I think I'm the only Oldbie now that doesn't have a statue in the HOF.
But then again, I don't think I've done anything truely epic to warrant it. I went from being a stupid kid, to being afk, to coming back, to being afk, to trying to roleplay, to going afk, to trying again now. I've been here for 13 years going on 14 now, but I've had my time off too... *shrug* Similar to Virisin :p He's been here forever, but he's had a few years off here and there too, I think most have.
As for a plaque, it may be too hard to accomplish. It'd have to be kept simple somehow if it were to be achieved at all, IE maybe break down a list of players in 5+ and 10+ year categories.
But yeah, agree with Molly. Not sure if it's worth the effort, we have a HOF, and there's many other things we could be working on

Also, since when has Mardo been here for over a decade? I don't remember him back then at all.
But, I spose my memory isn't fantastic - we all know that, heh. I also don't remember himelas from over a decade ago either.
But I'm talking about the days of Soulstar, Omega, Zsijn, Chuckslam, etc etc...
Doubly also, we forgot Asmodeus. I'm not 100% sure on how long he's been around, but it's at least at the 5+ years mark.
Also did someone mention Toch too? He's another oldbie..