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Offline Kvetch

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Character Variables
« on: April 26, 2012, 07:23:51 pm »
These are used in scripts, usually using %actor.<something or other>%  This is directly from the wonderful people at The Builder's Academy.  4Dimensions does actually have more than these, but these are a good fallback for almost anything.


In this context, %char% represents a variable for a character,

%obj% is a variable for an object, and %room% is a variable for a room.

When using field:

The variable returns:


The list of aliases of the mob or the character name for players.


The numeric alignment of the character.
If a subfield is provided, the alignment is set to this value.
-1000 <= subfield <= 1000.


True if the character is affected by the spell <spellname>.
Example: %self.affect(bless)%


True if the character can be seen by the mob.
Always returns true for non-mob triggers.


The character's charisma.
If a subfield is provided, the value is added to the current stat.


The character's class, as a string.


The character's constitution.
If a subfield is provided, the value is added to the current stat.


The character's dexterity.
If a subfield is provided, the value is added to the current stat.


The character's experience points.
If a subfield is provided, the value is added to the current experience.
Currently the limit is set to 1000 exp. Do not abuse this feature!


An object variable for the object equipped inposition, if any.
The specified position may be either a position number (0-17) or the name of the location:
light, rfinger, lfinger, neck1, neck2, body, head, legs, feet, hands, arms, shield, about, waist, rwrist, lwrist, wield, hold
When called with * as subfield, it will return whether or not the character is wearing anything at all.


A variable for the target this character is currently fighting, or an empty return.


A variable for the first character following this character, or an empty return.<amount>)%

The amount of gold on the character.
If a subfield is used, the amount is added to the current gold amount.
Do not abuse this feature!

%char.has_item(<object variable>)%
%char.has_item(<object vnum>)%
%char.has_item(<object name>)%

True if character has an object with the correct characteristics.


"his", "her" or "its", depending on the gender of the character.


"he", "she" or "it", depending on the gender of the character.


"him", "her" or "it", depending on the gender of the character.

The unique id of the character.
This is mostly an internal value, but can be useful when you want a unique identifier.<value>)%

The character's intelligence.
If a subfield is provided, it will be added to the current stat.

%char.inventory(<object vnum>)%

An object variable pointing to the first object in the inventory, or if a subfield is given, the first item with the correct vnum.
If such an item cannot be found, the reutrn is empty.

%char.is_killer( on | off )%

The player killer status of the character.
The subfield sets or removes the flag.

%char.is_thief( on | off )%

The player thief status of the character.
The subfield sets or removes the flag.


True if the character is a player.
This is the new and official way to check this.


The character's current level.


The current hit points of the character.
If a value is given, it will be added to the current stat.


The current mana points of the character.
If a value is given, it will be added to the current stat.


The movement points of the character.
If a value is given, it will be added to the current stat.


A variable for the master of the character, or an empty return.
The master is the person the character is currently following.


The maximum hit points of the character.
If a value is given, it will be added to the current stat.


The maximum mana points of the character.
If a value is given, it will be added to the current stat.


The maximum movement points of the character.
If a value is given, it will be added to the current stat.

The character's name (the short description for mobs).


A variable for the next person in the room.
An empty return if this character is the last in the room.


The current position of the character.
If a subfield is provided, the characters position is changed.
Allows Sleeping, Resting, Sitting, Fighting, Standing
Thx to Christian Ejlertsen for this contribution.


The number of practice sessions available to the character.
If a subfield is provided, it is added to the current amount.


The character's race, as a string.

A room variable for the room the character is in.
Older versions returned a room vnum here.

The character's sex, as a string (MALE, FEMALE, or NEUTRAL).


The percentage of learnedness in the named skill.

%char.skillset("<skill>" <value>)%

Set the character's learnedness of skill <skill> to <value>.
This variable has no return value.
Example: %char.skillset("magic missile" 65)%


The character's strength.
If a subfield is provided, the value is added to the current stat.


The character's strength addition (if str is 18).
If a subfield is provided, the value is added to the current stat.


The characters saving throw vs. paralysis.
If a subfield is provided, the value is added to the current stat.


The characters saving throw vs. rods and staves.
If a subfield is provided, the value is added to the current stat.


The characters saving throw vs. petrification.
If a subfield is provided, the value is added to the current stat.


The characters saving throw vs. breath weapons.
If a subfield is provided, the value is added to the current stat.


The characters saving throw vs. spells.
If a subfield is provided, the value is added to the current stat.


The character's title. This only makes sense for PCs.
If a subfield is provided, the title is set to this value.


The character's virtual number. -1 for PCs.
The check for %actor.vnum% != -1 is deprecated. Use %actor.is_pc% instead.
If a subfield is given, it is the equivalent of
(%char.vnum% == <value>)


True if:
1. %char% has a script attached, and
2. the global variable <var> exists.
Otherwise, false is returned.
This is highly useful when dealing with remote vars on players.


The character's weight.


The character's wisdom.
If a subfield is provided, it will be added to the current stat.


If the specified field is not a recognized one, the character's script global list is searched for a matching global name. If found, its value will be returned. This can is also used to get values of vars set on players;

if %actor.varexists(testvar)%
  set testvar %actor.testvar%
* and then later in the script write it back:
remote testvar

Offline Kvetch

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Re: Character Variables
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2012, 09:47:15 pm »
please note, you can combine strings... for example:
an object
This let's the trigger figure out who is carrying this object - good for using things like doing an echo around the player carrying the object.
This will let you use the NAME of the person carrying the object in a script with that object.

I know people had told me I could do this before, but didn't 100% get it until the other day when I had to figure out how to get a name in a RANDOM script - which means there is no actor starting the script.  So, I thought I'd pass it on.