Suppose you want to give a player a challenge to explore the entire zone, and tell the player how many rooms he or she has yet to find. This is not easy to script, because a zone with 100 rooms might necessitate 100 (different) flags on the player.
It is possible to make a script (using the following outline shown) to reduce the worst case scenario of the number of flags to {Number of rooms /2} by considering the vnums in binary. However, it might be possible to reduce this number further - unfortunately I don't know what (other) commands I can use in scripting.
Therefore, here is a test case by considering vnums in base 10. While this is inefficient (it's not in base 2), the outline of the code is relatively easier to follow.
I would also like to know whether it's possible to create for loops in scripts - then the following code can be further compacted.
I have resorted to a hack - putting this as a room enter trigger, so this necessitates that *every* room have this trigger. Ideally, I'd like to have this trigger on an object in the player's inventory - so that if the player moves, then the object will trigger, and tally the number of rooms.
If anyone has any suggestions for improvements, or any shortcuts which I have overlooked, do post here, so everyone can benefit

*Code works like this:
*Every 10vnums are grouped together, from 00-09, 10-19, 20-29, .., 90-99
*Flags are labelled africanexplored0, africanexplored1, .. africanexplored99
*But if you have a group of 10, say africanexplored0, .. africanexplored9
*then you'll get the flag africanexploredtens0 (the tens0 denotes the tens
*position as 0). So here, the worst case scenario is the player gets 9 of each
*group, and has 90 extra flags. The 91st flag would mean the player completes
*one group of 10, and hence reduce the number of flags from 90 to 81.
*Of course, we can group 2 vnums together, to reduce the worst case scenarion
*to 50. I think this can be even reduced further, but I'm not sure what
*commands I'm able to use.
*For the code below, you can see I've only been using "if" statements, as
*I'm not sure if for loops, etc exists.
if %actor.is_pc%
if !%actor.varexists(africanexploredall)%
*The flag africanexploredall means you've been to all the rooms
*So suppose you haven't
eval NUM
eval ABSNUM %NUM% -33700
*We want the last two digits of the vnum - we're assuming the zone has 100 rooms, and given zone 337
eval TENS %ABSNUM%/10
*We want the digit in the 10s place
eval TENSVAR africanexploredtens%TENS%
*Create the variable which corresponds to the 10sdigit
eval ABSNUMVAR africanexplored%ABSNUM%
*Create the variable which corresponds to the last two digits of the vnum
%echo% My room number is %NUM%
%echo% My tens is %TENS%
%echo% I belong to %TENSVAR%
%echo% and %ABSNUMVAR%
%echo% My absolute number is %ABSNUM%
*TENS will be from 00-09
if !%actor.varexists(%TENSVAR%)% && !%actor.varexists(%ABSNUMVAR%)%
%echo% I haven't been in this room yet%
remote %ABSNUMVAR%
*Put your room counter here and make it increase by 1
*check per 10 rooms
*A for loop would be nice here (needless to say, for binary case
*it's somewhat easier as we can look at %NUM%/2, %NUM%+1/2
eval T1 %TENS% * 10
eval T1VAR africanexplored%T1%
eval T2 %T1% + 1
eval T2VAR africanexplored%T2%
eval T3 %T1% + 2
eval T3VAR africanexplored%T3%
eval T4 %T1% + 3
eval T4VAR africanexplored%T4%
eval T5 %T1% + 4
eval T5VAR africanexplored%T5%
eval T6 %T1% + 5
eval T6VAR africanexplored%T6%
eval T7 %T1% + 6
eval T7VAR africanexplored%T7%
eval T8 %T1% + 7
eval T8VAR africanexplored%T8%
eval T9 %T1% + 8
eval T9VAR africanexplored%T9%
eval T10 %T1% + 9
eval T10VAR africanexplored%T10%
%echo% My 10 variables are
%echo% %T1VAR%
%echo% %T2VAR%
%echo% %T3VAR%
%echo% %T4VAR%
%echo% %T5VAR%
%echo% %T6VAR%
%echo% %T7VAR%
%echo% %T8VAR%
%echo% %T9VAR%
%echo% %T10VAR%
if %actor.varexists(%T1VAR%)% && %actor.varexists(%T2VAR%)% && %actor.varexists(%T3VAR%)% && %actor.varexists(%T4VAR%)% && %actor.varexists(%T5VAR%)% && %actor.varexists(%T6VAR%)% && %actor.varexists(%T7VAR%)% && %actor.varexists(%T8VAR%)% && %actor.varexists(%T9VAR%)% && %actor.varexists(%T10VAR%)%
%echo% I've been in a set of 10 rooms
%echo% so I'm adding %TENSVAR% to me
%echo% Check to see I have this
set %TENSVAR% 1
remote %TENSVAR%
rdelete %T1VAR%
rdelete %T2VAR%
rdelete %T3VAR%
rdelete %T4VAR%
rdelete %T5VAR%
rdelete %T6VAR%
rdelete %T7VAR%
rdelete %T8VAR%
rdelete %T9VAR%
rdelete %T10VAR%
*check all rooms
if %actor.varexists(africanexploredtens0)% && %actor.varexists(africanexploredtens1)% && %actor.varexists(africanexploredtens2)% && %actor.varexists(africanexploredtens3)% && %actor.varexists(africanexploredtens4)% && %actor.varexists(africanexploredtens5)% && %actor.varexists(africanexploredtens6)% && %actor.varexists(africanexploredtens7)% && %actor.varexists(africanexploredtens8)% && %actor.varexists(africanexploredtens9)%
%echo% If I am triggered, I have explored everywhere
%echo% Check to see if I have the complete flag!
set africanexploredall 1
remote africanexploredall
rdelete africanexploredtens0
rdelete africanexploredtens1
rdelete africanexploredtens2
rdelete africanexploredtens3
rdelete africanexploredtens4
rdelete africanexploredtens5
rdelete africanexploredtens6
rdelete africanexploredtens7
rdelete africanexploredtens8
rdelete africanexploredtens9
Now, it just suffices to put a counter whenever the player enters a new room to increase the rooms explored by 1! Tada!