I did this for Rooms so thought I should continue for objects. Careful, this is a very long post. Basically I'm breaking down every step it takes to make an object starting right after you type in oedit #
1) Namelist :
These are the words that can activate the object. For example: pile hay – for a pile of hay. That way the player can look at pile or hay to get the description for the pile of hay.
2) S-Desc :
This is the description that is use when the object is being used. For example let’s use that pile of hay. If someone gives it to someone else, you want them to give “a pile of hay” not “pile hay” so the S-Desc would be “a pile of hay”. Do not capitalize the first word or else it will come out: player A gives A pile of hay to player B. You’d rather have Player A gives a pile of hay to player B.
3) L-Desc :-
This is the description of the object as it’s lying in a room. Using our pile of hay for example: A pile of hay lies here. You don’t have to go so basic, but you should always use the main words that are in your namelist. We could say: A pile of hay lies upon the loft. But if I did that, I’d probably have the loft as an extra description or an object or part of the namelist of this object.
4) A-Desc :-
This is the description that’s given as the object is used. And I never use this choice.
5) Type :
This is the list of things this item can be. The list is quite extensive and is as follows:
0) UNDEFINED 1) light 2) scroll 3) wand 4) staff 5) weapon

treasure 9) armor 10) potion
11) worn 12) other 13) trash 14) trap 15) container
16) note 17) liquid container 18) key 19) food 20) money
21) pen 22) boat 23) fountain 24) throw 25) grenade
26) bow 27) sling 28) crossbow 29) bolt 30) arrow 31) rock
32) vehicle 33) vehicle control 34) vehicle exit 35) vehicle window 36) room portal
37) gun 38) ammo 39) wings 40) spacesuit 41) aqualung
42) climbable 43) level 1 poison 44) level 2 poison 45) level 3 poison
46) level 4 poison 47) level 1 antidote 48) level 2 antidote 49) level 3 antidote
50) descendable 51) bush portal 52) water portal 53) hole portal
54) meat 55) nugget 56) metal detector 57) tree
58) bark 59) anvil 60) hammer 61) grindstone
62) oil 63) ore 64) axe 65) gem cluster
66) element 67) shovel 68) wood 69) machine 70) pickaxe
71) nut 72) skin 73) furniture 74) portal hurdle 75) thermal protection
76) radio 77) minor focus 78) major focus 79) lightsaber hilt
80) zone flag 81) locker 82) garotte 83) vial 84) bankbook
85) spacebike 86) vehicle2
6) Extra flags :
Again, an extensive list on what flags can be put on the object:
1) glowing 2) humming 3) unrentable 4) undonateable
5) anti-invisible 6) invisible 7) magic

9) blessed 10) anti-good 11) anti-evil 12) anti-neutral
13) anti-mage 14) anti-priest 15) anti-thief 16) anti-warrior
17) unsellable 18) anti-faun 19) anti-centaur 20) anti-elf
21) anti-dwarf 22) Live Grenade 23) anti-indian 24) anti-gringo
25) anti-martian 26) anti-spacewolf 27) anti-hunter 28) anti-ranger
29) anti-gypsy 30) anti-esper 31) melt-on-drop 32) (buried)
33) player corpse 34) mob corpse 35) artifact 36) unique
37) unlocateable 38) hidden 39) poison type 1 40) poison type 2
41) poison type 3 42) poison type 4 43) edible 44) skinable
45) anti-disarm 46) anti-male 47) anti-female 48) contraceptive
49) <UNUSED> 50) <UNUSED> 51) tinkered 52) randomized
53) enhanced 54) modified 55) lightsaber 56) two-handed
57) <UNUSED> 58) <UNUSED> 59) life-stealing 60) mana-stealing
61) move-stealing 62) undisplayed 63) extracting-(CODE) 64) shiftable
65) key-rent
7) Wear flags :
Where you want the player to be able to wear an item (if it’s a wearable/wieldable item). This will automatically start out with TAKE flagged so if you want it to be an item in the room that isn’t takeable you have to take the flag off. Any item that has just TAKE on it, can be picked up by any player just as long as they don’t max out on weight. Please note that certain areas are only for Clan items.

13) WRIST 14) WIELD 15) HOLD 16) FACE
17) EYES 18) HIPS 19) EAR 20) ANKLE

Weight :
The weight of an item. There is nothing that weighs less than 1.
9) Cost :
This would be the cost of the item if it was sold in a store.
A) Cost/Day :
This would be the cost per day for the player to keep the item. Most items have 0 cost.
B) Timer : -1
This would be how long the item exists in mud time after it is picked up. Usually only used on major items or season items. Most items would have a timer of -1 which is indefinite.
C) Values : 0 0 0 0 0 0
The C values change depending on the TYPE of item it is.
D) Menu ---> : Applies
This is any bonuses or negatives you want to apply to the item. When you first enter this screen you will see this:
1) None.
2) None.
3) None.
4) None.
5) None.
6) None.
That is for the 6 stats you want to apply bonus/negs to. Right now there are none. When you hit 1 for the first state to apply, you enter this screen:
0) Nothing 1) Strength 2) Dexterity 3) Intelligence
4) Wisdom 5) Constitution 6) Charisma 7) Health-regen

Move-regen 9) Age 10) Weight 11) Height
12) Maxmana 13) Maxhit 14) Maxmove 15) Mana-regen
16) Experience 17) Armor 18) Hitroll 19) Damroll
20) Paralyze Defence 21) Rod Defence 22) Petrify Defence 23) Breath Defence
24) Spell Defence 25) Race 26) Speed 27) Coolness
28) Tunnel-Speed 29) Tunnel-Bonus 30) Tunnel-Stealth 31) Tunnel-Protection
So you choose which of those stats you want to apply a bonus/neg to. Once you choose one, you get the basic prompt of: Modifier : which is where you would enter your number bonus (1) or negative (-1). Please follow Molly’s guidelines for appropriate bonus and negatives and the cost values of such at this link:
http://4dimensions.org/node/4DEquipguideE) Menu ---> : Extra Desc
This is where you can actually describe the item itself and anything about the item that someone would find interesting and want to look at farther. The first screen you see is this:
1) Keyword: <NONE>
Like the namelist of the object itself, your keyword is the word used to look at the object. For our pile of hay, you would again use pile hay as the keywords
2) Description:
This is the actually description of the keyword item. For our pile of hay example, I have this:
This pile of hay has been sitting here for a long time. So long, it's hard to say it's really a pile, but it isn't flat onto the ground.
3) Goto next description: <Not set>
This is in case I have something else I want to describe about this object. Like maybe I’d said there was a green leaf in the pile of hay. Well then I’d go to the next description and start all over with the keywords green leaf and enter that description
0) Quit
This is for once you’re done with all of your extra descriptions.
F) Innate :
Innates are any skill/spell in the game that the object gives to the player that holds/wields it. They player will always have that ability until they no longer hold/wield the object. This is a very intense list and because of the strength of the abilities, you need to have an IMP set it:
0) UNDEFINED 1) armor 2) teleport 3) bless 4) blindness
5) burning hands 6) call lightning 7) charm

chill touch 9) clone
10) colour spray 11) control weather 12) create food 13) create water 14) cure blind
15) cure critic 16) cure light 17) curse 18) detect alignment 19) detect invisibility
20) detect magic 21) detect poison 22) dispel evil 23) earthquake
24) enchant weapon 25) energy drain 26) fireball 27) harm 28) heal
29) invisibility 30) lightning bolt 31) locate object 32) magic missile 33) poison
34) protection from evil 35) remove curse 36) sanctuary 37) shocking grasp 38) sleep
39) strength 40) summon 41) suffocate 42) word of recall 43) antidote 1
44) sense life 45) animate dead 46) dispel good 47) group armor 48) group heal
49) group recall 50) infravision 51) waterwalk 52) gate 53) minor identify
54) remove alignment 55) locate person 56) poison 2 57) poison 3 58) poison 4
59) antidote 2 60) antidote 3 61) evil eye 62) absolve 63) chain lightning
64) recharge 65) meteor shower 66) stoneskin 67) steelskin 68) hold person
69) paralyze 70) holy word 71) holy shout 72) haste 73) shield
74) group shield 75) acid arrow 76) flame arrow 77) cone of cold 78) knock
79) protection from fire 80) protection from cold 81) earth elemental 82) water elemental
83) air elemental 84) fire elemental 85) fire shield 86) life transfer 87) mana transfer
88) protection from good 89) mind fire 90) mind electricity 91) mind water 92) mind ice
93) ice shield 94) thorn shield 95) mana shield 96) mirror shield 97) holy shield
98) static shield 99) fortify mind 100) fortify body 101) sweet dreams 102) divine mind
103) numb mind 104) slowness 105) flight 106) battle rage 107) embue armor
108) magic bubble 109) psi panic 110) nightmare 111) vitalize
112) dispel sanctuary 113) forsee 114) mana blast 115) confuse
116) corrupt armor 117) weaken 118) soulsmash 119) demonshriek 120) lifesuck
121) burning skull 122) heart squeeze 123) facemelt 124) electric blast 125) inferno
126) water to wine 127) midas touch 128) polymorph 129) darkness 131) backstab
132) bash 133) hide 134) kick 135) pick lock 136) flank
137) rescue 138) sneak 139) steal 140) track 141) mount
142) riding 143) tame 144) snare 145) throw 146) bow
147) sling 148) crossbow 149) dual 150) encircle 151) blackjack
152) advanced melee 153) firearm 154) push 155) scan 156) brew
157) scribe 158) tinker 159) poison weapon 160) retreat 161) filet
162) disarm 163) forage 164) trap aware 165) parry 166) mounted combat
167) trample 168) joust 169) grapple 170) drunk 171) hand-to-hand
172) melee 173) master melee 174) hamstring 175) short blade 176) dodge
177) phase 178) charge 179) grip 180) face 181) focus
182) martial arts 183) slip 184) manipulate 185) holy strength 186) berserk
187) meditate 188) woodsing 189) hyperactivity 190) true strike 191) strangle
192) fortify 193) manifest 194) scalp 195) brace 196) behead
197) bladedance 198) longarm 199) cleave 200) smash 201) identify
202) fire breath 203) gas breath 204) frost breath 205) acid breath
206) lightning breath 207) burn 208) freeze 209) acid 210) resist fire
211) resist cold 212) resist electricity 213) wall of fire 214) wall of force 215) dispel bubble
216) slit 217) thrust 218) bleed 219) embowel 293) Silenced
294) Imm Freeze 295) Malactation 299) OUTCAST
G) Smell Desc :
This is what the object smells like: ie: it smells like moldy hay.
H) Taste Desc :
This is what the object tastes like, should someone try to taste it: ie: No way you're tasting that. Well, ok, it tastes like moldy hay.
I) Feel Desc :
This is what the object feels like: ie: It feels as if it's been in the elements for quite a while. And by elements we do mean rain, sun, rain, etc.
*Please note that you can put in more details in smell/taste/feel to hide clues to your quest or to your zone.*
J) Material : base-material
This is the base material that the object is made out of. This is not used very often, but can be useful if you want your item to be made out of something specific. The list of materials we have are:
1) glass 2) iron 3) gold 4) silver 5) copper 6) zinc
7) cromium

tungsten 9) carbon 10) coal 11) basalt
12) silica 13) diamond 14) plastic 15) tin 16) leather 17) hair
18) wool 19) wood 20) magic-wood
M) Min Level : 0
This is the minimum level someone has to be to use that object. As far as I know this isn’t usually used and off the top of my head can’t think of an object that uses it.
S) Script : Not Set.
This is so you can put scripts on your objects so they can do special things.
Q) Quit
For when you are done.