Here is another piece of great news.
TMC are designing a new page to help get new players into their first mud.
They are going to put a big button right at the top to get them started, with an easy to follow set of instructions/explanation and then a link that gets them connected via their fmud client.
I am seriously flattered to learn that 4D is on that shortlist of muds chosen for that page.
The criteria are; well established, good population, newbie friendly, engrossing content.
Iccy told me we were "an obvious choice", hehe.
So far there are only 12 Muds on the list. They are probably going to add some more games, but it's still an honour to be among the first chosen.

Here's a link to the page: will probably go live tomorrow, and hopefully we'll see some new inflow from it.
Hopefully you guys will also take good care of any new recruits. :-)