Building & Scripting > Building Board

Basic Building Question on Testing Rooms

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I can't remember how to do this. How do I turn off the building editor mode so I can test it like a mortal in the world would see it (ie. without seeing trigedits, etc beside the mob or object)?

Ah sorry I missed your tell last night before I passed out.

Use atlev 50 to set your character to level 50. And type return at anytime to return to your imm status.

That is one way, but there are some things that don't work on atlev IMM's like they would on morts, so really the best way is to create a mort in another window and check it that way.  That way you see what the mort would see in one window and then see both what the people around the mort woulld see plus any errors to the script in another.

Thanks Kvetch, but I am not sure if I am allowed to make a mortal in another window and I am not really sure I know how to make another window. Thanks Bane. That is what I was looking for.

Using a mort as a tester in the building port is actually a god idea, since you can watch the effect on the mort with your imm, and just teleport it canywhere you want it. That's what I mainly use my own mort Emma for.

Just create another character in the buildport and then log it on at the same time as the imm.

Multiplaying is only forbidden in the Gameport, not the buildport.

You might have to ask some high level imm to advance it to level 50 for you however. Ask any imm you see in the Gameport to comer over and do it.


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