Author Topic: TradePoints  (Read 8596 times)

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Offline Bane

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« on: April 13, 2012, 11:46:33 pm »
Currently we really lack a reward system that makes Tradepoints worth wild. There is a very few useful items that players can get, and a a lot of trading areas are unbalance towards other areas. I think we should bring in some new ways to spend Tradepoints, and balancing out all trading areas.

Lets talk about Items we currently have available to use to purchase with tradepoints that I think need tweaked

- Spacebikes - I really think these would be extremely more useful if we could pick the spacebike back up after we drop it from our inventory. Its come to the point where enough teleport to get me around or close to any of the planets in future area. And as of lately, I just walk from planet to planet. Get to the planet with about 20 or less stamina, drop my wand of recall, recall and vitalize back up at the healer and return. If i could pick these up and drop them at will I would always carry one around and carry fuel packs with me. Also they fuel % left does not currently work stays at 0.

- Restrings -- Ive tried to get a restring of an item before, but its pretty much useless cause i was told it has to be a no statted item. In the past that rule didn't apply? Is it a rule, or just a misunderstanding.

- Dt Insurance - Good idea, I think both the tradepoint and token cost is over priced.

- Artifact Detector - Good Idea, Over Priced. It was moved to 100 tps from 15 cause of virisin complaints, which he backed up with false information. Stating one jar from punt = 8 tradepoints. Takes 3 jars of each to gain 8 tradepoints. I ran through punt and collected all items except skins throughout the whole zone and it was about 200ish tradepoints total. With as often as artis are reloading in Medieval because they are set to rooms and not mobs, it drains your tradepoints quickly. Think we should try to set it at 50 and see how that works.

New Items for tradepoints

- I feel that mind electricity potion from VE be moved towards potions that can only be bought via Tradepoints. The only other mind potion in the game currently is a tradepoint item only.

I also feel that the current vitalize potion in VE should be removed. It doesn't really restore all that much. It should be  buffed up and moved to a tradepoint item only. Not sure if weight would affect how much it would restore, but i think it would be extremely useful if it did. Spec since Once said hes going to be changing vita prices on the healer again.

 - Timered Equipment/Weapons

Not everyone in this game likes to quest. One of our descriptions about game is that you dont have to Quest to play, But questing make a huge difference. It may also deter people from getting PK because of the damage difference.

What I propose is full sets of equipment be brought in that are made for newbies and middle ground people that is an upgrade to all the best equipment in game that doesn't require questing to get. Spread the equipment out through various zones to be bought.


Hephaestus in Aegean Island

The Blacksmith in Enchanted Lands

The Old weaver In Old Yorke

Weavers on Aegean Island

This equipment should have a timer to two weeks, or maybe a few days less.(Would be nice if we could get the offline timers to work like Mordecai planned.)

Weapons could also be brought in, Including Staves maybe even a major focus? Maybe even add some items for players who have all the best equipment, Cept only limit it to unique spots only.

 - Set Skills
 I also thought about set items, if you have all the items to the set you would gain some type of buff or skill while u was wearing them. Or gain additional stats with the full set.

Additional items

 - All types of poison and their cures.
 - New item that temporarily increase a weapons dice by 1D1, only one can be used per weapon.
 - A detection system that alerts you when you are 1 room away from a DT.
 - Fix the golem scripts so we can use them
 - Potions that add INN for Detect invis, Sense life, Water Breathing, Space Breathing, WaterWalk.
 - Possibly Mining Equipment?
 - Magic bubble scrolls?
 - Mana Shield scrolls? Dont think the last 3 will be liked :P.
 - Temporary HP increase potions?

 - Moving all Award Points rewards to Tradepoints. Ive heard so many people only get the rewards they have got because of their friends being rpls and just gifting away the award points. The muds not as active as it use to be, so RP events are rarely done, and not a whole lot of people RP together anymore let alone have a RPL to watch and award. Its been talked about before in the past, we have to many types of currency on here. And I liked the idea when I seen it, So im suggesting it again.

The real bread and butter of this to me was implementing equipment you could buy with tradepoints, I see a lot of people that still grind away that dont quest and are gm. Give them something else to do if they don't want to quest to make themselves better.

If we ever get some type of crafting system going, be nice to see crafting items be bought with tradepoints.

Too tired to proof read, might of forgot some stuff..

« Last Edit: April 13, 2012, 11:48:44 pm by Bane »

Offline Bane

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Re: TradePoints
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2012, 12:25:06 am »
Also my idea of prices was not to be something where they could easily buy a full set, more of something they can get a few slots of equipment they are lacking.

Maybe even increase the timer of them also not sure.