General Category > Suggestions & Ideas

Feedback for New Spell Multi's and New Spells

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How about damage over time that is alignment based?

dunno if that's out of my league though.

traps would be nice if I knew how to make them :P  I'm not sure where to start as it stands.  Maybe something similar to those summons, except it doesn't follow you, it just stays there and explodes

Jason Orsini:
could work,

so summoning acid,fire,ice,earth,water, etc elements that explodes in ways when someone walks into the room.
trap aware some usage to succesfully dodge the blast? water trap, should add drowning effect ;D

and damage over time sure,

sounds perfect for withering soul, and others like it,
being evil in the "soul" adds damage over time, more damage the more evil you are? and vice versa, but wouldn't that just add to the fact everyone being neutral in that case, so then alignment is useless and lame?

could add something like disarm but as spell, maybe encumbered? makes the weapon of opponent to heavy to use for specific time limit? or is that to abusable... or hard to code.

also add something similar to bash but in spellform perhaps,
maybe summoning meteorites that crash into the ground sending your opponent flying on its ass?

woot for traps

how about some skills that require you to be flying.  like 'spitfire'

Jason Orsini:
wouldn't flying make it hard to "concentrate" on your spellbuild up, like lower your multis for certain spells, and maybe raise on others.
flying can have spells like airbomb or whirlwind, tornado? i dunno..... hehe

traps ftw... but remember to fix trap aware and some other shit for casters so there is a chance to avoid or atleast minimize the damage from them


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