 1
botta: 1
harem: 1
lysander: 1
vikingjacktar: 1
frogstatue: 1
midlandsfairyring: 1
liqueur: 1
athosabbot: 1
centaurea: 1
anitabobby: 1
failed_apple_bite: 2
bit_apples: 10
appleexp: 180000
[ Return to continue, (q)uit, (r)efresh, (b)ack, or page number (5/6) ]
apple_count: 49
hween09: 1
hweendoll2009: 1
hween2009kidsrescued: 1
oriondeath: 1
gojiradeath: 1
golem_num: 1
gtierr: 4
gevolve: 1930
gtier: 4
moria: 1
asking: 1
baby_steal: 3
calydnosspinner: 1
cat_follow: 1
avalon: 7
done_reformers: 1
bridget_spoon: 1
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