Author Topic: New semi-graphical client app  (Read 63135 times)

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Offline Molly

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New semi-graphical client app
« on: September 25, 2011, 10:14:40 am »
KaVir has generously offered us the use of a graphical interface that he's been developing, in the form of a  custom plugin. He has also helped us install it, which meant a lot of work, since our code is so tangled.

The plugin works for both  MUSHclient and Mudlet.

Among other things the plugin offers energy bars, icons for spell affects, with a countdown function to show how much time is left, and pretty nice graphical maps in a side window. The maps are a bit buggy at present, but we're working on that. (The bug is with our own code, not the client).

The basis for the plugin is already installed,  and now we need people to both test it and if possible develop it. For instance; by using tabs the extra windows could be made to alternately show things like equipment, inventory, score or channel history. It should also be possible to have different icons for the most common spells. By sharing the scripts with the rest of the players we could hopefully offer new players a more complete download package.

The following is what you have to do to download the client app:

Step 1: Download and install MUSHclient
Click and run the following file, it's a self-extracting zip:
MUSHclient 4.72
It is recommended that you install this in C:\MUSHclient - some players have reported problems when running in C:\Program Files\MUSHclient, particularly with Windows 7.

Step 2: Download and unzip the plugin
Save and extract this zip file into your MUSHclient folder:
It has side windows and energy bars, and a Map function, adapted to 4D's Wilderness code.

Step 3: Add 4Dimensions to MUSHclient
Start up MUSHclient and add a new world for 4Dimensions:
Select "File"->"New World"
Fill in the details for the mud, then click "OK"

Step 4: Add the plugin
Connect to the mud, log on, and add the plugin:
Select "File"->"Plugins..."
Click "Add..." and open the plugin.
Once you've added the plugin, click "Close"

Step 5: Restart MUSHclient
You will need to close the world then restart:
Select "File"->"Close World" and confirm
Select "File"->"Open World"
Open the Plugin folder
Open the 4Dimensions world file and start playing

You can get more info and some screenshots on KaVir's own website:

If you are testing this client, please share your opinions, problems and developments on this thread.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2011, 12:24:00 pm by Molly »

Offline Jason Orsini

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Re: New semi-graphical client app
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2011, 09:43:28 pm »
Its cool, good job KaVir and whoever else worked on it.
with a little tricking and tweaking i managed to get all plugins in place.
but as you said the mapper is buggy so i removed it at this moment ;-)

Offline Jason Orsini

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Re: New semi-graphical client app
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2011, 02:19:10 am »
Should be able to add a Skull and crossbones icon on the map, for a Deathtrap room.
aswell as icons for timetraps etc etc the list is endless ;-)

Offline Tor

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Re: New semi-graphical client app
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2011, 07:59:07 am »
GW2 Plugin 1.14 with and without sound. is the soundpack of any use, when playing 4D?

Offline Jason Orsini

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Re: New semi-graphical client app
« Reply #4 on: September 26, 2011, 08:53:18 am »
i can't say either yes or no, haven't noticed anything at all so far,
on that part.

Offline Klax

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Re: New semi-graphical client app
« Reply #5 on: September 26, 2011, 11:37:02 am »
This is the one you want (and only this one, don't try to install more than one):

Don't download the GW2 plugin, that's for another mud!  The general installation instructions still apply, but use the instead of the (ideally the info should be copied to the 4D website to avoid confusion).

It should look like this:

Or in the wilderness, like this:

The map works for me, although there's a resizing issue with the Mudlet version (which autoinstalls).

Also, the server where the above files are hosted is suffering some major HD problems at the moment, so you may not always be able to connect.

Offline Molly

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Re: New semi-graphical client app
« Reply #6 on: September 26, 2011, 12:31:19 pm »
Thanks, KaVir.
No wonder I had some downloading issues. :)
I've edited my initial post accordingly.

Good idea about adding map symbols for DTs and Timetraps, Jason. It means we'll have to add a new sector for DTs, but I think it will be worth it.
For Timetraps we can use the existing sector 'Entrance', which is not used for very much else, to my knowledge only the two IGTCs have it presently. And a Timetrap is a kind of portal, so it fits nicely.

Keep the input coming, I'd like as many as possible to try out this nice feature.
I just love the side-window maps myself, they make my job so much easier, and have already unearthed a lot of errors in the zones.

On second thought we'll use the exuisting sector TUNDRA for the Deathtraps. To my knowledge that sector isn't used anywhere in the zones. Also it will be easier than creating a new sector.

« Last Edit: October 01, 2011, 03:05:56 am by Molly »

Offline Jaros

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Re: New semi-graphical client app
« Reply #7 on: September 26, 2011, 06:42:03 pm »
For Timetraps we can use the existing sector 'Entrance', which is not used for very much else, to my knowledge only the two IGTCs have it presently. And a Timetrap is a kind of portal, so it fits nicely.

All of the centerpoint stations use use it as well, and the locations in Earth's atmosphere.  That probably doesn't change anything though.

Offline Prometheus

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Re: New semi-graphical client app
« Reply #8 on: October 04, 2011, 08:45:12 pm »
Should already have the new renamed sector for DT in the game.


Offline Bane

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Re: New semi-graphical client app
« Reply #9 on: October 17, 2011, 01:37:31 pm »
Does anyone stats show up correctly I couldnt get mine to show also, all my affects spam the entire left side and some are hidden the health and mana bar. I dont know if this just applies to me though. I also notice its extremly long load time but it could be my computer.

Also I dont see why we have the same information in the left hand corner for health and stuff and also have it on the bottom of the screen also.

At one time I had a capture for tells and gossip that showed up in another channel. When I get the time I will remake this and post it. Illt ry to maybe split the channel into 4 sections. One for gossip, one for tells, one for guild and one for group?

I do like the idea and I use to be fairly good with lua and mushclient soo Ill try to contribute to this if time allows.

Offline Molly

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Re: New semi-graphical client app
« Reply #10 on: October 18, 2011, 01:33:31 am »
How do you get your stats to show up in the left hand corner at all?
The only place where I see mine is on the three bars at the bottom.

As for the affects, I think it would be nice to have different icons for at least the 5 most common spells, possibly for more. There seems to be some foundation for that is KaVir's Generic download package, where there are icons for 5 spells - bless, detect_invis, infravision and sanctuary, plus one default. And I could also easily make more icons based on these existing ones. But then of course the icons need to be paired to the correct in-game spell, and I have no idea how to do that. I guess it needs a LUA script, but that's beyond my experience.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2011, 06:55:14 am by Molly »

Offline Klax

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Re: New semi-graphical client app
« Reply #11 on: October 18, 2011, 09:47:24 am »
The original idea was that the mud would send an icon name for each spell.  However the plugin could be changed very easily to use the spell name instead (the only drawback being that if you want to use the same icon for multiple spells, you'd need to duplicate the icon).  This would probably be easier for you though, as you wouldn't need to update the 4D spell code.

Basically all you'd need to do is change draw_affects() (in the plugin) to use AffectName instead of AffectIcon, then add icons with the same name as the spell - bless.png, poison.png, etc.  I can do it for you if you like.

For the generic plugin I just grabbed a few public domain fractal images from a website and cut/shrunk them.  It took about 2 minutes, I just wanted something to show how you could use different icons - I didn't expect people to keep them.  I used a nicer icon for the 4D plugin, but once again it was fairly basic, and it was just one default icon to provide an example.

However if you're looking for ideas for icons, please have a read over this:

Please remember that the plugin was only intended as an example of what you can do, not a final product.

Offline Molly

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Re: New semi-graphical client app
« Reply #12 on: October 18, 2011, 04:04:08 pm »
Great! You shouldn't make offers like that, KaVir, since I immediately jump on them... :)

For the players it would definitely be helpful to see which affects they currently have, and how much time there is left on them.
One problem might be that most players spell up a lot, and not always with the same set of spells. Also some of them, like sanc, is usually casted double. So, as Bane put it, the result would be that the affects spam the entire left side. I am not quite sure how many spells there would be room for, but I guess KaVir could answer that.

We cannot of course make icons for 200 different spells, but maybe 10-20 and then have a default icon for the not so popular ones.
I'd like some of our active players to assist in this, by listing the spells you usually cast on yourself before going into battle on this thread, with your favourite ones at the top of the list. And of course also which ones you usually cast on your target. From that we should be able to decide which ones to make icons for.

If you guys provide the preference lists, I'll have a look around for more examples, and then maybe create a set of icons myself. I'm no great artist, but I'm pretty comfortable with Paint, and I also believe the symbols should be pretty simple, to be readable at a quick glance.

Perhaps there should also be an easily readable difference between positive and harmful affects, which could be done either by their form or colour scheme.

Oe maybe, if we go for the elemental ideas that have been tossed around in another thread, we could focus on a common colour scheme for each elemental group. There are many ways the spells could be displayed, just let me know your preferences.

Offline Bane

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Re: New semi-graphical client app
« Reply #13 on: October 19, 2011, 02:16:54 am »
Ah, I had downloaded and install what molly had posted in her original thread. Thats why I ended up with the stats. The interface is completely different now.

Offline Riley

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Re: New semi-graphical client app
« Reply #14 on: October 27, 2011, 04:14:14 pm »
You had to ask molly but here's my list of spells that I use to spellup before a fight :P

cast 'sanc'
cast 'divine mind'
cast 'haste'
cast 'mind elec'
cast 'sense life'
cast 'invis'
cast 'forsee'
cast 'bless'
cast 'armor'
cast 'battle rage'
cast 'detect align'
cast 'detect invis'
cast 'detect magic'
cast 'fortify body'
cast 'fortify mind'
cast 'holy shield'
cast 'ice shield'
cast 'infra'
cast 'mirror shield'
cast 'protection from cold'
cast 'protection from evil'
cast 'protection from fire'
cast 'protection from good'
cast 'shield'
cast 'static shield'
cast 'steelskin'
cast 'stoneskin'
cast 'thorn shield'